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Everything posted by armande

  1. lol, when i read the name of this thread i thought 'what?! none of our buisness!' thats cool, its interesting
  2. ive had two bf's lol they were both very geeky, and i am geeky
  3. haha, yeah i think i will start at just getting to one in my country
  4. backpacking would be so awesome! one of my dreams is to go to a mika concert in another country (somewhere in europe hopefully)
  5. lol, you think like me, none of my friends are great travelers and my family dont travel much at all. but i want to scour the world when i have the resources
  6. im horrible at remembering names, his family has such unusual names too. so he has two brothers and two sisters? excuse my ignorance, i hadnt paid much attention to that before
  7. lol, either that or he got all the good genes lol, hes such a poser
  8. hello, welcome! i cant remember if i have welcomed you before katja is a pretty name
  9. 'Look at me go! zoooommm zooommm, im a plane'
  10. haha, hilarious 'AAARGHH!!! crazy fangirls... just smile and wave'
  11. haha, yeah im on a roll *runs back to photobucket*
  12. Why are you laughing? You've done something to this lollipop havnt you?!
  13. 'Ohhh no! I knew I should of gone to the toilet before the gig!' and 'My tamagotchi! I forgot to feed him.'
  14. it would be pretty hard for him to jump around the stage and all wearing glasses too
  15. haha, those huge letters they have are so cool
  16. hello, welcome! hope u have lots of fun here
  17. i guess he does need them, there is a pair of yellowy coloured ones that he wears quite alot, i just watched the TBA video on youtube and he wears them pretty much all the time exepts for when he is on stage
  18. haha yuck! *shivers* did you put a level teaspoon of sugar in this?!
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