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Posts posted by sillyjody

  1. His concert was probably one of the best nights of my life too. I freaking loved every second of it! The energy in the room and just the energy rushing through you... wow. It was amazing. I was so afraid though before he came on stage. I was afraid that he wasn't going to be good and I was afraid that my expectations were too high as it being my first concert ever. When he came out on stage at the beginning of relax I kept on thinking "WHEN is he going to turn around?!!! WHY isn't he turning around?" Then he finally did and TOTALLY blew me away. He was so much better than what I was expecting!


    Okay anyway, you know how it was a dance club type place? There were two steps leading down onto the dance floor. As you're facing the stage I was standing on the top step on the left side of the stage as close as you could be to the speaker haha. At one point I was able to reach out and touch the speaker but some how I got pushed down a little bit so my friend was standing in that spot. Were you more in the center or more on Martin or Mikey's side? If you were more towards the center or Martin's side you must have seen that girl pass out. :shocked:


    That was nice of those guys! We had some rude people near where I was. A fight ended up breaking out for a few seconds. :boxed: We met some girls after waiting in line to get our CD's signed and either they were near that fight or there was another one. I was so afraid because there was a LOT of pushing. I was terrified that I was going to fall onto the girls in front of me and knock them down off of their step and have them knock the other people over. :boxed:


    Did you get a wristband to meet him after the show?


    omg yes, the energy and tenseness (if that's a word haha) of everyone when he came out during relax was ridiculous! we were all just screaming and waiting for him to turn around. omg, my heart is racing just thinking about it. i can still see it. hehe. :blush-anim-cl:


    i was more near mikey. omg! we were really close ahahhaa. were you near that guy that was in like a sweater vest and was dancing really crazy before mika came out and just that crazy music was playing? he was really funny.:roftl:


    oh my! there was a fight? and a gilr passed out? because of how hot is was probably right? or becuase she was so stunned? lol.

    no! i'm so mad that i didn't buy a CD, haha. i'm such a fool. as i walked past the line for it i was like "what is this line for? why don't they just walk in?" and then i noticed that there was his album and i was like "oh, i already have that." and i just walked away! haha i totally regret it now! :doh:

    but i did almost get his autograph outside! haha he did look at me, that counts right?

  2. Really now?! Where were you standing? I don't think I knew about the MFC at the time. If I did I just lurked here and it was't for long, but I think I found it not long after the concert when I was checking out his myspace.


    yes, i was there. :biggrin2: and it was the best night of my life. i was standing pretty close to the stage with a bunch of my friends and a bunch of girls that we met there. and then there was a couple (2 guys)and ,they were wicked funny and incredibly nice and they were probably mika's age, were kind of protecting us from the sketchy guys. that was really nice. where were you standing?


    i'll post my pictures from the concert. :biggrin2:

  3. Here's the pic that reminds me of Hannah's....




    I honestly was so upset when I saw this pic. I had a really great view at the concert and I was stand up two steps higher than most people so I was able to see over everyone's heads. In order to get some good pictures though I had to hold the camera over my head and forward a little so that I wouldn't get other peoples hands and arms in the pics. Mika ended up coming over to our side of the stage and I had my camera ready and he was looking over in my direction. I forgot that since he was closer I had to tilt the camera up more to get him (I was just about standing level with the stage it was maybe just 5ish inches higher than the step I was on...) and well since i forgot that's all I got. I almost wanted to delete it because it made me sad each time I saw it because that would have been the perfect picture and I missed it!


    None the less I kept it because well why not? It's still a great memory rom the concer and it's a great picture of his shirt, neck, arms, and some of his braces.


    omg. did you got to his show in boston?!

  4. Yeah, I have my up and my down days too. I think it really depends also on how you dress. I've found some shirts recently that I fell in love with because they look really good with my body figure and they feel great. If I had enough money I'd go buy more! :naughty:

    Umm... if I didn't know Mika and if he started hitting on me I might be a little sketched out. Although that's just me, if someone starts to hit on me I insantly rule them off as sketchy (especially if it's at a dance club/bar.)


    You mean.... you can just flap your arms and fly? :blink:


    yeah! in the past year, i've noticed that many stores are carrying clothes that look good on girls like us! i have many shirts and pants that look good on me, and yeah, i get some of my jeans from stores like gap or american eagle, that cost a lot of money, but i wear them alot cuz jeans are like sweatpants to me... weird, i know. but in my mind, it's worth the money if i'm going to look good and it'll boost my confidence right? :biggrin2:


    no. i wish... then i would go to europe right now. and fly into one of mika's gigs. haha. :bleh:

  5. Well there is honestly a good side to being the slightly bigger one out of the group, you don't get hit on. I was glad I didn't because some of the guys looked way older than me.


