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Posts posted by pica_mica

  1. It's great that he visits us from time to time..and reads the threads and all...it's all good as long as he stays away from the "Dreams about Mika" thread.:bleh: That thread is CRAZY!! Definitely my favourite thread of all!! It's sooooo bizarre and it's filled with all our HILARIOUS dreams and if he read our dreams...I guess he'll run off to Mexico and have a nervous break down along with Billy Brown!!:roftl::naughty::bleh:

  2. Mika loves to play sweet melodies on his piano which makes you think that he must be on a magical stool that makes you fall when you understand the feeling that he expresses when he sings his amazing lyrics on stage and showing us his abs on stage and flashing us with his chicken suit while eating spaghetti and meatballs that his girlfriend made for him with love and lots of lovely tiny red hearts which are filled with our names and little messages of love and naughtyness especially the one made by Ceci which was censored because she was being vey explicit about chicken and Mika he liked the proposal but couldn't accept because she was underage and couldn't dance the way that Mika wanted her to because she was a better dancer when she was drunk and Mika is a bodypopping master, he told her that he would like to eat candy with her, then go shopping together and curl eachother's hair which they both enjoyed, until the tongs burst into flames and they had to take off their clothes and hop into the pool under the moonlight watching over each other with pleasure delight and curiosity because mika was way too much for Ceci to have so another girl came along named Khayla who said "Hey! what's the big idea?" to which Ceci replied "yes, why don't you 2 join us?"she said and Armande put on a provocative red bikini and jumped into the pool, making a splash so big it sent Mikaall the way across the pool into the chicken suit? so he said to the girls "who wants some chicken?" and the girls looked at each other and a wide smile crossed their faces and they said Luke's behind you "and we are on diet also"said Ceci, Mika turned around and said my bikini bottoms are falling down"I don't need to know that"said Luke but then Khayla said "I can pull them up for you" and Mika walked away from her a bit akwardly and wnet inside the house and Luke took the chance to talk with Cherisse about the meaning of life, and about how much he loves lola (pica_mica) and the rest of the MFC girls and how he planned to pay a visit to the MFC to sniff around a bit and open some threads that are sure to cause trouble and be deleted by the moderators and though the moderators deleted all his threads, he kept on coming back, his aim was to enjoy himself by annoying others, letting off confetti cannons and hopping around all over the place with no shirt on, and so the MFCers dicided to step in and copy Mika by hopping around all over the place as well and this was a very funny sight to see because not many people dance around half naked in a forum, so then everyone realised they wanted to make it big in broadway, the lion king producer saw them prancing and laughing like hyenas, and thought that we were great dancers, so he decided to put us in the lion king play as, well, hyenas, but, there was a catch becauseno one wanted to be a hyena, i mean, it's called the lion king for a reason, so we stood up for our rights and demanded to play the lionesses who's king is mika in lion form, but this made the producer very angry, so he took out his lightsaber and and tried to fight us back, but Darth Vader came and revealed to us that he was all of our fathers, so we went to the medic to get our blood tested which took hours because he needed to post on the MFC first to speculate Mika's sexuality and join on the lists of 27 new MFC projects for 2009 yet his hair stood on endwhile he showed Mika the sweetly insane and busy girl named Melanie who was already prepping for a year that hasn't even started and Mika smiled saying "I'm