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Everything posted by charlottechristy

  1. OMG!! That's hillarious! Actually, I'm afraid of calling Josh Mika and Mika Josh! If they were ever in the same room together...I would be so confused. BUT, SO HAPPY!! Hopefully, I would be in the same room too.
  2. Hee hee! Don't you mean she screamed, "JOSH" LMAO!! It gets so confusing. LOL
  3. Wow, okay, didn't have to trade a thing. I got my pic with MIKA!! And, the funny thing is it looks like my pic with Josh! I knew I forgot to do something this morning. I wanted to record Oprah to see it. Darnit! Well, after 27 hours of travelling from Glasgow to see MIKA play, it's amazing I made it to work. LOL
  4. After a while, we all went outside. I about panicked since there was no room in the front; however, once they moved the van, there was an open space for me. YAY! After about 30 minutes, MIKA finally came out and he started down at the other end of the queue. My first though was, “Oh, please don’t get too cold to make it all the way down here.” I heard John say, “No pictures.” Okay, now, another panic since this is all I wanted. Really, it wasn’t too much to ask for. Then, I saw Wendy give him the petition and him saying, “Oh, yes, the Official Fan Club.” I hope they let us know something soon. Then, I saw DCDeb and Tootch talking to him. Then, before I knew it, he was in front of me. Now, I understand why nobody remembers what they say to him. He’s just so adorable. My conversation was really like blah, blah, blah, blah then Mika saying, “See, I told you guys that the Butterfly Lounge was real.” Then, under my breath, I sweetly asked him for a pic and he turned around, gave his manager all his little goodies and told him that he was taking a picture with me. RIGHT ON!! So, I got my Mika moment. I just remember him putting his arm around me and squeezing me in tightly. At least I think he did...he was very close to me. I mean, I could have turned and just kissed him. I didn't realize how tall I was. LOL So, I looked at the pic and it was cropped very tight. He then took another pic with me and got even closer when a few people said, “Awe.” OMFG!! I think I could have held that position all night. He then told me that he couldn’t believe that I came so far and he thanked me. When he finally said Goodnight, he looked over at me and smiled. What a great way to end the NIGHT!! I'm so happy that I went to Glasgow. I just love the MFC members and MIKA! I miss y'all.
  5. Then, the moment came that we were let in and I got my front row with Blue, DCDEB, Sariflor, the 14 year olds (smack in the front) with Tootch behind Deb. Blue and I started jumping up and down. I felt like a 12 year old…actually, more like the 14 year olds next to us that were doing the same thing. While waiting for Mika, we got to enjoy Richard/ Andy/Mika’s cameraman. He pretty much kept us entertained. I kept taking pictures of him and he kept wanting to see them. So, after each click, he was checking himself out. Got a great picture of him signing the flag. Y’all will love it. He then took pictures, with my camera, of us girls in the front row. He was just too cute. I just love those pics. After about 45 minutes of standing there, Palladium came on. What a great band and I enjoyed every minute of them…especially the adorable keyboard player. Then, the BIG MOMENT…. MIKA! I’ll just never forget seeing his shadow on stage. OMFG!! I just couldn’t believe that he was there…almost right in front of me. He is so amazing. I think I took about 200 pictures and at least half of them turned out incredible. His energy was so amazing. He bounced more on stage than a basketball during the NBA Basketball playoffs. I just don’t know how he kept that energy up during the whole show! At one point though, he almost fell over. If it had been me, I would have been flat on my arse. But, Mika managed to bounce himself out of that too. He did look a little embarrassed though as he went over to Martin and smiled…like “Did you see that?” I was so bummed when Lollipop came on because I knew that the show was almost over. But, I just loved all the confetti; however, I learned it’s best not to sing along or you’ll get a mouthful of confetti. When I got back to the hotel, I found confetti in my bra and shoes. I’m still finding confetti in my suitcase…not sure how it got there but I giggled when I saw it on my dining room floor last night thinking, “How in the world did this make it all the way here from Glasgow?” Then, after Lollipop, there was the Encore. I was even more bummed because the “Over” was becoming official.
