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Posts posted by vickylovesmika

  1. http://twitpic.com/20ybsj


    Then Diana Vickers got on stage. http://twitpic.com/20y2vi

    Happy bassplayer included. http://twitpic.com/20y33g


    Wearing the blue 'it's got my name on it!' bracelet: http://twitpic.com/20yqr6




    Summarized: IT WAS THE BEST GIG I'VE EVER BEEN TO. It was so much more then I expected it to be! I didn't expect that much, cause I didn't want to be disappointed, but all my dreams came true! Thanks everyone for making this gig freakin brilliant! :fangurl:


    This was a great report!

    Same gig i was at for sure!!:teehee:

    I'm so glad you caught the bored bass player so well!! He was awful:aah:

    Your photos are all excellent!!:biggrin2:

  2. I knew this was going to be awsome, but never thought it'd go like this...

    Thank you everyone for the longest reports evah on MFC history, we feel like really being there...

    Freddie, your fun and sweet while being a man somewhere else report made my day....:lmao:

    Ingie, you rock, girl...

    Silver and other girls, you guys are golden...

    Glad you enjoy the long stories! Sometimes feel writing too much but TBH i could go on more!! Don't worry, i won't:sneaky2:

  3. Well I really think this is in my top 3 Mika gigs and I’m trying to work out exactly why …they are all great to be at but sometimes it all comes together to make it extra fun! It just felt good ….:biggrin2:

    The sun was shining, my easy flight direct to Newquay from Edinburgh, seeing friends ..freaks and all the pretty relaxed atmosphere all helped …

    I had a great Saturday with Kath and Mr Kath in the sun all afternoon and then meeting up with lots of people on Saturday night… this makes it all the more special of course , sharing the experiences …it was so good to see so many people come along, introduce themselves and join in ..that’s what it’s about. Ingie enjoyed practicing her tattooing on my arm and I didn’t mind too much!!:sneaky2: It was good pre gig night anyway ... even if not the most pretty pub in that beautiful part of the world!

    Anyway enough of that but Sunday was a beautiful day and getting to Eden was no trouble thanks to Kath’s hire car! Met up with all the peeps and headed in to the garden of Eden :biggrin2:

    The place wasn’t too mobbed all day and we got to have a look around the biomes, chill out, drink eat ice creams and everything all day before we had to endure the long stand! Jazzy was spot on as we were walking round the rainforest biome when she said ‘it’s like a school trip for the MFC!’ ..lol so it was!

    We had good fun in the Mediterranean biome as we all spoke mock Italian for Allegra! Lol …. I do love the fact I have got to meet so many people form so many places via the MFC! We got to watch the sound check too , in the sun and with some audience participation ..how good was that!:wub2:

    Anyway the queue bit was OK as it was warm and sunny and friends to chat to …

    Got a great spot in front of fave iMMa and Jimmy ..(I do love being infront of iMMa as she gives tonnes of encouragement and chat from the stage) great people to chat to round about too … (lovely to see mikamad and Alice again esp on the day)

    Diana Vickers was bearable the ‘once’ … I’ve made that pun too many times already ..sorry but her wardrobe malfunction and bored looking bass player were a bit of a cringe however we got through it unscathed! ( if only she’s gone and got a safety pin!) We had a bit of a sing long to 'once' cause I think we knew it was nearly the end and nearly Mika time!:biggrin2:

    The set looked great, the cloth clown backdrop with the flowers peeping out from behind and lots of flowers everywhere …soon to be strewn across the audience..:naughty:

    Mika’s entry was less dramatic than usual without any of the usual build up ..spacemen, Rain storm or the like so he was suddenly there .. wow … he was his usual very bouncy self and worked the stage .. you know he’s checking out who’s there too which is funny… the knowing smiles and real appreciation of the crowd away to the back …

    Highlights for me were splitting the audience for BIOTG …the spontaneous throwing of the flowers .. Kick Ass, putting on the wristband we threw, iMMa’s interaction and her floral dress, Mika’s waistcoat and horticultural hat, seeing Ingie, FD and Jazzy carry the toy boy and dancing like mad on stage, lots more I’m sure but for just now … the crowd did seem great tho sometimes at the front it is hard to tell and see back but it looked amazing ..esp as the sun went down ... seeing lots of flowers being waved was lovely esp as he'd wanted to do it and it was very funny when they weren't coming out at all easy ..iMMa came to his aid tho!!

    We weren’t sure how the ending was going to be but when the guys form the stage came out they were so excited that we hung about and chatted and then next thing Mika was out and doing his signing stuff and we had a wee chat too, very unexpected this one but he always appreciates the efforts people go to I think and was kind with his words ..a lot of people were asking things of him …around us ..to be drawn on for a tattoo , to become a patron of a charity … etc ..wow … then he was gone and we had the walk back to cars etc via the merch again and loo’s but alas no pasties! We seemed to be last out as behind us were about 20 security guys … was funny looked like we were being escorted by them .. thanks to Mikamad who was going to give us a lift home but we spotted at bus for St Austell. The usual late night chat and banter is always fun and then I got a few hours sleep before we headed for Newquay airport for our Edinburgh flight …Kath and I had a very nice chat with David as we’ve said and soon as we knew it we were back in Edinburgh!

