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Everything posted by babyblue

  1. I know... but she needs to stay with him... at least until we drug him with truth serum:naughty: (I mean, she ran off on him, rather than try to find what he did with the real Mika)
  2. CM cursed and quickly called PS "His under the truth serum right?" he asked harshly. "Yeah, what do you want to know?" she asked, slightly peeved. At least the real Mika was being nicer to her. "Everything about the paintings," he replied, as PS asked Mika then relayed the information. Grinning, CM looked at his phone, and set off, catching up with m4l a few blocks later where she had stopped, sitting on a bench crying. "M4L hun?" he asked "Go away, you're not MIka," she sobbed. "M4L, don't you remember what you said the difference between me and CM is?" he asked softly. "Your voices are different and so is your noise. But you could have got that fixed," she said, glaring at him. "Who can fix a voice? Come on, you know its me. We're married. And you know what I'm like, I was joking about the apple, of course it was a banana, just as I know I tripped over that grape, and you were fascianted by the clown fish in the underwater scene," he said. M4l looked at him through tear coated eyes. "So its really you?" she asked "Of course it is," he said, hugging her. "Don't you see what the others want to do. They want to hang onto me in the PPR, they know I'm the only reason we're famous in the first place," he said. M4L stopped crying and put her arms around him. "I'm sorry for doubting you," she said. "I know. And look, we're married now right? We could start a family," he said. M4L smiled at him, as he stood up and offerered his hand. "Coming?" Meanwhile, the others arrived back at the hotel. "Kevin has the program running to find out where they are. So we have a choice, we can try and convince m4l its CM, sneak truth serum to CM and have him confess all, including where our Mika is, or try and find Mika and PS without having any idea where in London they are," said Calvin as the others entered. "And personally, since we're in Vegas I want to go for option one or two" (Sorry m4l)
  3. Well I must be off to sleep now... Night all... Chat in the morning
  4. *randomnly gets excited by colours being on Calvin's myspace* Heya Becky, We sorta did huh? But only towards m4l really...
  5. We could... but then, where would we get frequent flyer miles from. I think its time a company sponsers us with our own jet, or at least free flights on their airline.... after all, we're famous I'll hang to you post and then go
  6. I was going to but right now I feel like sleep. Might stay up friday night though... (I blame it on me being sick a few days ago, still need a touch more sleep) So I might go soonish
  7. An hour later we were all awake, drinking coffee, while Mrs P paced the house impatiently. "Why aren't you finding them already, they could be married by now," she said, after awhile. "Because we have to find where their going. And they would only have just got to Vegas about an hour ago," said Kevin, standing up. "Vegas?" asked Mrs P. "My boy has gone to Vegas to elope. Oh dear," she said, suddenly sitting down. We passed her a cup of tea, as Kevin confirmed the flight they left on, and booked flights for us. "well, now I know its not the real MIka," I said suddenly, once we were in a taxi. We had already packed while Kevin traced the flight. "why?" asked Kelzy, before reading it in my thoughts. "Because the real Mika would not have eloped with m4l, especially after telling her he wasnt going to marry her," she said, as the others nodded, understanding. "So where is the real Mika?" asked Becky. "With PS, where else," said Kevin, "After all, if thats CM, then that means she's somewhere around here. I bet they were watching the house and grabbed Mika while he was on his walk," he explained. "That sounds right." added Artsy. "So we go, convince M4L that the man she's married by now is a clone, annul the marriage and get the clone to confess to where we can find the real Mika, hope his not dead, defeat PS and get our Mika back and send those two pipsqeuks back to clone town or something worse. Peace of cake when you think about it," I said. Meanwhile, after a 3.45 minute wedding ceremony it was over. "I know pronounce you man and wife. Here is your complimentary chips, and that will be $50 thanks," said ther Elvis impresonator (man, CM went big for that wedding) Mika fished in his wallet and pulled out a note, and handed it the elvis impersonater. On his and M4L ring fingers were cheap rings they had brought in a duty free shop at the airport, M4l having lost her engagement ring when she angrily threw it. The impersonator grinned "You may now kiss the bride," he said, as CM beant down and kissed m4l, before sweeping her off her feet to take her to the room he had rented to begin their honeymoon in. Meanwhile, we arrived at the airport, collected our tickets and then all groaned in unison at the annoucement we heard. "The 8.15am flight to Las Vegas has been delayed until further notice,"
  8. That is because you posted your last post about a second before mine *look at the times* I changed it when I saw it
  9. EDIT: Bye M4l... *wonders where Kelzy disappeared to*
  10. *Claps hand* Yay your sneaking away to Vegas... Like the note, though you could have put more ' I know you just want to split me and Mika up'ness in it (jk)
  11. We'll annull it later.... Trust me, this keeps you in the story
  12. Yes... you have to... You're supposed to get mad, and be all. "don't they want us to be happy, theiy trying to ruin my life etc"
  13. *crosses fingers and hops m4l decides to belive CM and get mad at us for trying to stop her and her man from living in wedded bliss*
  14. Its alright Kelz, I fixed it so she would believe again.. m4l, please run away to vegas with him, so we can go mad with worry over you
  15. "You know, I think you lot are taking Mika wanting to stay home away from you too far. You dont want to believe its really him, so you make up some story about his clone," said Mrs P overhearing the conversation. Even though I wasn't convinced, I had to admit she had a point. "Maybe this is us just dealing with rejection badly. I think we should sleep on it, and then see how he acts," I said, The others nodded, and Mrs P began to show us to our room A while later, M4L turned to CM. "You had me worried when you couldn't play my sympathy," she told him, as he kissed her cheek. "Your not even supposed to know the name of that song. And as I started playing it I realised two things. 1. I haven't played that song in forever, I mean its an unreleased demo, and the last time I played it was when we demoed it, which was before I got my record deal, or wrote grace kelly. and 2. That song wasnt apprioate for the moment. I wanted a more happy song for the moment," he said. "And you knew I loved Holy Johnny," she replied, snuggling against him Inside her head, any doubts were gone. After all, he had saved himself by the fact that Holy Johnny had been written after Your sympathy. It never crossed her mind that he had learnt it by ear after listening to mp3s of the real Mika's concert. She was just happy to have her man back. CM suddenly got up with a start. "Lets go to Vegas now and get married. I have the divorce papers that Glow signed ages ago right here, I'm sure there's a place in Las Vegas which can give me an instant divorce if I sign them, and we can be married in a few hours," he said, excited. "Alright, when?" asked M4l "Now?" CM asked, beginning to pack. M4L grinned. "What about the others?" "They'll just get in the way. They have this crazy idea that I'm Cm because I told them I want to settle down with you. I mean come on, we don't want them tagging along on our honeymoon, much less the rest of our lives," he said. M4L nodded. "Okay, lets go now,"
  16. It all depends on the degree they follow it....
  17. The Catholic thing is totally true.... They dont believe in divorce, though nowdays a few catholic couples get it. And if a Catholic has got a divorce they are not allowed to be remarried in a catholic church...
  18. I saw it too.. so jealous of them all... And I dont know, It moved to late at night, and now I don't even know if its still on...
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