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Posts posted by sillyjody

  1. *applause* In the end he got twice as many awards as she did. The man sure knows how to get back. :das:


    he totally deserves it! the way i see it: he got four awards from the entire world and she got one award, from europe.


    (i'm not bashing europe, i'm just trying to make a point, so i'm sorry if i offended anyone.)

  2. 77678037.jpg


    Hey, Is that Avril Lavigne? :mf_rosetinted:




    Hello Avril, how are ya doing? :mf_rosetinted:

    *waves with his awards, tries not to laugh*



    *20 seconds later*

    *cuddles his awards*

    first I'm going to polish them and put them on the table in the middle of my apartment, after that, I'm going to thank every single fan on the MFC with 2 kisses :mf_rosetinted:


    hahaha i looove the second quote!

    i wish he would give us all 2 kisses! :wub2:

  3. mikaandsomegirl.jpg


    Nice...but i believe some naughty photoshoper edited it...it doesnt look like its a real Cigar...tho its box is near by him...okay i'm confused! :naughty:


    but i still believe he doesnt smoke his lips are really red and his tooth are too white! maybe he's a beginer...still confused :mf_rosetinted:


    it looks like a straw and that silver thing that looks kind of like a case, that's a cell phone. you can see the reflection where the screen is.


    oh, who is this girl? i'm jealous. :thumbdown:

  4. nope, none of those girls are me, you must've been standing like right next to me. haha cuz remeber that his back was facing the street, well, from his perspective, i was on his left. and so were you, right? yeah, but when he comes back maybe we'll see eachother! hahaha. :naughty:


    but i have to go to bed now, it's pretty late. i'll post my concert pictures tomorrow! bye! :biggrin2: good night!

  5. Yeah, well we'll see about that when we end up seeing those same exact butterflies on his next album. :thumb_yello: I would seriously crack up.


    omg how funny would that be! hahaha then you would be his inspiration. what if he wrote a song about butterflies...? :bleh::roftl:

  6. :naughty:




    Well luckily the security guard had taken that pic right before I got down on my knees to be more level with him. I sure hope he thought I was cute and not sketchy. :roftl:


    Yeeeaaaahhh what can I say about where he's looking. They are pretty great. :thumb_yello: Actually I think it must have been the design on my shirt. There were pink butterflies all over it haha. He looks exhausted though. When I first saw it I thought he was stoned. :roftl:


    Just gimme a minute and I'll resize the pics!


    haha yeah... like i said before, there are no excuses for men when they look a boobs. :roftl:


    okay no problem! :biggrin2:

  7. There was NO room up at the front but some guy and girl older than me pushed their way through. I felt bad for the people that were up there and got pushed behind them because they were shorter. I wanted to be up in the front like that but I wasn't going to be rude and force my way. I figured my spot was good enough especially since I was just about level with Mika.


    I think he's a really good dancer too. Seriously when I dance it looks like I'm having a spaz attack or something. No matter how much it comes from my heart, I still look completely horrible. *rolls eyes*


    I would have much rather dropped my CD, bend down to pick it up and hit my head on the table haha. I first tried to hand my camera to Jerry (I didn't know who he was.) He showed me who to hand it to. Then after I FINALLY got the CD open I handed it to him and he was smiling. I guess he must have been watching me the wholet time since I was in front of him. Then after him and Jerry asked me my name and they had to ask me again. When he was signing it I realized that when the security guard was going to take the pic I'd probably be cut off so I got down on my knees to make it easier and I looked over and realized that he had already taken it. So then I got up feeling like a fool because Mika must have thought I was going to propose to him. Then I just stared for a second trying to take him all in because I didn't get a chance to actually look at him. At that point I think he probably was giving me a nervous smiling wondering why I was just standing there. :roftl: I'm so awkward.



    I just looked through my pics and the only girl that I can see that has purple is just wearing a plain purple hoodie. I did realize though that once people had their stuff signed they didn't move out of the way for anyone else. I can post the couple that I have and see if you're in any of them.


    hahaha awww mika's so sweet! did they let you take another pic cuz the first one was ruined? i bet mika thought you were cute! hahaha in the pic it actually looks like he's looking at your chest! hahaha oh snap! :naughty:


    yeah, post the pics and i'll tell you if it's me or not. :biggrin2:

  8. Oh gosh I know!!! I think I might have turned ot my friend and said "why isn't he turning around?!!!" Mika sure does know how to tease like that. My adrenaline was already rushing because I've never been to a concert before, but to have the artist not show his face at first.... ooooh it was so tense! Whenever I hear the beginning of Relax or extended version of Love Today (like the ones from the iTunes festival) it makes my heart race and I feel like I'm back at the concert and I can see it all over again in my head! Well actually it's more for Love Today because that's my favorite song. When he was holding out those long notes before getting to it I seriously could not wait because I figured what was coming next.... but he just kept prolonging it! I about died. I also died when he danced during Sweet Dreams. :wink2: It made me want to go clubbing with him after. I could totally pick up on some new dance moves from him. :roftl:


    Yeah there was a small fight. First this girl tried to squeeze in between me and some other girl. There was NO room because we were already about shoulder to shoulder and I didn't want to give up my spot because I had the perfect view. Finally she gave up and left. Then I felt pushing and I had to put my weight into the force so that I would go flying and knock people of the stairs. I looked over and I saw the pushing and the face of this one girl and it freaked me out! About the girl that passed out, it was before anyone came onto the stage. I think it might have been from the heat or maybe just being nervous. When I get really nervous I almost feel as thought I'm going to pass out.


    Aww sorry to hear that you didn't get a CD! I didn't have his CD at the time so it worked out well. The line was SOOO long too! A film crew came by and filmed us for the news but our group was cut out and I ended up acting like a fool in front of Mika because I couldn't get my CD open. I tried opening it from the wrong end on accident.


    When you saw him outside... were you close to him? I'm wondering if I might have gotten you in one of my pictures.


    yeah! i hate when people try to squeeze threw wehen there is seriously no room! hahha. that was my first real concert. i had gone to others but none like that. it was amazing! omg! yeah! i wanted to go clubbing with him after too! hahaha in my opinion he's a good dancer... like, a good emotional dancer. haha, like it comes from his heart and his adrenaline and what he's feeling. that's dancing. :wub2:


    hahaha yeah, i probably would've had that problem too if i got a CD, i would've dropped it then gone down to get it and hit my head on the table coming back up. haha.


    yeah, i was close to him, but these 4 or 5 girls kept hogging him and it was really annoying and that's the biggest reason that a lot of people didn't get autographs/pictures. i was wearing a purple striped zip-up hoodie and a gold headband.

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