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Everything posted by REBEKA

  1. Bol to moj post s Ingrid Timkovou. A je to moja vina, lebo ta fotka bola taka velka, ze vobec potom nebolo vidiet cisla postov.
  2. Tak to sa bojim o zachovanie jej dusevneho zdravia. Aj vasho (-:
  3. O! Dakujem! To si preco myslis, ze si odradzujuca?? Myslis, ze ten durian ma nieco s Mariannou Durianovou? Teda ak ju poznas.
  4. Haha, to je vyborny napad! Som za. Keby ze si mam vybrat muza co by ma mal hrat tak jedine Johny Depp.
  5. Sunshine by sa hodila ta Sophie prave. A teba kto by hral Barunka?
  6. Sranda, to je nahoda, alebo to nie je nahoda? (-: Zeby isla po cechoslovackach? Vsetky tri su super extra trieda. Sophie ma myslim najmenej typologicky vystihuje, Greta tiez moc nie, ale Juliette celkom ano, aj fakt ze nie je "klasicky krasna", ale skor zaujimava, jedinecna, dramaticka.. A este by tu bola jedna, moja oblubena slovenska herecka (od mojich teenagerskych cias) Ingrid Timkova (hrala napr. v Anieloch milosrdenstva), poznate?
  7. Ty asi hej, ja skor asi zaujmem haluznymi postami.. si myslim.
  8. Moznoze naozaj, ako si aj ty spominala, mam taky muzsky styl pisania, malo pouzivam emotikony, som taka strucna ba az odmerana.. Raz v Gay thread si jeden teply chlapec myslel, ze aj ja som teply chlapec, a preto mam ako user name zenske meno.. Nieco na tom asi bude.. Nie je dym bez plamena.
  9. Ja si myslim, ze tito newbies vyuzivaju cas do uplnej aktivacie svojho accountu posielanim nezmyselnych PMiek, v priemere kazda tak 5 slov, zmysel neexistujuci. Tak ale viem si predstavit tu frustraciu z cakania, tak ich aj trochu chapem.. Aj som jej odpisala, ze som zena v zasade A ze preco sa pyta. Zatial neodpisala.
  10. Ahooj! Akoze kto by hral nas? V takom pripade, kto by hral mna? Terou, bud rada, ze nedostavas take odvecacke PMky.
  11. Heeej? Kde sa to pise? Ta newbiena co pisala mne ma user name Mikasmistress.
  12. Hop! A som tu. Ako sa mate vospolok? Dnes mi prisla zabavna PMka od nejakej newbieny, ze ci som zena alebo muz Rebeka je naozaj nejednoznacny user name..
  13. Fruit on the mainpage of Wikipedia, why not? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Durian, "King of Fruits": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durian
  14. The idea was to open a thread that would include all of us here, not just the few gays that are here. I know that the word "gay" might include also lesbians but it might also not include it. It seems like we are all guests in someone else`s thread.. May I give a personal experience of how the word "gay" might not include lesbians? When I travel I usualy stay at one of the places from ebab.com, the net of gay & lesbian rooms to let (worldwide). I`ve been with them 3 times (1x in Budapest, 2x in London) and now I wanted to rent a room for Amsterdam in July so I choosed a room and made an order. Only then I found out - I was told - that this room is only for gays which I understood like "not for straight people" but it was actualy meant like "no lesbians". So the word "gay" is a generic word but still it mainly means men, and lesbians are there kind of a minority inside a minority.
  15. Why all the fuss then? It would be inclusive yes but it would IMO also scare people off. I don`t think that many people are familiar with this acronym.. It sounds complicated.. I was thinking the other day that we could really open a new thread called as we want, for example Queer, and leave the 2-3 gay boys here why all the rest of us would move to the new one.. Not sure how successful this move would be and if, in the end, I wouldn`t be talking to myself there.. What do you people say?
  16. Ake si mala ty? Ja mam na temu "efektivna komunikacia". Celkom zabavna tema.. Do Amsterdamu? 4. jula.
  17. Zdravim vospolok! Ako sa mi mate? Sunshine, ty sa chystas na tu Ibizu, vsak? Uzi si to, ja ti vobec nezavidim Poplaves si v mori s veselymi rybkami.. To bol vtip! Ja som mala dneska volno (zidovsky sviatok Shavuot) a zajtra a pozajtra mam skolenie, takze som teraz mimo pracovnej rutiny, co je vyborne.
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