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Posts posted by vickylovesmika

  1. Hellooooo!

    I'm very behind due to a hectic gig schedule over the last few weeks!

    I'm off to Amsterdam THIS weekend!!:sneaky2: as well all booked up with a chum anyway for a weekend away.

    I'm still hopeful to come on 7th May too!!:biggrin2:

    Can someone please update me to save much scrolling! ( promise to keep up from here!)

    Are we all to dress up as characters from Alice in Wonderland??

    Do you have a list of who is what?

    I'm sure i love dressing up!!!:teehee:

    Thanks :wink2:

  2. I'm getting SO excited to see all of you guys!!!:woot_jump:


    Me to Rosey lee!!

    I think the queue could be mega fun!! like Newscatle:teehee:

    Getting excited now i've told Neil!!!:naughty:


    any weather reports???


    Me neither!

    I have got a map and and list of directions for Alice to read out to me (how are you supposed to read a map while driving? I've never worked that one out) I certainly couldn't do your job, Rose!

    If all else fails I'll do what we I did in Birmingham and abandon the car in the nearest carpark and get a taxi to the venue!


    looking forward to seeing you!!

    last time you were in charge of a wheelchair!!:teehee:

  3. Can you get one for Freddie too please! I had a text from him earlier saying that Mika is playing Wales, I thought that he had some inside info on a Cardiff gig, so I rang him up and it turns out he thought that Bristol is in Wales!:roftl:

    (as if anyone from Sunderland, Scotland would know!:naughty:)


    Awwwwww I love figaros. They're amazing.


    Well Viv and I are driving down tonight (learned from Glasgow that driving on the day puts me in a foul mood) so we can just check in on the queue mid morning and see what's happening.


    See you sooooon!

    just booked my taxi fro 6am tomorrow ....yikes!:naughty:

  4. Promised Jazzy I'd post this straight away ... Monie also says Hi ... she was a Lollipop Girl :wub2:



    Well i'm so thrilled you guys got to get your photo as you missed out at Brum!

    What a fab pic!!!

    I had to check this before going off to work!!:aah:

    Well done everyone!!:wub2:

    Hope to see Monie etc in picutre too x


    WHAT A SHOW!!!

    Despite all the problems, BG leg not inflating quick enough, Davids keyboards deciding not to work, I See You becoming No We Can't because the smoke machine went crazy, nearly choking the front row on Martins side, and the extended BG/LGprocession, Mika put on a storming show!

    He did say that he needed our help at one stage, so we did what he asked of us, and I think he was, because he got down on his knees and bowed down to us. Not that he needed to, as we were totally up for it.


    The queueing got a bit chaotic when we were inside, I think that was due to some languauge barrier, but mainly down to people wantig to push up the queue.

    Now even if we didn't have the numbers system, the fact remains, if you get to a queue after some one else, whether it be a bus stop, bank, cinema, or concert, you stay behind them, it's common courtesy. It's not rocket science!


    Jazzy, Laurel and myself were lucky to get to meet Mika quickly after the show, John was sweet enough to do this, as we missed out last Thursday in Birmingham. It was very kind of Mika, as I'm sure he was shattered and I wouldn't have blamed him if he'd said no, in fact I honestly thought he would. But being the sweet guy that he is, he did this for us, and we are incredibly grateful.


    So roll on tonight!

    so glad it was a great gig apart from some queing matter!:aah:

    So nice of Mika to say Yes to you all, he really does do so much for his fans that guy!:wub2: Have more fun tonite lucky ones!!!

  5. Good to see the Glasgow/Newcastle posse are gonna be there:thumb_yello:

    We are gonna ROCK Bristol!!!:woot_jump:


    oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:naughty:

    Canny friggin wait!!!

    RL is just so not happening until this is over!!!


    Im getting there for about 6.30 to 7 with my kids, seats, very civilised for a change, will be chucking sweets down on the likes of Rak1 and vick in the front row. After we will head to the stage door, so see you there :))))



    oooh thanks, can i have some cola bottles and flying saucers please!!!:teehee:

    Can't wait to see you again xxx

  6. I honestly think people DO forget this. The culture of MFC and their repeated interaction with Mika makes them forget what it was like before they met him for the first time. (I'm not talking about Laurel here as I've brought this up many times before and sorry to say I'll be bringing it up again when I see the need. :teehee:)


    Yeah sometimes we all do and expect so much from him now ...far more than i ever expected after 2007 .... the first time for me ....