  6. THE BIG DAY! Did a little window shopping in the rain and just kept staring at my watch thinking…”please time hurry up”…I WANT TO SEE MIKA! Around 3:30, Allegra showed up at the hotel. We hugged and said our Hello’s and then, I gave her the room to get ready. At this time, I went to walk to the Carling to start queuing. I heard that everyone else was waiting for Taxi’s and were on their way. Once I got there, Sheena was there talking to a few people. I went over and stood while Sheena spoke to Security. Security was really sweet and brought us out a couple of coffees. I said, Thank you and I think they were shocked that I could actually speak. I just don’t like bugging security, management, etc. I grew up with Rock Stars and I know how they feel about this. Around 3:45pm, Mika’s manager showed up and went into the side door. A few minutes later, everyone started arriving. We went over to the side and started Queuing. At some point, FD, Leigh and GITB and I left to go back to the Hotel to warm up. I think FD was freezing to death with his outfit. I really felt bad for him. The hotel bar was incredibly crowded due to the game being on. But, was an amazing time and I just loved it when they broke out into song! Wish I knew what they were singing. I got a small video of it. After a while, Sarah and Caz showed up and shortly after that, I headed back to the Queue. Apparently, I had been gone for over and hour. It sure didn’t feel like it once I got back there and started freezing again. I stood in line next to these 14 years old who weren’t even wearing coats. They were freezing their little arses off but, they definitely got us to singing.
  7. After Youmla’s, some headed back to the hotel and the rest of us headed over to Reflex for some dancing. Wow, this brought back so many memories since the whole club is dedicated to 80’s music. We were all definitely in the right place. LOL! So, we danced, took many pictures and drank. I’m not sure just how much I had to drink since there always seemed to be one handed to me and I don’t think I ever turned one down. LOL!! But, amazingly enough I was just tipsy..that’s all. LOL! No, really I was. I swear, I was only TIPSY! Around midnight, I finally felt the jetlag and headed back to my hotel, which just happened to be right down the street. I saw KFC on the left, while walking back, and decided I was hungry. So, I stopped in for some chicken. Got back to my Hotel…oops, room started to spin at this time and I had chicken. Then, I fell asleep.
  8. Around 5pm, Sheena and her friend showed up at the Hotel and we went for some Starbucks. I have to say, I’m a huge Starbuck’s addict and seeing two on every corner was very comforting to me. Yes, I was starting to feel more human after my Triple Venti Peppermint Mocha. YUM!!!! Then, we headed off to Youmla’s where everyone was now starting to show up. It was so unreal to see the MFC in one place. I just couldn’t believe it. Thank Goodness for name tags. LOL! I finally ordered some soup and wine and thought that I drank the whole bottle on my own until RAK fessed up that she had two glasses. Thank goodness…was feeling like a Whino! LOL! I was starting to get a little less shy at this point. LOL! Hmm, wonder if anybody noticed? The restaurant played “Love Today” a couple of times which everyone was more than happy to join in singing. It was a warm up for the next night’s gig. I enjoyed talking with everyone so much…still can’t believe that it’s over.
  9. November 16, 2007- Arrived into Glasgow around 9am, checked into hotel and got ready for the day. Around 12:30pm, went to meet Kath and Abby but somehow missed them. But, I knew where they were so I headed off to Buzzy Wares where I saw them sitting there waiting for us to all start showing up. Sat and talked for a while and then, Deb and Tootch showed up. Shortly afterwards Blue, Carrie, GITB, Babs, Sarahlou and FD showed up. After many, many attempts of trying to get the server’s attention, most of us finally ordered chicken nachos. Gotta have the chicken. Finished eating and chatting around 3pm and decided to all meet back at 7:30pm at Youmla’s for some Chinese. We all headed back to our hotels and some to the train station to meet the others that were still coming in.