sorry, but I don't love you" and walked to CHEW CHEW to give him a kiss instead of Melanie because she was small, delicate and just not as plushy as Chew Chew, anyway, this made Melanie very, very, very angry, furious actually, so she decided to slap Mika very very hard on the cheek which made Mika cry because then he wouldn't get a year in cartoon motion this year or even up to 2030 and on because Melanie would decide to join Orlando Blooms fanclub instead and all the MFC followed her But than Melanie felt bad and went to his flat, littered with toys and a depressed Mika sitting on the couch telling him that if he didn't go to prom with her, he could kiss the MFC goodbye so he asked his mum if he could go and when she said yes he was so happy he forgot to ask Melanie what colors they would go in so that he could ask his sister to make him a suitso he made sure to tell her to include all the colors so atleast some part would match the dress Melanie picked out for the big day that was in less than 48 hrs so Mika's mom drove him to her house to get a swatch, but Glow was bored, so she decided to kidnap Mika and Melanie and when they didn't come out of the house, Mika's mom honked the car horn hoping theywould hear her, but instead, Glow ran out of the house carrying Melanie & Mika in a sack making Mika's mom run out of the car screaming with Andy the cameraman behind her trying to help her, however, Glow was too quick, so instead, Mika's mom summoned a mutant bird that flew at Glow who accidently dropped the sack making Mika go, "ouch!", but Chew Chew quickly ran to the sack, and began to run away taking them to lollipop forest where he planned on forcing Mika to become a woman so that he could have kids with him but Melanie freaked out saying, "No, you can't do this! HOW WILL MIKA AND I HAVE KIDS, THEN?!", which scared Mika because he knew he had the defective gene for sleep walking and compulsive cutesy grinning, but then he calmed down because he realized that he'd rather have cute smiley kids with Melanie than primate like ones with Chew Chew, however, he then realized he didn't love Melanie more than he loved Chew Chew, so he went to Chew Chew asking if they could just adopt some kids when suddenly Melanie yanked Chew Chew's tail, and accidentally ripped off the rest of his monkey body, revealing a man's, because it was really just Billy Brown in a costume but than Perez Hilton came up with his camera crew looking jealous and very hurt because Mika hadn't showed up to their date but he tried to explain that it was because he was getting ready for Melanie's prom which was the next day, so perez agreed to take them back to the house if Melanie would let Perez come too, of course, Melanie said yes because it was the polite thing to do, but in reality she wasn't sure she could hide her feelings for Perez, 'specially since she was getting jealous because Perez kept flirting with Mika, and asking him to spray the glitter on his hair for the special occasion, but all this was too much for Melanie, so she passionately yelled at Mika for wasting her glitter threatening to call his mom, however, this made Perez sad, "It's my fault, I asked him to use the glitter!", he cried, and Melanie began to blush because she felt sorry for the guy with cupcake smeared all over his face so she decided to let Perez go on stage with Mika instead of her for this one night, but then, suddenly, Perez was nowhere to be found, but there was a Post-It-Note stuck on Melanie's forehead that read, "IF U WANT 2 SEE PEREZ AGAIN U HAV 2 EAT 45 CHOCOLATE CAKES IN 4 MINUTES, GOOD LUCK!" so then melanie thought she could go to the butterfly lounge and order 45 chocolate cakes, but, Mika interrupted her thoughts and asked her if there was a restroom at the Butterfly Lounge, because he really needed to go because he was having horrible cramps since he had been turned into a woman and he was on that time of the month, and had no sanitary napkins or anything, which was also a really big problem, hence, he had recently become a woman

