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Everything posted by armande

  1. hahahahaha it took me ages to figure out how to read it lol, and in that cigarette picture, it also looks like he is going to draw on the bald guys head
  2. he seems to get on well with that girl that did the popworld zoo interview alexis chung i think But he has said in interviews that he wouldnt date a celebrity
  3. haha, i dont know if i have ever said before, but i looooovvve that video i think its safe to make some assumptions then.... in my head of course
  4. lol, i can imagine; *pufff* so, my lady, how are you today?
  5. uhhhh, do u really think this is appropriate?
  6. wow, really cool video was the music originally a midi file?
  7. haha, nice costume! lol, his curls are so.... voluptuous in fmbm's picture
  8. aww that is mean of them, lol that is a very pen shaped cigar then my friends/family dont know half of how mikafied i am
  9. lol, hes holding the pen funny, looks like a spoon or something
  10. yeah, same too. girls will notice if your hair isnt quite right or your not wearing makeup that day, but guys wouldnt care less
  11. that is so cute! cherisse is so tiny i love all of her corset-type tops too
  12. as long as he doesnt make up for the lack of hair on his chest for a porn star moustache
  13. lol, he looks like he is about ready to noooo, not dumb at all:biggrin2:
  14. same, i have always hung out with majority guys, they are so much more fun than girls, and they dont have the bitchyness either. lol, we are like brothers and sisters
  15. haha, thanks for sharing this interview, lol he seems to get up to some mischief. i loved all of his answers
  16. haha, same, i dont think it has much effect on his music anyway
  17. hello, welcome! there will be many opportunites to practise your english here
  18. i agree, it has definitely been manscaped. i think natural is best *shivers at the thought of chest-stubble*
  19. the entire mfc in a box! that would have to be a pretty big box
  20. haha, i spose u already have a naked you
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