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Everything posted by vickylovesmika

  1. Yes she looks pretty 'orrible! Russell looks ... not bad was trying to put a picutre in from photobucket there for Robi but not working !!!
  2. OK Robi sounds fun!! I will post my picture soon KEEP posting nice Mika picture for bribes
  3. Yes I have ! It works just great, videos and songs It kind of needs a cover though as i don't want it to get damaged so i still keep putting it back in the packet it came in! Need to find something better for it! Maybe Diana can make me something Vickylovesmika, I got my usb stick the other day too. Have you opened yours yet? Did it work if so? I looks great but I haven't opened mine.
  4. Hello everyone popping in ,shouldn't really , have tons of reading to do for uni Loving all the baby pics !!! Robi yours in a particular fab one!!! I don't feel it would be appropriate for me to add one as i have not been here all year! I'll need one of me at 3 months old My Mika usb stick of Relax came today , its really cool:cool:
  5. Great to see you Dutchies here btw Amsterdam (and other parts of Holland) are some of my most welcoming and fondest holiday memories !.. Such a friendly and tolerant place
  6. Suppose i better get some wild sweet dreams too Night all you Mika freakers
  7. Thanks ! T:roftl: hought pigeon sounded a bit odd !!
  8. Wendi if read this read this in the morning ! I have noted your presence in Mikagasmic pics One of my faves too :naughty:
  9. You can pretend can't you !! :naughty: Night night petal
  10. Oh yes i know Russell! He was at the last Edinburgh festival and a friend and i saw him in the street! He is quite cute and quite rude yes! 'ball bags' being one his fave phrases from what i remeber from last big brother!
  11. Yes it was wild and windy earlier but seems to have clamed a bit?! Russell Brand - tall, skinny, wild haired, outrageous man, with a definite sex appeal!!! Does this remind you of anyone!!! a bit less wild haired maybe!!
  12. Nah just the 26th! But we'll party extra hard then! Oh Yes !!! And I still get a bit weirded out by the fact that people actually like my creatures. Oh Yes !!
  13. Yes i think this will make for a great mix i am sure Means i can get away with acting younger than my years
  14. Robi too ..hope your back is better soon Pooh .... love the tattoo!!
  15. ~~ rushing in to catch up with MFC MATES ## Hello So i've had a little read there .... Wendi .. you are a trooper, glad things went sort of ok today and that you are obviosuly very strong in mind and spirit You are a star Hello to all ... DIANA! i am so delighted to see we will have MFCers of more tender years also staying with us at Travel lodge Battersea!! Excellent news! Are you at both gigs? Was also looking at your babies ... biblings and wondering about adoption ... well maybe there are not so many vacancies just now ... but when there are you be sure to tell me!!! Bear in mind my children were born on Halloween so i have an attraction to the darker side sorry missed Kath and carri and others but hi to all who are here! must get a ticker too! Work and uni so hectic today! must chill now
  16. Great idea Wendi:wub2: We need more Mika pictures in here :blush-anim-cl:
  17. Shari it is already in photobucket so you should be able to copy the image link? I am not great at it either but just keep trying, sometimes you have to delete the square brackets at the end .... sorry this is not very technical! try the FAQ above on the forum!! Good luck
  18. Well old younglings i'm off now too Sending get well vibes and Mika love to you all xxx Take it easy
  19. WOW! amazing you have so much snow still, hardly any here! I love it too! Sounds like you need a nice massage now Wendi If Mika is reading , could you please pop over to Wendi's house!
  20. Too much candy gonna rot your soul :exclamation:
  21. Hi Robi Sorry to hear you are suffering with a bad back ,but glad it is a bit better. Wendi do you have a check tomorrow, good luck I am also in need to loose weight, but am struggling to get going! Maybe joining a class on Wednesday evening with a friend:sneaky2: I am so tired tonight after first day back at work and boys back to school, may have to go soon!
  22. I wish the ultimate Mika fan above my avie would go away, i keep changing it but it does not save !!!!!
  23. Yo Wendi and the gang, what's new? No time to read back! Got my essay in today at last ! yahoo! Also my 2 x Relax cd's arrived in the post Nice reward .. thanks Mika
  24. Not much really fun but it is nearly done! I am back at uni as a mature ( non mature!) student! I need my heid examined! Never mind it is over this year thankfully:shocked: VLM!
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