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Big Girlie

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About Big Girlie

  • Birthday 01/31/1991


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    Mikaschnegge is here :D

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  1. Huhuuu komme mit meiner Tochter. Die hat sich das auch mal gewünscht wann seid ihr in etwa da?
  2. A second try: Please if anyone have a ticket for me for Luxembourg please pm me!! I would pay any price!!!
  3. And I'm begging for one or two tickets for the Luxemburggig! It would save my life, because I've already bought the traintix Kisses
  4. Heey! Same here!:D Hahah okay!:D

    I'm fine! On holidays now. Yes, of course! I'm going to that one, and to Prague too! :biggrin2: how are you? Ttys!:huglove:

  5. HEY, it was a pleasure to meet you in Hamburg! So sorry, that I havn't been here for a long time but now I promise to be better! :D

    How are you? Did you notice that Mika will have a festival in Serbia??? :D


  6. Looove i was passing over und ich sah das du morgen geburstag hast !

    und ich dachte mir schon.. irgendwas war da doch.. außer taschengeld XDDD sooo where have you been ? deine last activity ist ja am 21-11-2009 :/ WB!

  7. Schneggi, are you coimg to some of the Germany gigs in 2010?? :boing: I'll be coming to Berlin!!

    Haven't heard from you for a long time. Hope you answer.


    Keti xx

  8. Dunno if this here is already postet... but here you can vote for Mika... "Vote for your Mr. Twitter"... http://tweeterwall.mallplace.com/tw/usa/mr-twitter
  9. awww *___* I wanna have this screen!!! Abso****inglutley amazing xD just came in to say, that I really love WAG...I'm fascinated by his music over 2 years now and every ****ing single song has another different feeling...no song is like the other and I love it sooo much...ok xD
  10. heeyy does anyone know where he has his jacket from? The really colorful one he worn in Hamburg?? I love it!
  11. Hey hun, how are you? :D:boing:

  12. Love you too, goodnight!!:huglove::wub2:

    She did, she really loved it.

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