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Sweet Knees

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Posts posted by Sweet Knees

  1. Fair enough then... good that it's looking up though!


    So what does he do for the rest of the day? What does he do during the 2 hours?


    Well he is supposed to join the class, but he has been refusing to do anything that vaguely resembles schoolwork, he did attempt a little writing on Friday, but usually as soon as they come near him with a book or a pencil he just gets really upset. At lest he has stopped running off, throwing things, crying and growling.


    At home I try to get him to help me in the garden or with cooking its nearly impossible to get him to do any reading, I am lucky if I get a few minutes. He usually likes to play with his little sister (2 years old)

  2. Awwwwww... kids are adorable...



    I'm not exactly number one fan of Your Sympathy... it's okay...


    I think it has something to do with the fact that my life is kind of in the ****ter at the moment :blink: but things are looking up :D


    DS had his school hours limited to 2 hours per day, but he has been having a good two hours, and DH, well, hmmmm... that is all.

  3. Thought it would be quicker to make up a pretend quoted post than find the real one to quote :naughty:



    My next door neighbour has THREE! sheep in her backyard, yes a normal sized backyard! She has spent THOUSANDS on vet bills, they nearly died many many times, something to do with missing out on vitamins from their mothers' milk (they were orphans)


    So anyway I have no ides, just know that she needs a way bigger yard and I have to hold my nose when it rains... pongy!

  4. Hey there. I was going to quote you yesterday, but had to get off the pc. I hope things settle down with you with your DS8 real soon. Have you made any decisions regarding medication?


    I am seeing the paed on Thurs, have to do something even if its temproary to get him back on track.


    Something interesting they talked about at that conference was that the rate of boys to girls with asperger's and autism (7 boys to 3 girls) is wrong and many girls are not diagnosed. Really the rate should be equal. This is cause the diagnosis criteria was formed from a study on boys and girl's symptoms are different.


    The obsessions/ repetitive behaviours of girls are more sociably acceptable and girls are better at hiding them and blending in. Girls usually slip through and end up being teenagers with eating disorders, depression or wrongly diagnosed as bi-polar (spell).


    Girls will tag along with a group even though they are not wanted. Girls will obsessivley bury themselves in a book, whereas boys will do socially disruptive/noticeable things like want to roll around the floor or line things up.

  5. Hello everyone.


    Well I have had a very crap time lately DS8 is struggling so much that it is comsuming my every waking moment. (he is my little autistic fellow) It is very odd for me to not get on the computer for a few hours, let alone a few days!


    I spent an hour typing up a report for him yesterday and lost it (yes I know I should have saved it) just psych-ing myself up to re-start it.


    Needed to pop in here first :thumb_yello: giong to have a quick Mika read to save my sanity.

  6. Happi :wub2:

    I will - no problem in my house - its cold all the time here so the

    cakes will cool quickly. Have one birthday (son 20, on 17th) and

    daughter 17 on the 18th!! :punk:


    :blink: I can't remember my kids birthdays - well I find it challenging (not the day so much but all 5 of them with the years they were born - for tax forms etc, I stand there going uuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmm and counting years)

  7. Does he bite himself?


    And I assume by medication she means ADHD drugs...



    No he scratches himself but only bites me and his siblings.


    They mentioned Respiridol, I have no idea, I have never considered it before, and will do loads of research and try some other ideas first, but we definitely need to do something to improve this.

  8. Just a quick hello.


    If someone asks me how to spell something I usually can, but if they write it out and give me options I just get all confused, its like as soon as I see it written wrongly I start to doubt myself.


    Its hard to ask how to spell something in writing without actually writing it though. Maybe say "how do you spell that word that means you are trying to stop something attacking you" then people would spell all sorts of words like 'hide' or 'fight' but not defence, omg I a such an idiot.


    I really wish we would get a little snow, its sure cold enough. Then the kids could play a little and stop bugging me to drive them to the real snow.


    We usually get some about once every two years and that's plenty. (I absolutly adore skiing, but hate when its just cold and slushy around your back door)

  9. Men STRONG!!!! :shocked:


    I have found that as soon as a man senses any kind of emotional strength in his woman he turns into a whiney baby, and leans on her full force, but maybe thats my fault for putting up with it.


    There is a physical strength thats just a fact of nature, but I still maintain that I am physically stronger and get more done because of the fact that I get up of my bum and do the work. Yeah a man could do twice as much work in half the time, but if he's a man who wouldn't even spend quarter the time doing it, then he's not even half as strong as me, and if you can't make sense of that then that makes two of us.

  10. I had the flu in January and it was disgusting, the residual chest infection lasted TWO MONTHS and about 3 courses of antibiotics!!!!! I had a flu shot in May and have only had really slight colds since. I don't know if its the bad flu or the immunisation that have helped me to stay well.

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