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Everything posted by charlottechristy

  1. Did you just wake up, dear? The youngin's are always cranky when waking up from their naps. Noon Nap sounds good to me...but, it's only 9:36am here. Why is it that you can find me everywhere I go.................. My L'il sis is like a pestering shadow. Oh, you are definitely talking SAS here. But, we are related.
  2. Just thought I would come in to say Hello.
  3. Thought I would come in here and *peek* in on you younglings..but, nobody is here. I guess y'all needed your noon naps.
  4. Guess we'll all be guilty of that in Glasgow. Hee hee, I can figure our other languages....or is it that I can just figure out the naughty words?
  5. Well, Kath and Mika are officially on my desktop now. Kath, welcome to my world. LOL!! Sorry, it's boring here.....
  6. In America, that would be "Wham Bam...Thank you Mam!" LMAO!!
  7. Guess we just wont let it end! I just marked another day off my calendar..now, only 3 working days left. THREE!!! OMG!! I think I should start packing now.
  8. I've run out of excuses. Wow, when we tell Mika to jump, He says, "HOW HIGH?" LMAO!!!
  9. Hi Sivan!! 15 days...whoohoo!! I'm excited for you. I think I'll be jumping like crazy and singing along too.
  10. Hmm, here's a thought...What if they are staying at the Jury's Inn?
  11. Have I mentioned how excited I am? How can I work all these suspenses at work? I've lost all FOCUS!!
  12. Yeah, that would seem strange....especially after all the videos I've seen. I just expect it now. LOL Awesome, I plan on belting!! Whooooooo hooooooooooo!!
  13. Did they sing along with MIKA at the American shows? I'm curious. Most shows I go to, the others will give you an evil eye if you are singing along. Mika's shows are like sing alongs. It's so funny.
  14. I almost had a panick attack.....the MFC went down on me. Did it go down all y'all also?
  15. Um, Tootch, can one really prepare themselves for MIKA? It will happen again for you! We will all form a circle around MIKA...he won't be able to leave.
  16. Oh, Robi...I hope he does come here! After Glasgow, I'm afraid of the PGD!! How will I cope?
  17. You brought a tear to my eye at just the mere thought of this. Stop! I have a week to go....I can't take this!!
  18. GO KATH GO!! Who hooo..OMG, that's where I want to be next week.
  19. Hi Alex! Welcome to the MFC. You are going to love it here.
  20. Awe, Sheena! The sad part is that it will be over soon. The only draggin' part is when you'll be draggin' me all over Glasgow on Sunday. LOL!! Cheer up my Dear....we will be there soon. Wendi, it's so exciting that we will see him for the first time together! Yeah, doesn't seem long at all. Thank goodness I have a three-day weekend; otherwise, I would be wondering how I'm going to get everything done. I still haven't worked on my little project yet. I always wait until the last minute.
  21. Hi! Welcome to the MFC. You are going to love it here.
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