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Posts posted by sillyjody

  1. Luke looks a tad nervous on her behalf!!


    She looks completely oblivious.......and Mika looks like he's Mr "don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry" i.e. The Incredible Hulk!!! :blink::naughty::roftl:


    hahahaha yes!

    i always wondered what mika would look like if he got angry...?

    he once talked about how he was in a coffee shop and he ordered a hot coffee and they gave him a hot coffee but it was cold. and he got really really mad and demanded that they give him a hot one. but then after he left he felt like an idiot and humiliated for freaking out about a coffee.

    i forget where i read/saw that though. i wish i could remember.

  2. is it just me or has mika got a little more manly body....like half a year ago he wasnt nearly this buff looking like he was thin and stickish now hes all man! and i must say im liking it, a lot:mf_lustslow:



    yeah, i've definatly noticed that he's a lot more manly looking than he used to be. and it's definatly a good thing. :wub2::wink2:

  3. yeah, i have a feeling that he wouldn't say that. because he always says how his music isn't only about his sexuality and how he doesn't want people to think about his music as "oh, he's gay, that's why he writes his music like that." or "oh, he's bi, that's why he sings about prostitutes and a gay man." and in interviews whenever someone asks him about his sexuality, he always gets really serious and gets to the point and how he feels on that subject, he doesn't beat around the bush.

  4. Who knows how these things come to light! It's just that I know the woman who's in the pictures myspace and he posted it there from his personal page so I really don't know how it's gotten out into the big bad world!




    Yeah, I noticed the bruise too! Poor Ally! I hope Mika hasn't been beating her up! :shocked::naughty:




    It can't be helped....we all seen loads of stuff that we shouldn't have on here.....it's a sign of the times!

    That makes me want to say that Mika is a victim of the times!!! :lmao: :lmao:

    hahaha good one! :naughty:


    i have no idea :blink: maybe from the early days when one some people knew him, and someone went grape vining through his friends? i believe chances are i found it on here, im not trying to palm the blame off, but yeah, i didnt know

    yeah, that's what i was thinking, cuz i was looking at Greg Wells' myspace the other day, and i was looking at all of those artwork pictures and some funny pictures he has on there, and i noticed that mika commented on them from his music myspace and his personal myspace. and, i guess that's how someone would find personal pictures of mika's... haha i have no idea if any of that made sense. :naughty:

  5. Boobs are amusing for some women too...so, we're in the same place...haha


    but yeah, Mika says a lot of things not directly...even with his attitude...

    It's like there is some innuendos at his speech...



    I saw the video...No words to describe it...:naughty: I won't say what I think about that woman and Mika now, because it's not the proper thread to do...I'm just gonna say i'm a bit suspicious


    yeah, i got a bit suspicious too. and that's what i wa talking about with his eyes! well, i don't know if it was in this thread but, i did say it. his eyes are really intense and he's just staring at her like a lazer when he does it. so, i got a little suspicious. ahhaha. but i'm just joking. i'm not inferring to his sexuality at all. and we all should know by now that mika is a very sexual person. :wink2:

  6. untitled.jpg


    "I always nibble on a picture of myself in the morning like this. It really gets me going and makes my day perfect because I'm delicious even on paper,"


    hahahahaa yes he is. :wink2:

    i absolutely love this interview. especially when he randomly starts singing Sunday Morning. :wub2:

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