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Everything posted by vickylovesmika

  1. VLM ..... I like that Charlotte ... sometimes i think vickylovesmika sounds a bit childish!! could be my new forum id!! I had better go now and do the last bits to my essay! got lost on myspace there ... just not long got mine going !! I am so behind !!! Take care Mika mates
  2. Oh well you can't be a real fan then !!! Come on that's so cool!!! How did you first discover him? I like these stories! Hi Robi too ...nice to see you again Hope the back is tons better soon xx
  3. Ah you are here too Wendi! A new thread eh for us olds I take it MFC is 1 today!! :yay: Feels like i have been here for ages but i know its only over 2 months !!
  4. I know it is rather SEXY !!! I have it on all my screen savers too!! I wondered if it was a bit big and people would be ANNOYED AT ME TAKING UP so much space but i reckoned it's MIKA and this is HIS fan site so people will be quite happy:wub2: I maybe should reduce it a bit though!
  5. Hello! Oh dear vices, far too many to mention! Mika, smoking, drinking, EATING !!.......... won't go on! Monday comes ever nearer for the start of the diet ! I mean sensible eating ... actually i can't wait! I just need the pyschological Monday thing to get kick started! Hope everyone is doing well ... Jemma how's it going? Wendi i'm glad i'll have a smoking partner in Feb!!!
  6. Helloooo! did try to post late last night but the MFC was not plying ball atall! Had a fun day with kids ...met with my two other good friends also with mulitples, Jen has triplet girls aged 7 and other Vicki has twins aged 6! so we are 7 kids in total, always makes for a fun day oot! softplay for kids and lots of chat for mums What is the party day everyone in mentioning ? Is this 1 yeasr for MFC? Wendi i hope you get some power soon! We are only half an hour down the road from your or so and all the snow has gone .well little bits, here and there ...! Sorry Robi not well with her back ..GET WELL SOON! Hi Kath and anyone else who is there catch ya later xx
  7. Sorry Diana, that's the trouble with being past 35 !! Off for a day out with kids for last official day off school holidays! Tons more snow too! Have a good day everyone x:cool:
  8. The meet-up was really fun! There were just four of there so it was more of a minimeet! We were very amused by this. YO! Thank you! Beware of me and my powerzzz! What do you have to write an essay about? Are you full of inspiration? We've planned it pretty much yeah. We just need to book the flights and hostel now but we'll be fine. Surely we'll be able to meet! It'll be huge! Thanks, hopefully everyone will behave and I can just be lazy. That is well funny ! tenderchicken ... mmmh Yes my essay is about adult education and deafness, i have just been on a placment with a deaf organisation. It is nearly done and no i am lacking inspiration i am afraid ! Yes we will behave here i'm sure! ( mostly) ! your powerzzz are indeed great now! Nice to see you tonight Diana , must sleep now:blush-anim-cl: Night all:wink2:
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by vickylovesmika Talking of which, i wonder where Diana is? I miss her quick wit and humour Quote: Originally Posted by Wendi She is a busy Mod now!!!! I miss her too Awww! We recognise talent when we see it
  10. Yo Diana ! congratulations on your new job !!!! Diana the mod I am stuck writing an essay and this is my longest session on MFC for ages! How was it with MFC folks today? Have you all planned your London visit ! Hope we can meet you all ! good luck with the modding ! x
  11. Yeah NME won't get Meeks !!!! Meeks ?? who said that? They'll think he's not cool or stuff They would hate lollipop! We know differently
  12. Ah yes she is one of your people now !! Tell her to pop by sometime to see the oldlings
  13. Talking of which, i wonder where Diana is? I miss her quick wit and humour
  14. Oh Dear ! I am so glad someone else has Mika in their dreams!!!!!! Me too last night !!! Maybe he was sending us some vibes !!
  15. Thanks No don't worry, i've got Feb to aim for and a meeting with Mr Mika to motivate me xx short term goals .... he's my first!
  16. I have not even got started yet so not much to say! We have the 2nd as a holiday in Scotland too so this is my first day of reality and now it's nealy the weekend ! Diet starts on Monday .. promise! Well done to everyone who has started already!
  17. Hi Kath ! Have booked the travlelodge at Battersea .... that is where you guys are is it not? Hope so !
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