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Everything posted by vickylovesmika

  1. You are always spot on Diana x:wink2: They are bloody gorgeous !!! :wub2:
  2. Thanks Wendi lovely to see you pop in Have a good Christmas but remember to Relax and take it e e eeasy xx
  3. Thanks Jemma you're a pro xxx:wub2: She'll love all those pictures ..... have to make anyone feel better !
  4. I love all the photos xx:mf_lustslow: Thanks so much :wub2:
  5. Thanks Jennie and all for the report .. great reading and reporting !!!
  6. Well done Jemma at this mega mad time of year
  7. Oh no not the G.A.Y debate ... !! no no my dear ...no mention of sexual preferences in this thread
  8. spoke too soon !! the parsnip boys are back !!! essay very boring, it's about my placment i've just been on for 12 weeks, it's really about adult education ... it's ok but i'm just not too motivated right now ! I'm out on my works crimbo night tomorrow but have it on to record MIKA ! a treat when i get home
  9. ALAS no, we do not have nice pictures of sweet Mika ... I never said Mika was gay?! eh ?
  10. oh yes the gay boys have gone ! now it's win spice girls tickets !!
  11. PHEW i'm back ... thanks for message Carri:thumb_yello: it was something odd on account settings ! Well i guess i really should go back to my essay writing
  12. something really weird has happened, i can't view oldlings forum now? I pressed something odd like the dispaly button of the thread and not its lost and won't let me view it ..only this thread though ...how odd .. pleasepm me if anyone knows what i've done !! I seem to be able to make a post though but it's blind ! HELP ! can't see anyones messages now:thumbdown:
  13. So excited my ticket for 25th arrived today !!!
  14. Great news she is feeling a bit better x:biggrin2:
  15. Have a great time Jennie and everyone Hope you get chat with the man that is MIKA !!!!
  16. I'm liking it ! Guess we're all so mad busy that's why we've no time for MFC! Could we add Mika to the above list:naughty:
  17. Hello:thumb_yello: quiet tonight :eek: well i suppose it means i can get on with my studies see you all later
  18. Thanks Still, it was an interesting photo and concept from bed
  19. Morning all quick hello before getting on with my essay ! Robi http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10721 got to mikasgmic pictures part 5 thread , lots of the angel picutres there He looks so devilish !!!
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