    Tons of great memories, tons of fun and that’s all form me just now but it’s not all form him .... the music and Mika goes on ....


  4. I think the main pull for me was that Ingie and Fred were going, and I knew it would be a massive party with those guys involved. Plus I was so tired because I woke up at half five and couldn't get back to sleep, and being a dancer means you can chill a little bit and don't have to stand around waiting for the acts, etc. Plus I was determined to give Mika his shirt and thought he would be going straight away after the gig, so it was a culmination of all that really. Brilliant weekend, can't wait to read your report! I had to go back and keep adding details into mine. I don't think I'd have been able to write a proper one until this morning, because it was all still so blurry.

    Agree totally, it's the people you experience it with that makes it special:wub2:

    Kath, Ruth and i had a blast in Sheffield as it was so spontaneous ..basically main motivation was to get out of the cold!!:sneaky2:

    Ingie makes things lots of fun and i love playing along:teehee:

  5. Just a quick note as I'm just home and verrry tired now!


    That was THE single,most amazing experience in my life!!! I can't believe I was a BG!:biggrin2: I was utterly terrified and my glasses kept fogging up under my big head, but I didn't fall over! :roftl: I was sure I was going to topple off the stage when I was dancing! I can barely even remember much, it all kind of just went in a blur, but I'll post as memories keep coming back.


    I think the most mortifying thing ever was getting stuck in that kaftan thingy we were given to cover up our costumes...It wouldn't go over my chest so I got stuck with my arms above my head...Mika seen it and laughed!:blush-anim-cl::roftl:


    It was brilliant meeting you all, what an amazing bunch of freaks you all are!:wub2: I can't wait for Edinburgh!!:biggrin2::biggrin2:


    Oh...and in the group photo of us with Mika...my face is blurred!!:aah::sad: Typical, trust me to move...Guess that's motivation to make sure I get another photo with him! Ah well, at least I know I was there! lol

    It was great to meet you and your mum and so glad it all went well for you!

    My group pic is the same, well i'm hardly visible but Mika had his arm round me and i was leaning next to him so it kinds makes up for it lol , and we know:teehee:


    Whoa...essay...make sure to have a break every now and then if you read it, haha!

    Brilliant report ..! i've just done one too and will post but things keep coming back to me! I loved watching you all getting ready with mama p to go and get ready for the backstage exp with sparkles! I think a bit of me wanted to do it and i know i could , mama p smiled at me and said i could have gone:blush-anim-cl: but somehow i just wanted to experience the sun and felt it would be too hot to be a BG however i loved that you all had such fun and that there were a few of you together as that makes it sooo much more special!! I loved watching you all from the front row ..magic!

  6. Just a quick note, i'm super busy: :aah:


    the background screen was broken all the gig


    so it was quite funny that during the maximum effort of the popstar to do his performance in the screen behind him was written:

    "data not found"

    "system error"


    or maybe during a particular intense vocal note:

    "try again, reload data"





    hello freaks here and there :bye:



    Yes that was very funny!!:naughty:

    I saw him keep looking at the round screen behind him and it was a bit if a shame really as it seemed to go on for ages! Probably wasn't but felt like it for him:aah:

  7. I can't believe how jammy you and Kath were, being at the airport with David!


    Well it was really unexpected and it's the 1st time I've properly spoken to him but he spoke for ages and was very chatty ... he was lovely to talk to and just dead chilled ...... i could hardly keep focusing i was so tired but it was a nice end to a brilliant 2 days......

    He did say that the band keep up to date with their schedule by looking at the MFC and wonder how we all cope with our hectic touring schedule!!:teehee:




    Our grouppic! If you're on it, pm me your email and I will send the full size.


    My pics of the gig will be added when I get back on Saturday so you have something to look out to:aah:


    That's so good!:biggrin2:

    silver - i did nt realise that mika had worn one of your wristbands . brilliant!


    I don't know how i forgot to tell you this morning!!

    We were too busy speaking to David to catch up on the night before!:teehee:

    I guess you've read it all now tho!

    ( or maybe not if on the phone!!:aah:)


    I'll write my report tomorrow but love reading them all so much :wub2:

  9. I tried to find as many MFCers as possible to make sure they got wristbands - went round both entrances several times - so apologies to any members who didn't get one. I was just going to give Mika a wristband at the end, but vickylovesmika managed to throw one up on stage and he picked it up wore it for the rest of the gig :biggrin2:




    Great pic! He was his usual interactive self with us:biggrin2:

  10. some photos now, proper report to follow later....


    night before gig - http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=189595&id=666671765&l=f1cac694a2


    gig - http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=189602&id=666671765&l=81d0b22dc4


    hope you can see them ok x


    They are great pics Sharon!

    Don't think i need to post any you've covered it all there!!