    I remember a lot of chat about how it would never be the same again but the week I've just experienced and the interaction I've had with him has been nothing short of phenomenal really .......

    I still think we all need a bit of comfort sometimes tho and a bit of a reality chat to help and I'll say it when needed too:teehee:



    The M and G was probably the best one Ive been to .. and you know .. there was no barriers


    Agree .....

    Agree it was fab and our group at the end which he obviously felt comfortable with got some really lovely interaction ..........:biggrin2:


    Yes for me I do see an overview .. the note book , meeting him and the band and the signatures just made it :wub2:


    You cant get enough signed things :wub2:


    Yes in your case .. more energy for the next one :aah:


    I could get DEEPLY hurt that I was not a big girl / man / thing .. but I just shook it off as not possible rather than .. he hates me:aah:


    Big girl man thing ...... grrrrr:blush-anim-cl:


    Could I just say I only enjoyed Glasgow more for one reason ... :biggrin2:


    EYE CONTACT ... EYE CONTACT .... EYE CONTACT ... That's it and well apart from it being my first gig of this tour and I'd not watched many videos of it ...


    Mika does not give a bad show ... Newcastle wasn't a bad show ... he's an utterly brilliant performer .... What happened after happened ... and I don't even care about it anymore .... I lost a friend of mine on Friday morning ... I've known her my entire life ... she died very suddenly ... so whinging about what he does or does not sign after a gig ... is meaningless ... life's too short ... I go to gigs .... I'm not expecting anything else anymore .... if it happens - it's a bonus ... least I'm bloody alive to enjoy things like London tomorrow ... that's what's important ... can we drop this subject now ... I'm a fan ... and I love him to bits ... end of story :wub2:


    Sorry Laurel ..... hugs :huglove:


    ps wish i was in London NOW!!!!!!!:teehee:

  7. oh sorry one more thing!!

    I've been to quite a lot of gigs in my time and esp recently and i can tell you, (as we all know!) what Mika does is not the rule for most bands or artists .... but the exception .. i know we all know ...just saying again ..on a roll!:aah:

    I've seen some really poor fan treatment by other artists ...

    one i;ll mention was The Kooks at Edinburgh Corn Change where basically there were only 3 fans waiting who wanted an autograph on their ticket ....

    I'd asked one of the support guys from Palladium ( Fez, anyone remember!?)if he could ask for them... as the band had seen them but just ignored the fans and walked past ...

    He did go and ask them and even so they refused and went in to the bus!:shocked: Fez came back to say sorry he'd tried but they weren't his friends really .......poor show i felt esp in comparison to our boy!

    However other artists have been nice like The Feeling but i think it would take a long long way to beat MiKa!!!!

  8. Hello , back again and read over everything ...

    I think the thing is we all know how special a guy Mika is and how lucky and privileged we are here in the UK esp ..to have such access to him and all truly know at the end of each emotional day that we have a great guy to follow .... period.......:biggrin2:

    As Mrs P told me in Sheffield ...

    it would be so much easier to have the same girls as lollipops and big girls ever night BUT " Mika wants it to be the fans"!!!

    (And i saw the work that goes in to this and believe me it is hard work for them all ....)

    I know this and so do we all or we wouldn't be here but equally we are all human and can feel emotional, hurt, frustrated, upset or ignored sometimes, justifiably or not because we are all people....

    The great thing is we can come here and talk to others who understand and i think being supportive to each other is very important.

    Equally it is also good to be able to say ..."hell wait a minute this guy is amazing!"

    I know that most of us all know that anyway but it's only human and natural to sometimes want to talk it over and i know that it helped me the time i felt this some time ago ..... having a people here who understand is very comforting....

    We can't all be strong all the time but i think most people here understand that we sometimes get it a bit wrong and quickly get back on the road to the next travelodge!:blush-anim-cl:


    oh one more thing ...

    People keep saying to me when i show them pics etc of my antics ....

    wow how the hell did you manage to be on stage with him ...!!

    You've met him???? WOW .....and more than once!!! WOW ......

    YES we are very lucky ... i never forget this ......

