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Everything posted by Indigo

  1. Hehe, I want that toothbrush as well... *is envious of Freddie*
  2. Shame on you Freddie, couldn't you wait til x-mas? my parcel arrived here this morning. I opened it. but everything's wrapped, hehe, so I couldn't see what it is, but I'm soooooo looking forward to opening the presents ^^ And I can't wait to see what my person will say to my parcel.
  3. lady loves Milk Tray? care to explain? I'm afraid I'm confused
  4. 90% got the mobile phone wrong... ah well. I actually thought that was an ad for world aids day.... a bit embarasing
  5. Hey that's cool! Though I did rub my eyes a bit to believe LT is a dance track (uhm.... I was always under the impretion it was rocky), but if it's not released in the US then that would make a lot of sence. Anyway loads better than nothing and MIKA deserves it more than anyone else I can think of. But I don't think we should bash Rhiana or Justin like we do... they are all artists and have worked damn hard to be where they are. That's my opinion. You don't have to like them to accept them!
  6. VOTED! It's seriously not cool that he's not in the best live acts category, I haven't known anyone as good as him live so far.... and I've seen my share. Goodness, he's the only one I'd rather have a concert recording than a studio recording of.... the difference is soooooooooooooooooooo big, that does not mean his studio recordings are bad, they ARE REALLY GOOD... I should probaly stop and go look for my medicine... Can't wait for Wetten Dass...?! this evening, I get to see MIKA on TV! YAY
  7. Okay I think I flooded this thread enough today ^^
  8. I SAW YOU! Don't even try to hide behind that big person, I know exactly that you are wearing a support-avril t-shirt!
  9. Oh no, do I really have to answer to THAT question again?
  11. Would the girl in the back row please stop flashing me?!
  12. Excuse me! She said WHAT about my artwork?!
  13. Shoot, I knew I should have styled my hair this morning, now I can't see the piano keys!
  14. What do you mean, I'm not allowed to sit like this?!
  15. Maybe if I keep my eyes shut long enough they'll go away....
  16. hehe, I would have thought something along the lines of: Mika: Hey, I'm Mika, I want your necklace. Women: Excuse me?!
  17. I'm still slightly confused... Ah well I'll survive *starts humming while putting the package together* this is so much fun. Now I just need to find out who to send it to. Will I get the address today? Having fun, rolling in the snow, giving gifts to YOU *sings horribly off tune*
  18. I have done so... me being the genious and only ready the first few pages of this thread before jumping up and down (to huge anoyance of my sister) and posting my adress and the whish to be on the mailing list ^^ lets see what happens...
  19. Oh, I do hope I'm not tooo late to be added to the mailing list ^^ I am a bit slow on the uptake of some things.
  20. Hallo meine Lieben Ich habe mir leider nicht die Mühe gemacht alles durchzulesen... 178 Seiten sind mir dann doch zu streßig. Aber ich wollte eins hier loswerden: MIKA IST BEI WETTEN DASS....? !!!!!!!!! Wie geil ist das denn... Vielleciht besteht doch noch Hoffnung für Deutschland...
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