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Everything posted by babyblue

  1. Well, I gave you something, 4 people landing in the middle of it all
  2. "I found it" Lolly called, pointing to a door embedded in the wall of a pryamid. We opened it, and stepped through, as the world seemed to tilt. Standing up again, I sighed. "The museum just had to have this painting," I murmured, looking at the many staircases going every which way. I had always hated that staircase illusion. "Look there's the door," said ER pointing. It was close, and yet so far, as we set off up a staircase. However, as always happens in movies when this staircase illusion is used, we some how got separated. A few minutes later I was standing upright on a staircase, talking to an upside down Calvin, or was I the one whose upside down. "I told you it was turn left at that last staircase," I muttered, as he laughed. "Can we argue later, when you're the right way up?" he asked. "Your the one upside down," I shot back, as Lolly called out. "Guys, I found the door," she shouted. "Okay, stay there, we'll get there somehow." After another 5 minutes of running around staircases and getting confused by being right way round, upside down and sideways, Calvin had found the door, but ER and I were still running aorund confused. "Take that staircase, no not that one, the other one," shouted Calvin. "Not helping Cal," I shot back, before carefully choosing a staricase. Somehow, 10 minutes later we made it, and opened the door, stepped through, and landed on Kevin's back.
  3. I don't know what to do with you and Kevin... and the battle scene so.... Posting
  4. I rubbed my head. "Its louder, we must be getting closer to Kelzy," I said. "Its still buzzing though," said Lolly. "If we get close enough for it to be mumbling I'll be able to hear it," I said, as we looked around for a door. We were in the middle of the desert. "Well, lets hope its not buried by sand," I muttered, as we began searching for a door. Meanwhile, M4l and Mika were still on the table of fruit, slowly inching their way down the table leg, to reach the door on the floor (Sorry its short)
  5. I was treading water at the top of the lake, while Calvin took his turn looking for the door. Of course we had to fall in the painting where the wooden door happened to be at the bottom of a lake. "I bet the others have found each other by now," I muttered to myself as Calvin surfaced. "Found it babe, think you can hold your breath long enough," he teased, as I grinned. "If you can Cal, then I can," I said, grabbing his hand as we dived down into the lake. We had to swim deep, and I was beginning to lose my breath as he indicated a door, and pulled it open. Water began to fall through it as we dived, landing it a wet mess on top of someone. "Ugh, mind getting off, you weigh a tonne," said Lolly, as the water stopped flowing from the now closed door. "And did you have to bring a Pool of water in with you?" asked ER
  6. I know, I use it alot to connect to the student portal.... I have no ideas at the moment postage wise, so Arts can go when she gets back from her shower
  7. Heya again Lolly... that sucks.. But, you could get a hub and ethernet cables and run them over the house, thats what we do, only the lounge, kitchen and parents room has a phone line, I connect wirelessly, and Kev uses ethernet cables
  8. Lolly and ER landed in a painting together looking confused, but everyone else was in separate paintings and began moving through doors. Kelzy however, glanced around at her peaceful landscape and took a seat, concentrating on contacting us, while determined to stay where she was. After all, if we all kept moving chances are we'd keep missing each other. "Babe, Calvin, Artsy, Kev, anyone," she called with her mind, and in my painting I could hear a ringing. Putting my hands to my ears, I tried to hear it, knowing it was Kelzy but couldn't hear anything. "Were too far, we'll have to get closer," I said, as Calvin nodded. We began to look for the door, hoping to avoid the voice until we were all together. "I can't find it," Calvin said, returning a few minutes later. I looked around some more, and sighed, looking at the lake "I have an idea where it is, care for a swimming Harris?" I asked, as he sighed. "And I was hoping not to get my hair wet. You got any goggles in that bag of yours Babe?" he asked. I grinned at him, and pulled out two pairs. "But of course my love," I said, passing him a pair as we walked down to the lake, ready to search for the door.
  9. (M4L, you need to be able to move in the painting, because if you can't move then After the photo had been taken (yes, because in a photo, you don't move ), and the two strange guys stopped talking about 'their' plan to meet up later, which Mika and M4l confused, Mika turned and entered the door of the Italian shop beside him, and was suprised to find himself on a table full of fruit. M4l was a step behind him. "Where are we?" she asked, confused, as the stared around the table. All she could see was it, and a strange mirror wall to one side, as well as a small brown wooden door on the floor beneath the table. As they were only about half the size of a banana, the floor was a long way down. Meanwhile, outside the paintings, we turned with a start. "M4L and Mika, their gone," cried Kevin out loud. "Hang on, thier over here, said Becky, pointing to a painting on the other side of the room, in which m4l and Mika were standing looking confused on a table of fruit. Even though we never saw any movement, thier position changed as they began to look around. "This is to weird," I said, before nodding my head at something Kelzy thought. "You know, hiding them in a painting, how cliche. And you probably only had enough skill to do it once. Why we're ready for you now, you probably couldn't send us into a painting if you tried," I shouted, grabbing hold of Calvins hand as I felt a tug, and was suddenly looking out a lake picnic scence, surronded by ducks. I grinned at Calvin. "Well that worked perfectly, we're in a painitng, now all we have to do is find the others," I said, since the group had been split up into different paintings.
  10. And whether they have a right to get upset over him changing his hair...
  11. M4l, are you changing it (need to know for whoever posts next?)
  12. Except they are talking about it pink oranges And cubitiis, I dont think he needs to grow his hair to get the curls back, maybe not use gel and a straightener on it His hair is kind of long in those pics
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