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Big Girlie

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Everything posted by Big Girlie

  1. awww gosh this Thread is amazing but I'm getting mad while thinking about it... 1.) I don't have a partner 2.) But I wouldn't refuse if it's Mika xD It's soooooooo difficult to think about it because (sadly) it will never happen...
  2. awww thank you very much! All cards are sooo amazing!!!
  3. awww thank you!!!! that's sooo wonderful!! I really love those pics that are glittering!!! :woot_jump: I wish u also a happy new year 2009!! :huglove:

  4. hey girls!!! today's Christmas here in Germany and my mother is getting crazy xD she's cleaning up the whole house... soooo much stress (is this the same word in english ) before Christmaseve how are u doing??? Is anybody here to talk????
  5. really?? The 7th of January???? :boxed: that's crazy...hahahahaha at this date our holidays are ending xD :roftl::thumbdown:

    I don't understand those people who made this "system" :blink:


    Yes I think it's unfair! But I'm sure u'll mange these last days! :huglove:

    bye hun! I'm off now...tomorrow is christmas xD well...for me :roftl::mf_lustslow:

  6. hey Cande! When do u celebrate Christmas in Argentina?? In Germany it's on the 24 of December! :yay: yeahhhh sure xD the presents are the best part of course :naughty: xD :woot_jump::dance_man:

  7. you saw HIM?! :boxed::woot_jump: or LICM??? xDD


    todaay we're going to http://www.garbsen.de/images/ptweihnachtsbaum1107_2.jpg (dunno the word for "schmücken" in english xDD) Ok well I can say that we try to make the christmastree colorful xD And what are u going to do?? :huglove:

  8. @Karoliano: Oh gosh?! what have u done??? hey girlz, I'm back!!! I missed u all! I was in Nürnberg to see the most amazing Christmasmarket in Germany yes it was amazing!!! 1.) In the train (8 hours ) someone listened to "Grace Kelly" (he made it that loud that we could here it though he had http://www.letsgomobile.org/images/reviews/0022/sandisk-sansa-mp3.jpg (dunno the word in english xDD) 2.) On the market there was a http://heidifrueh.de/Weihnachtsmarkt%20Sinzheim%20Meine%20Bude%2010.JPG (that's a picture http://www.endspiel-freundschaft.de/Bilder/raetsel.jpg ) and in it were soooooooooo many candys!!! And all of 'em were colorful!!!
  9. hahaha that really fits xDD Love today! Aww gosh!! This song is sooo amazing!!! My story is much more "painful" xD at first I really disliked the song "Grace Kelly"...but once I was doing my homework and listened to the radio (normally I don't do that...) and I heard "Grace Kelly"...after a time I noticed my feet going up and down to the music xD and so I knew that I like this song! One week ago I've noticed a really really colorful CD...LICM!!! A voice inside me told me to buy it and then I fell totally in love with Mika and his music!! But in my "Mikahightime" (what a crazy word :roftl:) I had to regocnize that I've missed his tour in Germany! I was/and so I'm now totally down and pissed off because not going to one of his concerts in Germany...but then I got into the german Mikafanclub and now in here and for that I'm loving Mika more and more xD


    ok sorry for this looooonnnnng story xD hope u are not asleep now :stretcher: xD

  10. hahaha that really fits xDD Love today! Aww gosh!! This song is sooo amazing!!! My story is much more "painful" xD at first I really disliked the song "Grace Kelly"...but once I was doing my homework and listened to the radio (normally I don't do that...) and I heard "Grace Kelly"...after a time I noticed my feet going up and down to the music xD and so I knew that I like this song! One week ago I've noticed a really really colorful CD...LICM!!! A voice inside me told me to buy it and then I fell totally in love with Mika and his music!! But in my "Mikahightime" (what a crazy word :rotfl:) I had to regocnize that I've missed his tour in Germany! I was/and so I'm now totally down and pissed off because not going to one of his concerts in Germany...but then I got into the german Mikafanclub and now in here and for that I'm loving Mika more and more xD


    ok sorry for this looooonnnnng story xD hope u are not asleep now :stretcher: xD

  11. awwww noooo I really like ur name!! It's special! I've never heard such a name before! :huglove:


    have u ever seen him live on stage??? I've never...but I want it soooo much!!! :stretcher:


    how did u became a Mikafan???

  12. awwww yeah it's reaalllly really amazing!!!!!! The dog is soooo cute! And the part where he spoke so unbelieveable dark!! Oh gosh xD I was sooooo mad in love with this guy :danceman:


    wow u have german TV in Serbia??? that's great xDD


    yeah ok!! U have school right?? Aww gosh...that's not fair...and why for gods sake have you holildays that late??? Christmas is on 24.12...or is it not like that in seriba :boxed:


    ok goodnight hun :huglove: sweet dreams!

  13. awwww really???? Have u been in Bavaria before???? I really love Mountains and snow...but I have to die deads here in the boring north of germany between the endless seas xD (haha that sounded very very crazy xDDD :roftl:)


    And I really love the v-log at mikasounds! While seeing it I was like that: :stretcher::woot_jump: because at this weekend I was in Nürnberg and it's maybe 3 hours away from Graz!!!! :woot_jump:


    But what are ur meaning about this vid??? Could it be that it's maybe made in 2007??? Cause Mika was in Graz at "Wetten, Dass..." (a very famous german tv-show...and then Mika told that he was sledging xD And Hirschegg is near Graz...here are the vids: http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=ImUgjJBJygs







  14. no prob :huglove:


    haha that's good xD


    :yay: Mika I'm right here...in the north of germany :stretcher: please visite me xD


    My name is Catharina! :blush-anim-cl:


    Is this u on the ava??? A pic with Mika???!!! :shocked::shocked::mf_lustslow:

  15. haha but maybe those mails were written by fans from another country without english as mothertongue (I think in this sentence here are mistakes xD but I don't see it at the moment!? )
  16. yeeeeaaaaah :yay: sorry that I weren't here for so long...(well two days :blink::roftl:) I was in Nürnberg with my family (there is an amazing Christmasmarket...dunno the word in English :boxed:) I love Bavaria :mf_lustslow:


    yipeeee I love holidays!!! :mf_lustslow: Are you on holiday???

  17. Salut! Je suis malade et nous avons vacances!!! mais je déteste être malade en vacances
  18. oh yes xD It was the longest time ever for me xD that's really crazy xDD

  19. two weeks??? oh gosh...but isn't christmas in Seriba is not at the 24th of dezember?? o.O

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