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Everything posted by babyblue

  1. No we didnt... we made you uinderstandably upset that your fiance has lied to you about ever getting married Okay.... maybe my last bit we did
  2. I love thier 'special' effects.. They really have a top of the range market. I was so upset when they moved it from its old timeslot of 3. I used to be able to watch it when I got home from school... it made me laugh
  3. Yes... but with our special talents, I think we're more passions...
  4. Oh she'll get the real Mika back eventually... by which stage she will be married to CM with a marriage certificate which has Mika's name on it
  5. Yes...that and she'll be overyjoyed he is going to marry her after all, that she won't notice its CM, and argue iwth us when we say it is
  6. We're probably making it seem worse than it is...
  7. Oh yeah *stashes all sharp objects in backpack out of M4L's reach* Just remember M, you wanted to be remembered
  8. Just be sure to read it all carefully.. we can wait for you to post...
  9. Hey M4L.... How are you? We ... uh.. kept you in the drama
  10. (I am getting even more and more dead by the minute)
  11. "Unless he was lacking inspiration or really was CM," I finished. "But I'm more concerned that he didn't seem to know why m4l was grumpy, when they just had a full blown fight," I said. "Maybe he hit his head while he was out or got injected with a mind altering drug," suggested Artsy. "Or maybe his CM... And I know, we've all said. CMs nose and voice are different," I said, the others laughed. "I think we should get him taken to a doctor or something," said Kelzy, before sighing. "But right now we need to rescue Glow from Mrs P. She's practically shouting in my head," she said. While she went to do that, I went to see m4l. "mika wants to see you. But his acting funny, he might be CM," I said. "Don't be ridicolous," she said, striding past me. She entered Mika's room and glared at him, crossing her arms. "Lets elope alright, the day the divorce is through. No big wedding, my mum will never agree," Cm said, scooping her into his arms. M4L grinned, and squelled, wrapping his arms around his neck. "I knew you would see it my way. I don't care about a big wedding, I just want to get married to you. Even if it is in Vegas or somewhere," she said, kissing him. CM grinned, and tugged her towards the bed.
  12. We all looked at each other then at Mika's closed door. "You dont think.." I started. "No, CM has a different nose and voice," relpied Calvin, staring at the door in confusion. "I don't want to settle down and leave you guys," said Artsy, holding Kevins hand. "And neither do I. You guys are family. Im not ready to give all this up," I said, Lolly and Jacques looked at each other before agreeing, and everyone else soon followed. "if he really wants to write songs, he can do it on the road with us. We're a team," said Kelzy. "Maybe you should try his thoughts," suggested Kevin. "There blocked. You guys don't normally put that block up unless you're hiding something," she said, confused. Meanwhile... MIka woke up and looked around. "Where am I?" he asked, confused. "You're with me, and youre not going anywhere," siad PS. "Theyll come for me you know," said Mika, before groaning. "Not another kidnapping," "Its not a kidnapping, its a life swap. And they won't come becuase they won't know you're missing," she said, grinning. "They'll know, theyll tell the difference." PS laughed, crazilly. "Thats what you think...their going to hate you entirely before the thought you're not you crosses your mind"
  13. Already thought of that Kelz (as you'll see)
  14. Glow blushed bright red. "Uh, I'm not. Mika and I are better as friends," she explained. "And what about Sky's child" added Cosmo, trying to break the sudden tension. "Ah yes, the company told me all about the clone, etc. Thats a technical grandchild, and I shall raise it with love. But you can't begrudge me for wanting a child my son had a part in," she said. "Uh, maybe someone should go after m4l," I said, wanting to escape before Mrs P began her marriages need work talk with Glow. Because once that happened, I knew we would all be standing around uncomfortably. "And I, uh will go chat with Mika," Calvin said, as he headed towards Mika's room, while I hit the footpath. OUtside, I had to run a bit to catch up to m4l, who was walking fast while crying. "Just go away!" she snapped, turning to face me. "And leave you alone in London, I don't think so. Come back to mika's and we'll chat," I said. "I never want to see him again. Why did he ever propose to me if we weren't going to get married," she said, taking off her ring and throwing it on the street. A nearby person picked it up, and after a few nervous glances, kept walking. "Your going to regret that later," I said sighing. "Why, the ring means nothing. It's supposed to symbolise a promise, that we would get married one day. I even planned the ceremony and reception, and not once did he tell me he wouldn't go through with the divorce. He always told me to be patient," she said, shouting. I paused for a second, trying to think of something to say. "Maybe he got engaged with you because its the next best thing to marriage. I mean, if he cant marry you, at least you guys can be engaged." I said, thinking. "Like you would know. You and Calvin will get married one day, before me now it seems, since I will never get married. You don't understand," she said, crying, and taking a seat on a nearby doorstep, I sighed and sat down beside her. "Think about it M. By proposing to you, Mika is saying he wants to be with you forever. So you guys don't get married, you'll still love each other," I said, trying to get her to stop crying. "Yeah, except his been decieving me about the whole marriage thing. He should have said, 'marry me, but we'll never get married,' when he proposed, or even 'be engaged to me.' I thought we were going to get married, I told everyone we were going to get married. Seems I was the fool then," she said, crying harder. I handed her some tissues from my backpack. "Ready to go back?" I asked, after a while. Meanwhile, Calvin had gone down to Mikas room to find it empty. "Gone for a walk to clear my head be back soon," he read off a note, and glanced at the door leading to the street, before heading back to the lounge room. Meanwhile, CM had grinned as he watched Mika leaving the door to his basement room. He knew this fight would come, after all, to all intents and purposes, he was Mika and now nothing could tell them apart, thanks to that miracle worker. Pulling up beside him in the van, he reached out, and put the rag soaked in chlorphyll over his mouth, before dragging him into the van and ordering PS to drive off. After swapping clothes, and then taking the real Mika to a secured location for safe keeping, he left PS with Mika, and headed back to 'his' house. He arrived there about 10 minutes after M4L "Mika, just what the heck did you think you were doing, leaving like that. These girls tell me it is dangerous for any of you to be alone," his mother cried, pulling CM into a hug (and yes, if his own mother can't tell the difference, none of us will (yet)... and this isn't a kidnapping, its a life swap)