    Lets have an MFC gathering at hte Butterfly Lounge! :naughty: We'll have Mika play Big Girl there for us and then we'll all dance.... yup sounds good to me. :wink2:


    yeah, i know what you mean. personally, i would rather be curvy and full-figured than really skinny. but i have my up days and my down days. but i try to make them all up days. :biggrin2: haha. yeah, i hate when guys who are older than me hit on me. it's really annoying and i don't like it. it sketches me out really bad too. not cool guys. :thumbdown: but i wouldn't be sketched out if mika hit on me! i don't think any of us would! :wink2::bleh:


    omg! yes! we have to have a MFC party at the butterfly lounge and have mika come! haha, now, if i could only get to california...

  6. Eye cologne? :blink::lmfao: Ouch.


    I was just looking at the photos that I took of Mika in Atlanta, and when I got to this one, I saw that you can see the opening in the front of his boxers. :roftl: ...and his arms are niiiice.




    :shocked: i can see. naughty hannah! how did you notice that? hahaha:roftl:

  7. YEAH!!!!!!!!!



    Like life's too short to be miserable or mean......lets all have a big party........a MIKA party! And everyone's invited...........big girls, skinny girls......skinny boys (:wink2: ), big boys (:roftl: ), chickens, crocs........etc.etc!!


    He really has the mentality (and I mean mentality, not intellect!!) of a school boy and how many of them have strong opinions on serious subjects and want to have heated debates about them??


    Nah.......they just want to dress up in silly costumes and jump around! :roftl:


    DING DING DING! I WIN! I GOT IT! hahahaha :roftl:


    yeah, okay, so now i totally get what you mean. and yeah, mika doesn't dread on serious subjects like weight or other things. he justs wants to live life right now, he's young and wants to have fun. just like most of us here! :biggrin2:

  8. Mmmmmmmm....I'm worried that your still not getting me! :boxed:


    Ok............back to the Big Girl shoot as it's the most relevant example I have!


    He wasn't going "isn't this great all you big girls here looking all big and lovely, etc" it was more..."wow, all this colour, laughter, buzz....we're all having so much fun....this video is going to be great.....I'm so proud of it.....hey isn't life great!!"


    The correographer and the director were far more focused on the "Big Girl" theme than Mika was..........he was just up for a laugh.


    okay, so i think i get what you mean... that he just wants to have fun with everything? like, even tense subjects like "big women"? it's not that he doesn't care, it's that he just wants to have fun with everything and not take stuff so seriously. right?

  9. huh? :boxed:


    i was at his gig yesterday...:wub2: :wub2: :wub2:

    i was just in the crowd, but for a moment i felt like...:blush-anim-cl:


    :shocked: me too! when i was at his gig back in june, he definatly looked at me while he sang "shock shock me!" in love today! and i started smiling soo big. and laughing. hahaha :naughty:

    did you have fun!?

  10. I mean that women tend to obsess about size etc but young guys don't really care.


    At the Big Girl shoot he wasn't all...."oooh, you big girls are just great....I'm so proud that I wrote a song about you.....it's a topic that I feel really strongly about"......it was just one of his songs that's been received well and it's having a video made for it so it can be released.


    Do you get my point?


    It seems like it's just a song to him......without any special meaning (I mean the subject matter not that the song itself doesn't have special meaning!)


    I say this as a 'big girl' who would love to think that he has a soft spot for big girls but I really dont think would really give it a thought.


    Does that make any more sense? :boxed:


    I feel like I've analyzed to death a subject matter that I'm saying Mika hasn't given much thought to!! :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:


    haha, yeah, it makes a bit more sense. but i'm still a little confused. so, you think that mika doesn't have any thoughts about big girls, that he doesn't even care? that he just likes someone for who they are ont he inside right? is that the poiont your trying to get across?

    but with some of the things that you said made him look like he doesn't really like big girls. like the ones highlighted.

    i mean, yeah, when i really think about it, he did qrite the song in 15 minutes in a hotel room at 2am when he couldn't sleep. but, i think that he loves all his fans. even the big girls. and now we have a connection to him. and he doesn't have to write a song that actually means something, but why would he just write a song for no reason, just from inspiration? there must be something in him that likes big girls.


    none of that probably made sense. hahaha :roftl:

  11. Tsk! :sneaky2:


    He's a young guy........I suspect he doesn't really give two hoots about big girls but I mean that in a good way!


    He seems to be a well rounded and accepting kinda guy would would take everybody as they come without predjudice.


    "Big girl" is his reaction to seeing a documentary about guys who are crazy about big girls and the big girls lapping up the attention.........I'm guessing he just thought it was "insane" "pointlessly delicious" "amazing"........come on! you know how our boy is!!


    When I see reviews saying that the song is about his love of big women or that he's being patronising towards them I always think that they're missing the point........it was written in 15 minutes to capture a moment when he was amused by a TV program and had a flash of inspiration!


    All this said he was lovely to me and I'm a very big girl!! :wink2:


    So..........who knows! :wub2:


    yeah, that's exactly how i feel about him. but we were talking about our first reactions to the song. and that was when i didn't really know much about mika, but now, i know that he's a really accepting guy. he not the "judge a book by it's cover" kind of guys that are mostly out there. i think that's what makes him so unique, he gives people a chance. :wub2:


    and what do you mean by that first sentence?

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