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Posts posted by sillyjody

  1. sry, but mika isnt very innisount...just childish....and silly but i think his mind is very um naughty....remember the quick e-interview...faverite cloud: (mika) the ones shaped like boobs....yah, not so sweet anymore is he? personaly i like him a little dirrty:mf_rosetinted:


    yes, i totally agree with you. he's starting to show his true mind and how he actually thinks. and more and more things keep coming out, almost slipping out of his mouth. but why would mika answer that question with that answer if he wasn't trying to tell us something... if you know what i mean.

  2. Err.. is it that big of deal???

    Like does anyone even know who the other two Mikas are??


    What do you guys think he would change his name to, if he did end up doing it? (Which I doubt he will.. :thumbdown: )


    well, mika's really stubborn, and i don't think he would give up his name that easily. but, i think that if he would change his name he'd probably change is back to his real name, Mica.

  3. Wait. I was asking what person would HAVE SEX in a bush (Talk about getting skin rashes :roftl:), not hide in a bush and take photos. :lmfao:

    hahahahahhaha yeah... where did you get paparazzi?!

    ow... bush rashes. that would burn. well, it depends on what type of bush your in i guess. like, it wouldn't be much fun if it was a rose bush, cuz that would hurt, but it would be pretty.


    the world would be very different if pelvic thrusts werent alowwed...sereisouly, think about it....as far as mikas are concered...ME LIKEY! its dirty and for some resond i couldnt imagine anyone BUT mika doing em like that..

    hahahaa oh my gosh! if pelvic thrusts weren't allowed! that woudl be awful! and there would be like, no one! the population would definatly go down! and mika's pelvic thrusts are pretty dirty... and i'm gonna have to admit... that's a pretty good pelvic thrust. :roftl:

  4. :roftl: :roftl: HAHAHAHA who does it in a bush?! HAHAHA.


    Anyway, I was just kidding when I said "invading his privacy." It's like when you see couples kissing and you generally tend to turn your head because you feel like you shouldn't be watching it. :roftl: Hey, he can keep it up if he wants. I like it. :wink2:


    hahahahahha in a bush! that would be pretty weird. yeah, i know what you mean about the couples thing.

    but, yeah, mika seems like the type of person that wouldn't care about PDA. or if he does, he doesn't show it. but, if he likes doin that stuff in concerts... keep it up mika! :wink2::naughty:

  5. when i first saw it i think i rewinded it like 57892 times....but my dad was in the next room and i guess i might have screamed...a lot and he was "wats going on", then i told him it just something funny on utube and he wanted to see so i had to pretend this stupid cat vidio was it and now he makes fun of me!:shocked: but it was worth covering up since everytime i see it i blush..i dont know why:blush-anim-cl:


    hahahha yeah! when i saw it i was like :shocked: and then my face turned into a dusgusted look because i was thinking "omg, is he really doing that?! should i really be watching this?! omg!" and then i noticed that his eyes were really focused on that woman and they were really intense and i was like "wat, did i see that right...?" and then i was like... "ummm..."


  6. I feel kind of awkward watching that. :roftl: It's one of those movements that you feel like you are invading his privacy. :roftl: Look at him tilt his head back when he does that. :naughty:


    yeah it is a bit awkward, i noticed that the first time i watched it my jaw dropped and my mouth was wide open and i had a disgusted look on my face. haha. but i didn't mean to look disgusted! i was totally and utterly shocked. but, it was really awkward and it looks like he gets into it too, like as you said with his head tilted back... it's kind of sexy... but i still feel awkward hahaha

  7. sry but the last thing i was thinking about was his eyes...that a weird body part to be looking at espasialy during the whole grind thing he was doing....:sneaky2:


    :roftl: The EYES are what you're looking at, and not the pelvic thrusts? :lmfao:


    hahhaa well, yeah, the pelvic thrust is the first thing that i noticed but, when he kneels down it doesn't go straight to his pelvis, it stays on his face for a few seconds and then it goes down. so, i looked at his eyes hahaha, and i noticed that they were really intense and they looked kind of mischeivious. :wink2:

    and don't worry, the pelvic thrust is my favorite part. hahaa. :roftl:

  8. haha, i have no idea, i think it was sariflors video, i cant really remember though.


    it made me all :tears: at how dedicated and loyal he was


    yeahh. he made me smile when he was telling the story about his doctor. haha. and then i laughed when he said "but! we're here! :biggrin2: "


    so cute. :wub2:

  9. yeah, i watched a video in the knitting thread this morning, he was on stage talking about how his doctor said he should cancel all of the rest of the german gigs, and his voice sounded really sick


    awww, i feel so bad for him... can i have the link? :naughty:

  10. She got two. :boxed: But it doesn't matter, he still doubled up. :naughty:


    she got TWO?! and he got zero! when everyone voted for him from the MFC?! and i guess the votes were mostly from the US too! well, he still beat her and everyone else! and showed them how amazing he is! even when he's sick... poor baby. :emot-sad:

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