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Everything posted by armande

  1. haha yeah, good point haha, as soon as i saw it i knew exactly what i was going to do
  2. Why did I have to walk into this thread right at this momet...
  3. im gunna go find a picture worth captioning and see if i can drag us out of the gutter
  4. lol, pondering whats down his pants? i feel so perverted lol, i think im gunna have to go do something for charity today
  5. haha, its the last thing i expected too, and then i somehow manged to get roped in on it
  6. lol, i feel like i have said this before, but just like a sports bra! oh dear, i feel so bad, we have totally corrupted the captions thread
  7. haha, reminds me of the 'custom made pants' interview, that interviewer was so crass. it made for a funny interview though
  8. i cant believe im taking part in the conversation
  9. lol, from what ive heard about his opera days he would of made a fine male castrato, maybe thats how he gets the high notes
  10. hehe, that reminds me, we had a huge conversation in biology about hermaphrodites and similar things, it was interesting
  11. lol, it was sort obvious really, honestly, common sense would say yes
  12. hello, welcome to the mfc i hope you have lots of fun
  13. haha, yeah i think we can assume that, seeing as he is a guy and all
  14. haha, great minds think alike.... or fools never differ... nah, great minds think alike
  15. i feel like i should do some sort of caption to justify my posting these, but im having a lack of creative ideas
  16. i think i might have one somewhere, ill post it just to get rid of the enigma, lol
  17. imagine if someone close to him saw this thread right now!
  18. lol, its making my conscience squirm
  19. i hadnt seen that before, thanks! lol, u guys made me laugh so hard! im fairly sure hes male so hes probably got one! lol its not like he plays the piano or sings with it, it doesnt matter to me, but u guys are entertaining
  20. i only found out the other day
  21. wow, ure tiny! im 5'1 and mine are from a 6-8
  22. thankyou so much! it was nice to see/hear him, but i didnt understand a thing lol i watched the whole thing too:roftl:
  23. welcome to the mfc! i hope you have lots of fun here
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