    so Melanie had no choice but to call DaWack to drop off some Midol, which ALSO became a problem because DaWack had no idea her brother had become a woman, and she had to try not to yell at Mika because he was getting a bit emotional because of all the things happening so quickly in his life so then DaWack had a plan to change Mika back into a boy, all she needed to do was get the magic pill from the super wizard named Super Marshmallowman 'Robert' Jobangles who was a specialist in gender changing super pills, and who also had an amazing name, so that made him a proffesional that everyone loved, only Mika didn't want the paparazzi to follow him and figure out his secret so he put on an invisibility cloak and ran off to Tibet even though he was going the wrong way to find the super marshmallow man so he turned around and stopped by at dennys to eat a Grand Slam and phone his girlfriend in Vancouver cause she was probably getting worried, but then Mika realized he didn't have a girlfriend, so he stopped by Twinland to have a chit chat with The Meyer Twins to see if their powers could do anything for him, and then he went straight to pica_mica to keep her some company

  3. OMG!!! THIS IS SOOO GOING OVER-BOARD!! I'm not complaining though:bleh:

    I just woke up from a nap, and yes...another Mika dream..the MOMENT I woke up...I ran here to share it with you all before I forget a SINGLE thing!!!

    Here it goess! (It's pretty short...it was only a nap afterall)

    I was at this hotel with my family, and the hotel over-looked a beach. At about dusk, we all went down and started strolling at the beach, with our feet in the water...I had my iPod and I was listening to "I'm falling" and I was drifting to another world....it was soo beautiful...the light breeze blowing my curly hair around my face, my eyes closed, taking in deep breaths of the beautiful, fresh air....Mika's beautiful voice filling my head...

    Then, something strange happened that made me open my eyes. I looked around, and i noticed something strange at the far side of the beach where there were a few trees. It was a dark figure, and it was beckoning me to come towards it. At first I got really scared, and I was about to run to my mom, but then there was just something about the shape of the figure that just made me wanna go to it. It just seemed familiar.

    So..I walked towards it, picking up more speed with every couple of steps, Mika's voice still singing to me..filling my head..(my iPod:bleh: ) until I finally broke into a run. I ran towards the dark, unknown figure. I was running so fast that I couldn't stop by the time i reached the figure, so I collided with it and I fell right on top of it. I looked into the face, and who does it turn out to be? Yep..you all guessed right...Mika!:mf_lustslow:

    We just lay there, still in the same position after the collision (me on top of him:bleh: :blush-anim-cl: ) and I just stared into his eyes, my mouth open, his music still filling my head...

    I was in complete shock and awe.

    He smiled, and I somehow snapped back into my senses and had the descency to sit up straight. He sat up straight too, and turned to me, his eyes so close to mine...

    "Thank god you came", he said.

    I just stared.

    "I've been waiting for you for so long...ever since I first saw you at that concert", he said...(referring to my first Mika concert ever...where we actually had an eye-lock moment during "Relax (take it easy)"!!).

    I was soo shocked. If I type everything I said, you guys would probably dose off to sleep yourselves so to cut it short...we just lay there...on the soft, white, cold sand...trees surrounding us and blocking us from view...him leaning beside me and looking into my face...brushing my hair with his long, warm fingers....and me....in complete bliss...


    Ok so maybe it wasn't short!:bleh: It certainly felt as though it was!!!


  4. Now that I've read like...about half this thread..I think I can openly say this without feeling weird...

    Guys...I've been having dreams of Mika every single day for 2 months now...:wub2: :wub2:

    I have NEVER EVER done that before...

    oh mann..I am SO frikking in LOVE!

    This whole love thing is new to me... I mean..Mika is the first person I like...actually fall in love with..and I'm 15 so most people find that weird!:blink:

  5. :biggrin2: Oddly, I've been having alotta Mika dreams lately:blink:

    Here's the one I had last night.

    I was a musician, and me and him were together. We had a gig, and we both sang all his songs on LICM together as duets. Then when we finished, the hall was filled with sounds of cats meowing. We were both bewildered, so we glanced at the audience and found out that they werent people..they were cats.:boxed:

    So anyways...Zuleika then emerged from no where, and handed Mika this HUGE gift parcel kinda thing. Like..a gift box. He opened it, and found another smaller box. He opened that box, and found yet another even smaller one. This kept on going on until he got this really tiny box and opened it, and it was a ring. So he just sorta bent down on one knee, looked up at me and said:"Lola, will you marry me?

    So I just sorta..I dunno...passed out.

    When I woke up, I found myself in this really amazing room that I've never seen before, with all the furniture and walls covered with art from LICM. Then I found out that my cat was putting on rollers on my hair and Mika's, to give us that "granny curls" effect for our wedding.:blink::boxed:

    It was weird...but I loved it!!