  10. Hi Everyone! Well, I'm at the Glasgow Airport right now and of course, looks like my gate is finally opening. We were delayed quite awhile. Darnit, so guess I have to be brief. The weekend was absolutely amazing and I am so glad I came here. The MFC is amazing and I just loved meeting everyone. I can't wait until the next gathering. My first MIKA gig was even more brilliant than I could even imagine. I'm still on a high. Met Mika after the gig and he took 2 pictures with me. I had a small conversation with him and it went something like this. Me: blah, blah, blah, blah Mika: blah, blah, blah, blah Me: blah, blah, blah MIKA: Yells to the crowd...See, the Butterfly Lounge is real. Took two pics: Crowd says Ahhhhhhhh! LOL!! This is all I remember. LOL If someone knows what was said...please let me know. LOL!! I got many amazing pictures and can't wait to share them with y'all. Well, looks like my plane is about to board. Again, loved meeting everyone and can't wait to see y'all again. Take care, Charlotte
  11. Suzy, thanks for wishing us all safe trips! And, SCG, even though you live close, still need to have a safe one. Deb and Tootch, I'll be thinking of y'all...espcially when I land on the east coast. Dang, my flight to the east coast is almost as long as my flight to Scotland. Hope y'all have a great flight. See y'all Friday. I leave in 16 hours!
  12. LOL!! That's all I'm doing today is thinking about everybody. I was physically in a meeting today and couldn't stand it, so I came downstairs and dialed in for the meeting. This way, I can play and they won't see me daydreaming. I'm still dialed in but I don't know what's going on. I'm just too excited. This is definitely my last day on here..unless I pop on in the morning to say see you soon. TOO EXCITING!!!! I think she wants to talk to me? Crap, According to you, I missed my plane! Yep, it's still the 14th here. And, yes, after the 15th, comes the 16th and then the 17th. Works the same way here too.
  13. Okay, all I want is a piccie with Mika! That's all ...I'm very easy to please.
  14. I'm leaving my house at 5am on Thursday and my plane heads out at 8:30am! I'll be arriving in Glasgow on Friday at 7:30am completely jet-lagged and ready to party! LOL!
  15. ARE Y'ALL READY? HERE WE COME!! International Invasion on Glasgow. We are going to rock it!
  16. Good Morning! Hope everyone is doing well today. Well, I'm off to bed. See y'all in a few hours. OMG, NO, make that see y'all soon...really soon!
  17. Hey RS!! How are you? Yay...!! Well, one more day for me..I'm getting on a plane bright and early Thursday morning! OMG!! And, I actually started packing!! Whoo hooo...I'm so ready!
  18. I'm 5'9", long blonde hair and I'll be wearing one big green heavy coat. Or, a really nice black coat with embroidered roses on it...depending on how cold it is. Should we meet in front of the station? Just saw your post above..will do!
  19. Sounds good and it's so close to the Hotel. Found a map to Buzzy Wares if anyone needs it. http://www.nightb4.com/maps/v,714.html?sid=4834cd38f20039d59a7c18fbc8d56104
  20. Kath, my hotel is at Central Station. Maybe I should just meet you there and head over with you. Would that work?
  21. Can someone please PM an itenerary of where and what times we are going to be meeting on Friday and Saturday. I think I'm the only one at a different hotel and I don't want to miss a thing. Please. Printed out your number. That's freaking long...And, I still have to dial a city code and country code?
  22. Hey Y'all! OMG, I can't even catch up..y'all are way too quick today. I'm so excited! One more working day and I'm on my way. I'll be leaving my house at 4:30am and then leaving to Glasgow at 8:30am. I'll be arriving Friday morning at 7:30am. I actually arrived days ago....just waiting for my body to get there now. LMAO!! So, are there any plans to meet up on Friday afternoon? I have all the goodies packed now. Um, if you have a lanyard, bring it with you! Now, just need to pack my clothes and I'm ready to go! Whoo hooo!! I'll be with y'all on Friday!! YAY!! Charlotte
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