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About vickylovesmika

  • Birthday 01/27/1971


  • Bio
    Playing with my delirium

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    Community Educator

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  1. Happy Birthday Vicky *hug*. Saw you were selling Palladium tickets - does that mean you are not coming?

    1. vickylovesmika


      Hello! :-D Thanks - i'm hardly on here but yes i don't think i can come now ..i've got a big party on Saturday night at my house and Erika dong living room gig!!

      shame but too much i reckon .....also away to festival the following weekend xx


  2. 4 spare tickets for London .....Sunday 5th June .... Row i - stalls 40-43 :-)
  3. Yes thanks I have tickets row c in the circle :-) I'll be sure to RSVP! See you there
  4. I'm looking forward to this very much seems like years since I've seen him! - oh wait- it Is!!! Hopefully worth the wait ✌
  5. Ah this was one i would have LOVED to have been at- especially given the line up – esp running mate Nile! Thanks for the reports and videos ladies It seems like he is certainly doing lots of promo this week and a gig announced too! Woohoo It’s been a while Mika but good to see you back here and getting the crowds worked up. Hope to see more coming this way soon
  6. Glad you all mostly had a great time!! Good to see you all having fun and the photos! Wish i was there:blink: - next time!
  7. Thanks for your message x had a great birthday! X

  8. Happy Birthday - hope you had/are having a great day :hug:



  9. Sorry miss teacher Ruth! Would have!!!!! Thanks Saskia for all the pics:blush-anim-cl: I feel the same - some time i've had in Amsterdam , Manchester, London and sharing lots of it with some crazy people! Until next time!!!!
  10. Ok - just one last word on his just now I did make contact as suggested and have had a reply to say to this effect: Quote -------Mika says thanks to all of you, he loved having you and was sorry not to see you after - hope you enjoyed it I can't ask for more:blush-anim-cl:
  11. Just quickly - (I'm a bit upset just now as i've had to have my dog put down:sad: ) but all i'm saying is we shouldn't take it personally - it was no ones fault - ours included - but i'm sure ( i know) it wasn't intended as a snub to us. I'm not saying you still can't feel a bit low about it but ..... we need to just be careful we keep it in the frame of so many awesome times with Mika Can't say much more atm
  12. Love the photos Lara:wink2: I know you feel really sad that we didn't see him after, and i know it can make a difference to the experience and the night for us, but i can't feel bad about it -- that's just me and i want to explain why a bit more as i know people keep saying how sad it was. Of course it was disappointing - who wouldn't be as it is more or less pretty standard procedure BUT there were quite clear reasons as far as i'm concerned and i certainly don't think it was that he didn't want to meet us Per se. I think one of the main reasons was the fact Alex wasn't there TBH She is key to these thing and i know if she'd been there she would of looked after us at the end and made sure we at least got a quick pic - as in London as luvin mika 4 eva repsorts in the London thread - she organises and liases a lot of this - as she had done with us by email all day re the meeting at the venue at night. At least i would have been asking her anyway! The room we were in was in an odd place - we were kind of hidden away and TBH when i suggested that we move out - everyone said we should stay there and wait for him to come to us! I think a big mistake TBH! We needed to be much more visible and proactive ( i know form previous exp in Sheffield 2010 when we nearly got herded out after being on stage)!! Even the guy who was showing us up and down the steps said we should have come round, and if we thought we should have stayed in that room on our own - we were the first lot of fans ever to do so?! These UK dates have been difficult for him i think and the fact he was not doing Glasgow the next night as planned was a source of disappointment to him ( well i know it was after i spoke to him in London) maybe this also had a bearing as many people feel these 2 UK dates have been more rushed and difficult for him ....I dunno but i honestly believe it was a set of circumstances that meant we just didn't see him after THIS time - but it was just that and not a concious on Mika's part - oh i don't want to meet this choir! Well i certianly got very posotive feelings and vibes form him on stage - as we all did i think, and he interacted with us very well:wink2: I think we expect so much now and let's face it most of us in the choir all have met him before - several times - had nice moments with him - been treated very well by him and been offered things above and beyond what any fan should normally expect.... The whole experience of being on stage and for me, rehearsing with the band etc was a wonderful experience that many fans never get - Mika - or not. We are very lucky he cares so much about us and wants us to be part of his shows - which he really does. Anyway - i know it is hard sometimes to feel a sadness but i just can't because i see rational reasons why things happen sometimes - also lastly - when we mentioned it to tour manager he gave us an apology - which seemed genuine - explained some of the reasons and gave us a plan of action - so what more can we really ask for?
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