  6. Mika loves to play sweet melodies on his piano which makes you think that he must be on a magical stool that makes you fall when you understand the feeling that he expresses when he sings his amazing lyrics on stage and showing us his abs on stage and flashing us with his chicken suit while eating spaghetti and meatballs that his girlfriend made for him with love and lots of lovely tiny red hearts which are filled with our names and little messages of love and naughtyness especially the one made by Ceci which was censored because she was being vey explicit about chicken and Mika he liked the proposal but couldn't accept because she was underage and couldn't dance the way that Mika wanted her to because she was a better dancer when she was drunk and Mika is a bodypopping master, he told her that he would like to eat candy with her, then go shopping together and curl eachother's hair which they both enjoyed, until the tongs burst into flames and they had to take off their clothes and hop into the pool under the moonlight watching over each other with pleasure delight and curiosity because mika was way too much for Ceci to have so another girl came along named Khayla who said "Hey! what's the big idea?" to which Ceci replied "yes, why don't you 2 join us?"she said and Armande put on a provocative red bikini and jumped into the pool, making a splash so big it sent Mikaall the way across the pool into the chicken suit? so he said to the girls "who wants some chicken?" and the girls looked at each other and a wide smile crossed their faces and they said Luke's behind you "and we are on diet also"said Ceci, Mika turned around and said my bikini bottoms are falling down"I don't need to know that"said Luke but then Khayla said "I can pull them up for you" and Mika walked away from her a bit akwardly and wnet inside the house and Luke took the chance to talk with Cherisse about the meaning of life, and about how much he loves lola (pica_mica) and the rest of the MFC girls and how he planned to pay a visit to the MFC to sniff around a bit and open some threads that are sure to cause trouble and be deleted by the moderators and though the moderators deleted all his threads, he kept on coming back, his aim was to enjoy himself by annoying others, letting off confetti cannons and hopping around all over the place with no shirt on, and so the MFCers dicided to step in and copy Mika by hopping around all over the place as well and

  7. To be honest, I really do thank god whenever I look at myself in the mirror...not because I'm so proud of the way I look or anything...but just because I look normal (even though I dont act normal!:bleh: ) and I dont have any disabilities or anything that could go wrong and affect my features or posture. To put it in one sentence, I'm complete. And that's just enough for me to be honest. Imagine losing a leg or an arm or being disabled or having Down Sydrome or something...gosh....I really do thank god for everything. But...that aside....I really would LOVE to have greenish hazel eyes...rather than my plain brown ones..I would also love to have nicer skin...I hate getting pimples every now and then!! But..I love my hair...it's a replica of Mika's in everyway!! I love my long fingers...they make it veryyyy easy to play the piano..and uhh...I'm pretty tall...I'm 5'10"..and I'm 15 so I might still be able to grow a bit taller! But...one thing's for certain....I'm certainly not perfect...and just for the record...neither is our adorable Mika. I mean..don't forget..he suffers from dyslexia, and that's certainly not perfection!

  8. I had a dream just yesterday that involved me in school. It was the night of our annual school concert. For some reason, our whole school was built on a huge tree in a forest and there were demons everywhere but they weren't harming us..just scaring us and running past us. Then we all (me and my friends) headed to this huge hall in our school for the concert. Turned out that all the student's performances were cancelled because Mika showed up and decided to have a gig in our school for some reason..(hawww I WISH!!!!!!:wub2: ) So anyways...he and his band were all ready to start but then..turned out we had an electrical problem and so, Mika couldn't start yet. So he held a microphone and asked one of us to sing a few of his songs while they handled the electrical problem. So..my hand shot up, and he chose me, (calling me "The girl who looks like me" !!:bleh: :bleh: ) and I ran up to him and took the microphone. So I sang Billy brown, Big girl, Love today and Happy ending and surprisingly, I rocked. So once I was done, he came up to me, with this BROAD GRIN on his face:biggrin2: and he hugged me and told me that I was amazing!!! I nearly passed out..(but he didn't know that!) and he just looked at my face, and then hugged me again even tighter!!! my god.....the best dream....EVER!!!!!:wub2::biggrin2::blush-anim-cl:

