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Everything posted by armande

  1. i havn't seen it, but your siggy is so cute!
  2. hey aussies! and the aussies at heart! how are we all?
  3. the view out of that window is incredible! (and so is mika ) how old are these pictures?
  4. wow!!!! where are you getting all these from?! EDIT: i mean the 'dollar bill' ones
  5. happy 100th post, i would post a nice mika pic, but im in a hurry, lol, i will do that later
  6. bye bye! have a safe flight i wont be on mfc again today, have a good night all!
  7. aww, well wring your shirt out on a plant before you leave oh, Haigh's that is really nice stuff
  8. haha, hey jolene the weather really got bad today, the rain was welcome though ohhh, is that fruchoc that you are talking about? its only brought in SA, when you are here next i reccomend them! bahaha, i just found this from http://www.nataliedee.com
  9. ohhh, cool, i hope i am around for it haha, i always get *that wasn't funny* looks for saying stuff that is really lame and that reminds me, the other day i was on a tour around a winery and this guy and i got to the door at the same time, and he waved his hand saying i could go through and said 'there is already enough bottle necks around here' it was so bad hehe
  10. If I was slightly drunk and - he was slightly drunk as well, I'd ask: I would probably just sit in the corner giggling or with a stupid grin on my face. - he was drunk: the only way he would get a word out of me is if he talked first - he was wasted: I probably wouldn't approach him, just laugh from a distance (no, laughing at drunk people isn't mean at all ) If I was drunk and - he was slightly drunk , I'd ask: Soooooo.... u wanna drink? - he was drunk: no, really, it's ok, im not as think as you drunk i am - he was wasted: i would call you a taxi... but i've forgottern how to use a phone... looks like you are staying here If I was wasted and - he was slightly drunk : i would be thinking *don't make a fool of yourself* over and over - he was drunk: who wants a hug?! - he was wasted: watch me be a chicken!!! .... uh oh, i feel sick....
  11. haha, this thread is so funny! i shall have a think and come back later
  12. good morning ju ju lea, im not sure if i have spoken to you yet gtg turn laptop off cause of the storm
  13. hehe good morning SD lol, i havn't been on in the morning in ages
  14. sure! you can do what you want with mine... i still have yet to send it... i will do it now while i am thinking about it
  15. oh, i completely missed sunrise this morning, when i got up Raggs was on would they be showing the performance at the normal time they show them, like 8ish? ohh, i just realised i might still be at a friends place then, ah well, can only try to catch it, we are having a pirates of the Caribbean marathon, so hence i probably won't be on the mfc tonight either i feel the same way as you PO about being a little off mika lately
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