    In my days as a Duranie i never once met John Taylor, Nick Rhodes or Simon Le Bon and it was only ever really a fantasy that would!!!!


  9. I have to say firstly ... I enjoyed Mika more in Glasgow then in Newcastle ... sorry Freddie ... don't hit me ... I know it's your home gig ... but I just thought it was ... maybe my postition in the front row right in front of Mika might have added to this opinion ... but ... god ... he is amazing ... I could just spend my nights going to different Mika gigs ... oh ... but I am at the moment ... I don't think I could keep up with him though .... I don't really know what to add that I didn't put in the Glasgow thread ... I just feel honoured to see him when he's on top of his game ... I just love his shows to bits and it always makes me want more and leaves me on such a high ... or it did up until this night ... I was on a high ... I was buzzing .. I was able to take videos this time .... took tons ... didn't get as much eye contact ... but not to bothered about that - went off to buy some merch ... couldn't get a personalised notebook thing ... bought a totebag and a plain notebook for £18.00. Won't bother mentioning the Meet and Greet ... went back to the hotel and set my alarm for 5.00am ... bus would leave Newcastle for Birmingham at 6.30am but strangely ... I wasn't that up for it and kind of wishing I could just go home ... :aah:


    aww Laurel ... i know you had a bad thing with the notebook signing and it was odd but you mustn't feel it was personal or anything like that ....we all have these moments and it is like this when you go to so many gigs in a row that sometimes things don't go as well as you want ... i just watched the Glasgow mandg video which i will be ever thankful to you for recording as it captures him laughing with me ...he also says to you .." how you doing" i notice :wub2:

    fan life is the ruff with the smooth but i really hope sunday tops it all for you and you and the other girls get to meet him properly xxx:wub2:

  10. Jealous? what makes you say that? :teehee:


    I also noticed the band was very much removed from the front of the stage because it was very different from the North American tour. Funny how it's virtually the same set musically but this tour has a completely different vibe. If I didn't "know" the band already I wouldn't have noticed them at all and in fact I had to make a conscious effort to look at Jimmy and iMMa a couple of times because Mika was just THERE the whole time. His performances are so compelling this time I almost never looked at anything or anyone else.

    Yes agree!!:teehee:


    Could it be the fact that he's always sticking his middle finger up, calling them a$$holes or introducing them with the wrong name? :roftl:

    He's been quite rude this tour really !!!:sneaky2:


    Why not? Erik's lovely! :aah:



    Which reminds me, have you got that pic of us with him Vicky?


    oh yeah .... sory will go check now!!!:wink2:

  11. Oooh, that's a great pic, I love the lighting, it's so atmospheric :teehee:



    Thanks, it is great isn't it!!


    another one of drumming ....








    Wonka, you are a genius :lmfao: I bow down to you :naughty:

    Oh, and to comment on that review, this is something that I noticed since the first show in Belfast. It seems as if Mika has made the band stand back a lot more now, and is taking his center stage position much more than before. He used to be involving the band a lot more earlier on, and now it's a bit like he puts them at the back and only gets them out in the limelight on very few occasions.


    Oh yes, but I never said that they don't have fun together, or that they don't get on, or anything like that. They have a great chemistry, and have a good time together, clearly. I just see a difference in the way it's "set up" and thought out, that's all. Even in small stages.

    I would be interested to hear if anyone else sees it that way.


    Yes i do.

    I tohught this very much this time and at one time i even felt he was sort of 'jealous' of attention they received .... something i noticed .... maybe wrong but .......i do think they are much more in the background now .... he forgets most nights to even mention them really ....... that's fine but a change like you say .......


    This is the ticket he signed for me:wub2:


    His reaction was .. ohh something to forget (or along those line) .. I said No way !! it was a classic gig .. I wanted to gig it to him .. its very very unique .. but he didnt .. so here you go :biggrin2:




    This was brilliant!!! I am so pleased .... he was in good chat that night too again ....

    A couple of M&G pics




    Thank you....my side ..Mika's back!!!:teehee:

    never realised so many security guys there either!!



    Hey, I recognise the top pic, that's when I was trying to set his puppet up on a date with Sparklys, and he told me I needed help, he's probably not wrong! LOL!!!



    He was funny that night i think ....

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