  9. Mika loves to play sweet melodies on his piano which makes you think that he must be on a magical stool that makes you fall when you understand the feeling that he expresses when he sings his amazing lyrics on stage and showing us his abs on stage and flashing us with his chicken suit while eating spaghetti and meatballs that his girlfriend made for him with love and lots of lovely tiny red hearts which are filled with our names and little messages of love and naughtyness especially the one made by Ceci which was censored because she was being vey explicit about chicken and Mika he liked the proposal but couldn't accept because she was underage and couldn't dance the way that Mika wanted her to because she was a better dancer when she was drunk and Mika is a bodypopping master, he told her that he would like to eat candy with her, then go shopping together and curl eachother's hair which they both enjoyed, until the tongs burst into flames and they had to take off their clothes and hop into the pool under the moonlight watching over each other with pleasure delight and curiosity because mika was way too much for Ceci to have so another girl came along named Khayla who said "Hey! what's the big idea?" to which Ceci replied "yes, why don't you 2 join us?"she said and Armande put on a provocative red bikini and jumped into the pool, making a splash so big it sent Mikaall the way across the pool into the chicken suit? so he said to the girls "who wants some chicken?" and the girls looked at each other and a wide smile crossed their faces and they said Luke's behind you "and we are on diet also"said Ceci, Mika turned around and said my bikini bottoms are falling down"I don't need to know that"said Luke but then Khayla said "I can pull them up for you" and Mika walked away from her a bit akwardly and wnet inside the house and Luke took the chance to talk with Cherisse about the meaning of life, and about how much he loves lola (pica_mica) and the rest of the MFC girls and how he planned to pay a visit to the MFC to sniff around a bit and open some threads that are sure to cause trouble and be deleted by the moderators and though the moderators deleted all his threads, he kept on coming back, his aim was to enjoy himself by annoying others, letting off confetti cannons and hopping around all over the place

  10. Mika loves to play sweet melodies on his piano which makes you think that he must be on a magical stool that makes you fall when you understand the feeling that he expresses when he sings his amazing lyrics on stage and showing us his abs on stage and flashing us with his chicken suit while eating spaghetti and meatballs that his girlfriend made for him with love and lots of lovely tiny red hearts which are filled with our names and little messages of love and naughtyness especially the one made by Ceci which was censored because she was being vey explicit about chicken and Mika he liked the proposal but couldn't accept because she was underage and couldn't dance the way that Mika wanted her to because she was a better dancer when she was drunk and Mika is a bodypopping master, he told her that he would like to eat candy with her, then go shopping together and curl eachother's hair which they both enjoyed, until the tongs burst into flames and they had to take off their clothes and hop into the pool under the moonlight watching over each other with pleasure delight and curiosity because mika was way too much for Ceci to have so another girl came along named Khayla who said "Hey! what's the big idea?" to which Ceci replied "yes, why don't you 2 join us?"she said and Armande put on a provocative red bikini and jumped into the pool, making a splash so big it sent Mikaall the way across the pool into the chicken suit? so he said to the girls "who wants some chicken?" and the girls looked at each other and a wide smile crossed their faces and they said Luke's behind you "and we are on diet also"said Ceci, Mika turned around and said my bikini bottoms are falling down"I don't need to know that"said Luke but then Khayla said "I can pull them up for you" and Mika walked away from her a bit akwardly and wnet inside the house and Luke took the chance to talk with Cherisse about the meaning of life, and about how much he loves lola (pica_mica) and the rest of the MFC girls and how he planned to pay a visit to the MFC to sniff around a bit and open some threads that are sure to cause trouble and be deleted by the moderators and though the moderators deleted all his threads, he kept on coming back, his aim was to enjoy himself by annoying others

  11. Mika loves to play sweet melodies on his piano which makes you think that he must be on a magical stool that makes you fall when you understand the feeling that he expresses when he sings his amazing lyrics on stage and showing us his abs on stage and flashing us with his chicken suit while eating spaghetti and meatballs that his girlfriend made for him with love and lots of lovely tiny red hearts which are filled with our names and little messages of love and naughtyness especially the one made by Ceci which was censored because she was being vey explicit about chicken and Mika he liked the proposal but couldn't accept because she was underage and couldn't dance the way that Mika wanted her to because she was a better dancer when she was drunk and Mika is a bodypopping master, he told her that he would like to eat candy with her, then go shopping together and curl eachother's hair which they both enjoyed, until the tongs burst into flames and they had to take off their clothes and hop into the pool under the moonlight watching over each other with pleasure delight and curiosity because mika was way too much for Ceci to have so another girl came along named Khayla who said "Hey! what's the big idea?" to which Ceci replied "yes, why don't you 2 join us?"she said and Armande put on a provocative red bikini and jumped into the pool, making a splash so big it sent Mikaall the way across the pool into the chicken suit? so he said to the girls "who wants some chicken?" and the girls looked at each other and a wide smile crossed their faces and they said Luke's behind you "and we are on diet also"said Ceci, Mika turned around and said my bikini bottoms are falling down"I don't need to know that"said Luke but then Khayla said "I can pull them up for you" and Mika walked away from her a bit akwardly and wnet inside the house and Luke took the chance to talk with Cherisse about the meaning of life, and about how much he loves lola (pica_mica) and the rest of the MFC girls and how he planned to pay a visit to the MFC to sniff around a bit and open some threads that are sure to cause trouble and be deleted by the moderators and though the moderators deleted all his threads, he kept on coming back

