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Big Girlie

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Everything posted by Big Girlie

  1. Heyyy :woot_jump: Where do you post them?? :drool::wub2: haha ok thx xD but a bit crazy is every Mikafan xD


    you toooooo???? Meee tooooo...everytime I'm listening to Relax, Any other World, Grace Kelly (french version) and so on I nearly start to cry, because I want it soooo unbelieveable much to go to a concert!!! That makes me sick! Miiiikaaaaaaaaaaa save me xD But he'll start a new tour before his new Album!!!! After recognizing this I was like that: :jawdrop:


    Luv yaaaaaa :huglove::flowers2:

  2. haha yes I have this in my photalbum, too xD I love this pic omg it's amazing!!!! Have you read his new blog??????? He wants to start a new worldwide little Theatretour! He have to come to germany!!!!!!!
  3. awwwwwww your kitty is sooooo cute and you too!!!! No not terrible!!!!
  4. @FD: And can u please tell me wich of them I can send to u??? xD I really dunno which...
  5. well ok the last two Banners...so I have to choose two of four
  6. haha ich bin hier auch erst seit letzter Woche richtig aktiv xD ansonsten ist unsers natürlich am Besten xD

  7. or: the best of all is: ABSO - ****ING - LUTELY or the vid with the sunglasses...of venice venice venice xDDDD wahhh I love him... @all: I've heard that Mika reads this forum, too...is he registered
  8. Holy Johnny...hab grad gesehen, dass das deine erste Notification war xD ich hab iwie schon voll viele...wahhh ich bin doch gar nicht so anziehend :stretcher::roftl:

  9. Aber du bist lieeeeber :huglove: außerdem hat sie ein Bild mit Mika und darauf bin ich üüüüübeeerhaupt nicht eifersüchtig *pfeif* xD haha jaja ok is schon alles wieder gut xD du hast erst 34 posts?! Werd doch auch ein Fourplätzchen!! :woot_jump: musst nur ein bisschen im thirteenturningfourteenandallmikaobsessivesfred posten xDDDD


    hdgggdl :huglove:

  10. hahahahahahahahahahah this is the best :roftl: wuahhhh hue laa muuukaaa?! La puuukaaa makaaaaaaa he's so god damned crazy and sweet
  11. hahaha :wub2: I was like that after seeing his trousers: :jawdrop::drool: hehe I know that it could be a good hint xD okok I know I'm crazy xDD


    I'm watching the DVD every time before school, at midday and at night xD I'm really in love! With you, with my fourplets and of course with Miiiikaaaaaa :woot_jump: luv ya, too :huglove::mf_lustslow:

  12. omg thank you :huglove: I've never worked with Gimp before but I like it very much!!! thx

  13. good and you??!!! oh gosh in 15 minutes I have to go to shool
  14. omg...sad story well ok...another subject...haha keti...some pages before I've read, that you have German at shool? haha cool xD so I can help you with ur homework @Roxy: Wow I love your sig!!!
  15. omg keti!!!!!!! I was like that while recognizing which word you have under you avatar: :stretcher::mf_lustslow: you have to know that I'm totally in love with this word xD My mum went crazy yesterday, cause the only word I spoke was ABSO - ****ING - LUTLY!!!!! hahah Keti you're amazing xD :huglove:

  16. and my second banner...dunno if it would fit into the Fanclub...but have a look at it
  17. wow! Your sig is just: wow you're sooo right! ok guys xD I've found another pic xD well don't look at his trousers
  18. oh no... 3 kb over... @Anna: Really...those effects weren't planned...I work with Gimp 3 days now...I love it!
  19. :shocked: did you really shoot this amazing pic on you own???
  20. hey guys!!!!!! I'm here, too! Watching the DVD, eating a http://www.esskultur.net/images/sw_negerkuss.jpg (what's this in Englisch? xD) and being here, talking to you and creating a badlooking banner!
  21. this banner takes me 3 days hard work of my life sure you will send something away!
  22. haha yes me, too...the download for photoshop doesn't work on my computer...but I have a problem with the kbs...
  23. Oh I know this...my mum don't understand either why I'm that osessed...
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