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Heey! Same here! Hahah okay!
I'm fine! On holidays now. Yes, of course! I'm going to that one, and to Prague too! how are you? Ttys!
HEY, it was a pleasure to meet you in Hamburg! So sorry, that I havn't been here for a long time but now I promise to be better!
How are you? Did you notice that Mika will have a festival in Serbia???
Looove i was passing over und ich sah das du morgen geburstag hast !
und ich dachte mir schon.. irgendwas war da doch.. außer taschengeld XDDD sooo where have you been ? deine last activity ist ja am 21-11-2009 :/ WB!
Schneggi, are you coimg to some of the Germany gigs in 2010?? I'll be coming to Berlin!!
Haven't heard from you for a long time. Hope you answer.
Keti xx