  12. Mika loves to play sweet melodies on his piano which makes you think that he must be on a magical stool that makes you fall when you understand the feeling that he expresses when he sings his amazing lyrics on stage and showing us his abs on stage and flashing us with his chicken suit while eating spaghetti and meatballs that his girlfriend made for him with love and lots of lovely tiny red hearts which are filled with our names and little messages of love and naughtyness especially the one made by Ceci which was censored because she was being vey explicit about chicken and Mika he liked the proposal but couldn't accept because she was underage and couldn't dance the way that Mika wanted her to because she was a better dancer when she was drunk and Mika is a bodypopping master, he told her that he would like to eat candy with her, then go shopping together and curl eachother's hair which they both enjoyed, until the tongs burst into flames and they had to take off their clothes and hop into the pool under the moonlight watching over each other with pleasure delight and curiosity because mika was way too much for Ceci to have so another girl came along named Khayla who said "Hey! what's the big idea?" to which Ceci replied "yes, why don't you 2 join us?"she said and Armande put on a provocative red bikini and jumped into the pool, making a splash so big it sent Mikaall the way across the pool into the chicken suit? so he said to the girls "who wants some chicken?" and the girls looked at each other and a wide smile crossed their faces and they said Luke's behind you "and we are on diet also"said Ceci, Mika turned around and said my bikini bottoms are falling down"I don't need to know that"said Luke but then Khayla said "I can pull them up for you" and Mika walked away from her a bit akwardly and wnet inside the house and Luke took the chance to talk with Cherisse about the meaning of life, and about how much he loves lola (pica_mica) and the rest of the MFC girls and how he planned to pay a visit to the MFC to sniff around a bit

  13. Mika loves to play sweet melodies on his piano which makes you think that he must be on a magical stool that makes you fall when you understand the feeling that he expresses when he sings his amazing lyrics on stage and showing us his abs on stage and flashing us with his chicken suit while eating spaghetti and meatballs that his girlfriend made for him with love and lots of lovely tiny red hearts which are filled with our names and little messages of love and naughtyness especially the one made by Ceci which was censored because she was being vey explicit about chicken and Mika he liked the proposal but couldn't accept because she was underage and couldn't dance the way that Mika wanted her to because she was a better dancer when she was drunk and Mika is a bodypopping master, he told her that he would like to eat candy with her, then go shopping together and curl eachother's hair which they both enjoyed, until the tongs burst into flames and they had to take off their clothes and hop into the pool under the moonlight watching over each other with pleasure delight and curiosity because mika was way too much for Ceci to have so another girl came along named Khayla who said "Hey! what's the big idea?" to which Ceci replied "yes, why don't you 2 join us?"she said and Armande put on a provocative red bikini and jumped into the pool, making a splash so big it sent Mikaall the way across the pool into the chicken suit? so he said to the girls "who wants some chicken?" and the girls looked at each other and a wide smile crossed their faces and they said Luke's behind you "and we are on diet also"said Ceci, Mika turned around and said my bikini bottoms are falling down"I don't need to know that"said Luke but then Khayla said "I can pull them up for you" and Mika walked away from her a bit akwardly and wnet inside the house and Luke took the chance to talk with Cherisse about the meaning of life, and about how much he loves lola (pica_mica) and the rest of the MFC girls

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