  15. I know, I was just thinking that..... But its keeping her in the story M4L, please don't murder us.... it is true though that the Catholic church does not believe in divorce, and as Mika and his family are Catholic...well...... (please don't kill us)
  16. Meanwhile, in the lounge room, Sky was glaring at Cosmo. "You brought him here, he was sending me threatening letter, what kind of brother are you," she shouted. "Ah, Sky, this is his home after all" Becky replied, as Sky threw a cushion at her. "I've had to deal with enough from him. I don't want to see him," she said, as Carla moved to comfort her. "Sky, it was a clone that impregnanted you and sent the letters. His probably looking for us now, but don't worry, he has no way to trace us to London." Cosmo said. "Clone, yeah right. Baby and Calvin tried to tell us that one, as if I'll believe that nonsense," she said, angrily. "But its true Sky. Why would I lie to you?" he said. Sky merely huffed, and stormed off to her room. "So, clone huh?" asked Carla, awkwardly a few minutes later. Meanwhile, after having released Mika, Mrs P came over to chat to Calvin and I, to congratulate us on our engagement. "How'd you know?" I asked, as she admired the ring. "Oh its in all the tabloids. I read them religiously since Muso there doesnt call me, ever. Only way to find out where he is," she said. "Ah, can I look at a copy of one of the article's" I asked, nervously, as the found one on a nearby coffee table and passed it to. I read with relief about our improtu trip to Australia that we kept secret from the press (the trip that never happened) and how my mother, though wishing I had settled for someone closer to home was pleased, and how Cal had proposed (when in fact I had been the one too). Putting down the magazine, I promptly picked it up agian. "The Australian trip, your proposal, all this is the story we told CM," I said, suddenly realising who the inside source who the article was accrediting its information too. "Well its not like its bad stuff Babe, they all seem happy for us," he said, putting an arm around me. "So, when are you two going to have an enagement party?" asked Mrs P. "Mika and m4l haven't even had one yet, and I don't know, I was thinking sometime when were in Australia." I said. "Mika and that girl he thinks his engaged to won't have one. He shouldn't be engaged. In the eyes of the church, marriage is for life, and divorce doesn't exist. He was not willing to work at his first marriage, but just because he is going through a divorce doesn't mean it is over. He is supposed to be a good Catholic," she said, tearfully, before glaring at m4l, and striding off to cook us some hearty Lebanese food to fill our 'gaunt' frames. Meanwhile, in a side corridor where M4l had dragged Mika, the pair were having an argument.
  17. *cough married to glow cough* Edit: posting...
  18. "Ah but you can't," said Charles, smiling at us all. "Why on earth not. That clone has been going around, doing horrible things in my names. Not to mention that article in the New York Times" said Mika. "Ah yes, well as for the times issue, we are currently dealing with it. You notice the PPR, thier sex lives exposed article never made it in there. And really Mika, you're lucky were not suing you over your fake death. But thats a matter. As for the clone, you agreed to accept any action it made in your contract," said Charles. MIka looked shocked, as Justin sighed. "Let's see that contract" As the contract was brought out, and Justin read it, the rest of us fidgeted. "What about Sky and Carla. We know they came here to make some kind of deal with you, and we don't want them doing someting they regret entirely. They are after all the reason we came here," I said. "Ah yes, they came to us to take care of business, and we have already. Mika's mother will assume full guardenship of the child by that teenage girl, until Mika wishes to take over, and the girl will get a clean slate. People have killed for less. The mother and Sky are residing with your mother Mika until she gives birth," Charles explained. "But it was CM, which you had no right to create who got her pregnant. She doesnt know it was not Mika," protested m4l. "An unfortunate occurence. But then, Mika did agree that, in making his album his way, if we should ever feel the need to clone him he would accept responsibility for his clones actions. So really, that makes the clone's child his child. Looks like you'll be a stepmother. Wait no, Glow will be a stepmother, after all the divorce is yet to be finalised," he said, smiling weirdly at us. "Thats bull, all of it," said Lolly. Justin sighed, and put down the contract. "Mika, let me just say now, You're An Idiot," he said warily. "We can do nothing, since you agreed to that clone clause. ANd his right about that article, and they have done all in thier power to suppress the follow on," he added. "And you'll recieve a nice juicy compensation check from that New York reporter accredited to your bank account. Mika darling, you're lucky your still under our label the way you carry on," We all glared at him, then at Mika, for being so foolish as to sign the clone clause. After all, the Sky and Carla matter and the clone were the reason we were here. "Anything else?" asked Charles, with a smile that siad he had put us in his place. "No, well perhaps a photo before you leave?" Meanwhile. CM and PS had boarded a plane from Italy straight to London. CM was going to wait until just the right moment to switch himself for the real Mika, and it was a foolproof plan. There was no way the PPR's would see this coming
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