    It was a great weekend all round...Cornwall was beautiful in the sun:biggrin2:



    They are all looking very bored because (a) they let us in early so we were there for a very long time and (b) there was still Diana Vickers to get through

    Or maybe Diana was on! :teehee:

    "Once" was enough of her for me but she was OK


    Fred, Ingie and I were in our normal clothes because we were the 'boys', Ingie and I were wearing trousers and tunics so we could just whip them off dead quick whereas the big girls would take much longer to get changed so they were still in costume.


    Didn't get video of giving him the tee but he looked at the front and smiled and said the bit about loving the freaks, and then he looked at the back and giggled when he saw he was freak #1. Procession went well, I had to climb up onto the big moon type thing which is actually mega steep and rough, but once we'd pulled the toy boy on I didn't have a route to get off because there were flowers everywhere so I just had to tip toe round it all. We were sposed to carry on stomping but Cherisse stopped drumming and I heard someone shout from the crowd 'Laura I love you!' and I just burst out laughing and legged it off stage, hahaha.


    I'm gonna pass the laptop to dearest Ingrid now so she can tell you her story first hand.


    Can't wait to hear the Ingie report!

    It was so cool to see you FD and Ingies faces!!!

    meant to ask, did you ask to do that job .... as BG maybe a bit old hat now?:naughty: or did you get assigned it?

  11. Yes, you guys looked great! Why wasn't Ingie in costume? Was she a lollipop girl/bride and got dressed afterwards?




    Aw :wub2: Glad your freak tees went over so well. Did you get some video of giving Mika the shirt? Was this backstage or during a signing after the gig?




    Ha, that doesn't surprise me, but was there any reason in particular?


    How did everything go on stage with the procession?


    Ingie, FD and Jazzy were all bringing on the giant toyboy and so were dressed in black at that bit and then they go and get on colorful clothes after for the finale ...


    They gave him the T backstage and he loved Ingie with her mad dancing on stage at the end ..i hope someone videoed it ..he kept taking her hand to dance, it was great:biggrin2: she was going well crazy!

  12. Hello !

    I'm back in Edinburgh before most of the Englanders but thats the direct Edinburgh Newquay flight for you!:biggrin2:

    I had a really great time and although i nearly always do seeing Mika and the MFCers i think this was an extra special one ... I'll try to recount why ...after some replies ....

    i am NOT saying a word....



    I love this because he is wearing the wristband i threw to him on stage ...

    He did not realize that they had his name on until the backstage freaks pointed this out to him ..... Well done Mika for entering the spirit with us mad freaks and fokkers and whatevers ....



    It was really quite embarrassing for her ...this shortsuit kept coming unbuttoned.... if she's just gone off and got a pin or something but she kept on having to hold her top ..looked a bit silly and could have been easy sorted .... :blink:

    she was OK but not my thing, her bass player was looking sooooo bored the whole time i felt a bit sorry for her ....

    not like ooor Jimmy!!


    Last night was fantastic!

    Seeing him in the beautiful setting of Eden on a warm summer's evening was pretty much the perfect gig.

    Mika seemed to really enjoy it and there was a lot of audience participation.

    The floral backdrop was stunning. I also loved Imma's dress that was covered in flowers and Mika's flowery jacket and hat. There were hundreds of huge artificial flowers on the stage. (My daughter managed to get one signed by Mika at the meet and greet!)

    I have got some great photos to post when I get back home and write my full report this evening.

    Fantastic to see you and little Ms MM again of course!!

    The flowers were funny ...well Mika was as he threw them spontaneously in to the crowd ... not just one lot but bucket loads of them!!

    I got a nice white daisy:teehee:


    Ahhh it was brilliant. I wish you'd been there! We were laying on a picnic blanket sunbathing in the queue while soundcheck was on. Mika came on for a bit and they did sitm but stopped before the trumpet solo so the crowd started doing it and he laughed and said "jeeesus!"


    Everything was perfect and nobody cared about the football once he came on. The entire place was jumping, it was amazing!

    It really was great and the flowers and the stage were beautiful ..will post pics ...


    The sound check was a real added bonus to see and hear out in the boiling hot sun ....wow what a difference for a UK gig!!!

    It was a chilled atmosphere all day ......:wink2:

    Way of trasports used to arrived at Eden (in order to appareance):

    friday evening/night

    - 1 train

    - 1 bike from sharing system becase a strike

    - 1 bus

    - 1 plane

    - 1 train

    - 1 train

    - 1 train


    sunday morning

    - 1 bus


    Beautiful nature, beautiful architecture, beautiful music and beautiful freaks!

    Gig too short (but Over my shoulder again!)

    Kick ass live!

    During Lollipop a no-more-minor star on stage!


    :biggrin2: Great to see Italy represented and spending time with you Allegra ...

  13. i'll cross everything for you darling :wub2:


    I'm crossing all my fingers and toes for you! I'm sure it'll all be fine.



    Hope it stays open for you:wink2:



    What's happening with your flight?


    Are you ok too? :wink2:


    I noticed that ... keeping my fingers crossed for you hun :huglove:


    Oh god thanks everyone ..i love you all and can't wait to see you on Friday!!

    Laurel ..tomorrow!! what time you arrive at Schipol? Monie will meet us!! yay!!:biggrin2:

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