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Everything posted by La_Grinch

  1. Hooola! como están por acá? Mis compañeras de thread estan desaparecidas jaja y yo solo pasaba a saludar!!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4hlqgq_xDQ
  3. Holaa!! hace dias que no pasó por acá! como estann?? Que bueno que vayas a ver otra vez a Mika, Queenie...si tienes la oportunidad acordate de preguntarle por nuestra carta ! jaja
  4. Avril did win for "best female rock/pop artist" but...who cares!?
  5. Bueno pero es como tu dices, vale la pena!!
  6. Nada de loca! yo me imagino que si tuviera los medios y las oportunidades de verlo muchas veces, lo haria!
  7. Aaah pero si ya me resigné!! Y mi proxima vida va a ser peor! porque algo es seguro! si va Mika a Argentina voy a tener que cometer algun pecado para conseguir el dinero para ir! pero al menos va a valer la pena (capaz que en mi vida pasada dije lo mismo ) jajaj en fin!
  8. Aaah ahora que vi las fotitos me di cuenta cuales eran! De mas decirlo.... Ana suertuuda!! Bue...algo habremos hecho para estar en el tercer mundo!!...yo tengo mis teorias, en mi vida pasada fui muuuy mala persona, aqui mi karma
  9. Hooolas!! acá paso a dejar mi saludito! jaja No tengo idea de que fotos hablan chicas, si no, no tendria problema en ayudar!! Queenie, hablando de que siempre te pasan cosas con Mika que a las demas no, no hiciste ninguna review de los cociertos o si?
  10. Buueno vine a saludar y a felicitarlos por el nuevo thread!! Que pasen biennn!!
  11. mmm... Bono...ugly Robbie...even more ugly...eww.. Freddie...a genius but...not my type... Johnny depp it's not here (I loove johnny) So..I guess Mika it's the one here...
  12. My first lenguage it's Spanish... I can perfectly understand english but I can't wrote it or speak it correctly... ...I'm pathetic...
  13. yep..it's a beautiful song... Was covered for limp bizkit too... Once again...SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH!!
  14. Thanks!! Sam it's Amazing!! so sweet lol
  15. I'ts a "The who" song called "behind blue eyes"
  16. I have no idea...I think you need to pay for it...
  17. Maybe someone it's interested in this kind of stuff...you know...the astrological things... My english sucks, I know! http://famous-relationships.topsynergy.com/Mika/ Open and generous, Mika enjoys a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and he thrives on sociability and fellowship. He is adventurous, playful, freedom loving, and always ready for a good time. Mica Penniman rarely allows obstacles or difficulties to keep him down, for no matter how bleak the past or present, Mika always expects a better, brighter future. In fact, he is uncomfortable with his own or other people's problems and emotional pain. Mika often tries to "cheer up" or offer philosophical advice to those who are hurting, but he unwittingly avoids or ignores the emotions involved. Friendship means a great deal to Mica Penniman, perhaps even more than love relationships or romance. For Mika to be happy, his mate must be his best friend and encourage Mika's aspirations and ideals. Mika also needs a great deal of emotional freedom and mobility. He is likely to be a great collector of things - a real pack rat in fact - for his belongings give Mika a sense of security and continuity with the past, which is important to him. Antiques or articles with sentimental value from Mika's past are especially dear to him. Mika may also cling rather tightly to money and possessions, keeping them "in the family" rather than sharing freely with those outside of his immediate circle. He is dedicated to the people he cares about and conscientious about fulfilling his responsibilities, especially to family. Family solidarity and cohesiveness are very important to Mika; accordingly, so are the traditions, rituals, and memories that keep the bonds strong. Mika is apt to do more than his fair share in the family and go the extra mile, but for the most part this is satisfying rather than burdensome to him. He is a sensitive soul and a dreamer who is very much attuned to the world of imagination and fantasy. Mika often retreats into his own inner world in order to escape the harshness of everyday living in the "real world". Gentle and often rather passive as well, he will not fight or assert himself, even when he needs to. Mika is very sympathetic and somewhat naive emotionally and must guard against being taken advantage of. Mika has very deep feelings and profound attachments to people he cares about. His relationships to his mother, sisters, daughters, and other females in his life are likely to be incredibly close and intense. Furthermore, Mika may easily be manipulated too when it comes to one of these important relationships because he is so emotionally invested in it. He is quietly devoted and faithful to his loved ones and often becomes subservient to his love partner. Mika is more comfortable showing his love by doing or making something for his loved one, or simply being there for her, rather than by making any romantic, soul-stirring declarations. He is timid about expressing too much sentiment or emotion. Mika also underestimates his attractiveness and lovability and doubts his own worthiness of love and appreciation. Promoting beauty, the arts or entertainment can make Mika very happy. Mika wants to contribute something positive and loving to the world at large and he wants to be recognized for his beauty, artistic gifts or loving generosity. Mika may be "married to" his work - namely he may be more involved in his career than in his private life. Mica Penniman is a natural host or diplomat. Mika shares whatever he has freely and his friends know they can always count on Mika's generosity and support - both emotional and material. His good-hearted acceptance and tolerance of others' foibles goes a long way toward maintaining harmony in his relationships. Mika also has a lazy streak and sometimes avoids confronting difficult issues in relationships simply because it seems like too much trouble and too petty. Mika likes to socialize and will use any excuse to celebrate with friends. He cannot tolerate being overly restricted by his love partner, and encourages his partner's freedom as well. His love feelings are easily aroused and his romantic relationships begin with a sudden electric attraction, but they often end abruptly, and Mica Penniman may be in and out of love relationships - especially in his younger years. Mika craves emotional excitement and needs to feel spontaneous and free, so he may avoid making firm personal commitments. Unusual or nontraditional forms of love and relationships appeal to Mica Penniman, and he is attracted to unique, creative or unstable people. Astrological factors in this interpretation: Moon in Sagittarius Moon in 2nd house Moon Sextile Saturn Moon Conjunct Neptune Moon Sextile Pluto Venus in Virgo Venus in 10th house Venus Square Jupiter Venus Square Uranus
  18. Bueno, sostengo, por lo que dijeron fue un segundito, no es para tanto si no lo vemos mala suerte....el se preocupa por que nosotras lo veamos? no, entonces que hacemos acá como unas boludas buscando horiarios para ver un bendito informativo? nah nah!! que se maneje!! jaaja
  19. nah, son unos tipos nomas...pero por ser descalificativa por no pasar el noticiero me refiero de esa forma a ellos...pa que se enteren (¿?) jajaja
  20. Seeee abrii!!! cambiemos de "habitacion" jajaja El tema es que a es la hora y nada de informativo...hay unos "monitos" bailando o algo asi jajaja
  21. Seee es lo mismo, allá en Argentina son las 3..acá son las 4...me tiene podrida "la diferencia horaria" ¬¬ me complica la vida con todas las programaciones....y hasta el invierno asi va a quedar asi que ¬¬!!! En fin....no que a los 3000 post abriamos thread nuevo???
  22. Para ustedes a las 3, para mi a las 4...bendito cambio de horario!! jajaja
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