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Posts posted by pica_mica

  1. I had a dream last night. I was cycling around my neighbourhood, all alone, enjoying the cool breeze. Then I see someone else on a bicycle coming my way, all dressed up in white. when we were both close enough to see eachother, I found out it was Mika. I just stared at him, not looking at where I was going, and so did he. Even after we passed eachother, we turned our heads and continued staring. Then we both crashed.:boxed:

  2. Every single dream I've had about Mika (Which is everynight ever since the

    27th of October) has been amazing. I love ALL of them and all of them make me wake up feeling soo completely in love and warm and fuzzy..:wub2:

    Except for ONE, where he tells me that he wouldn't go out with me even if I was the last girl on earth. :crybaby:

  3. Wow...reading this thread...it just makes me wonder....does he have any idea how he's affected us in such tremedous ways? I always refer to him as my "little blessed angel". Sent to me to bestow happiness upon me for eternity!:blush-anim-cl:

    What I really want is to tell him how much he means to me....wow....that would mean the world to me...(I know that may sound kinda cheezy but...what the heck:naughty: )

    goshhhhhh.....just imagining those hazel eyes of his staring into mine brings tears to my eyes...that would be so beautiful....and not like..in a concert or something...because that's already been done to me...but like...in some other quiet, sorta serious situation....


    Gosh I just wanna scream "MIKA I LOVE YOU!!!"

    (Which I've already done with thousands of other people at his concert:bleh: but I wanna do it ALONE!!!)

  4. Oooooh Mika's changed my life completely!

    First of all...I was always a cheerful and jolly person to begin with, but with Mika, even at the darkest situations I'm able to lighten things up a bit and laugh and kid around, which I wasn't able to do before he conquered my life.


    Second of all, I always used to be self-concious about the way people perceive me and all but after Mika, I decided to follow in his footsteps and just not care about what other people think of me.


    Third of all, this is pretty crazy. Although I've always been rather tall for my age, I've grown about 2 additional inches in the space of 8 months, which has never happened to me after I well...."matured".:bleh: Like, last year at around march (a month after I discovered Mika), I was 14 years old and 5'8". Just 8 months later, I became 5'10" and still growing. I know this has completely nothing to do with Mika but he's tall so somehow due to my craziness, I'm blaming my love for him to be the reason of my additional growth spurt.:bleh:


    Fourth of all, I can't read music and I'm a self-taught pianist, and before I found out that Mika was as well, I was always embarassed of it and always pretended I could read music. But after Mika, now everyone who knows me knows that I'm self-taught.


    I must admit that my clothing hasn't changed at all. I've always been into the rainbow coloured skinnies, shirts, sneakers and braces. Nothing new.

    Another thing is that my hair is completely identical to Mika. Not the hair-do obviously. But...the nature and colour. Everyone used to make fun of my curls because they look like I curled my hair on purpose, which I never did. that's because my hair is straight from the beginning, but then it curls up midway and at the ends. But now after everyone's seen Mika's hair, all the teasing finally stopped and got replaced with admiration!:blush-anim-cl:


    Oh gosh I could go on and on...but..I've already typed a whole story book!:bleh:

  5. Dream alert!!!

    Ok so this one I had last night and it was sooo totally unexpected!

    So I sign in on msn, and I find out that someone added me. I dont usually accept strangers, so I hesitated a little. But there was this voice in my head that kept on telling me to accept. So..I did. I never chatted with the person but somehow, I came to know who it was and we met up here in Dubai. And guess who it was? Nopes...not Mika. It was...of all people...Zuleika Allegra.:blink:

    So we hugged and said hello and bla bla...and we hung out and bla...according to my dream, she loved to shop. So I took her to all the hot spots in Dubai and bla...and I also remember standing next to her to see how tall she was. (I'm 5'10" and I'm 15...and I reached her eye section, so I suppose she was about 6'2" in my dream...which I doubt to be her actual height..) anyways....and then we walked out to a parking lot, having some ice cream, and suddenly, she brought up Mika. So we talked about him....she was asking me stuff like: "What do you love most about him?" and "When did you first like him?" etc etc....she even mentioned he is pretty annoying!:bleh:

    So then she tells me with this bored look on her face" "You know...I think he likes you".

    And I was like:shocked: :blink:

    Somehow...he knew me...and even in the dream, I didnt know that he knew me! To me it was just like reality; I'm a super fan, and he has no idea about anything to do with me.

    So I was like" HUH??", with this EXTREMELY confused look on my face.

    And she just shrugged her shoulders and said:"Yep".

    So we continued walking to our car (I dont even drive but in the dream I did) and for some reason, I stop next to this car that was leaving its parking space. The car stops by me, the window rolls down, and the next thing I know, Mika's face is beaming and smiling so widely at me from the car. Then he looked shy..:blush-anim-cl: and gave me a little wave...and then drove off!!! He looked just like a 10 year old who had a crush on another 10 year old!!! It was sooo cute and hilarious and weird! Totally unexpected.:boxed:

  6. elanorelle OMg You sound so good :punk:


    So wow all lot of responses!~ Lolz I was in bed when you guys all responded.


    But, um thanks :mf_lustslow: so if one of you guys posted the sheet music it would be cool :wub2: I kinda can't buy anything *sob* to poor lolz


    pica_mica that would be awesome too!!!! (can't play the piano well)


    You guys like all rock :punk:


    Okie dokie!!! It'll be ready for you soon!:thumb_yello:

  7. Oooohhh....nice topic!

    Hmm..lets see...what 3 items would I take....

    Gosh....I'd probably faint and remain that way for the whole 24 hours...just the THOUGHT of it makes me wanna faint! Cry actually...it would be AMAZING!!!:wub2::blush-anim-cl:

    But....I think it'd be...

    1) Water (I drink lotsa water and apparently from all the pictures I've seen, Mika does too!)

    2) Mint gum (Just in case...:wink2:):naughty::blush-anim-cl:

    3)My tamagotchi! (So that me and Mika can both "get in touch with our maternal side"):naughty:

  8. I can't read music. I'm a self-taught pianist. It's all up to my hearing. I bet its much easier reading music notes and playing them rather than listening to the music and finding out all the right keys by yourself. It takes me about....10 minutes to do all that. But..oh well...not my fault:bleh:

  9. :punk: The over my Shoulder part:


    Over my shoulder, running away,

    Feels like i'm falling, losing my way,


    Cold and dry,

    Cold and dry.


    Fog out my daylight, torture my night,

    Feels like i'm falling, far out of sight,







    Over my shoulder, running away,

    Feels like i’m falling, losing my way,


    Cold, dry,

    Cold and dry.


    Fog out my daylight, torture my night,

    Feels like i'm falling, far out of sight,




    Cold and drunk.


    I'm in love with and I was wondering if anyone had the piano music to it or that part of the song by it's self with no words (I know that almost runes it lolz) Because I wish to sing along with it (I like to sign, not good at just like to sign) So it would be awesome if you did :wub2:


    P.S. EPP I just keep listen to it over and over again! :shocked::naughty:


    I don't exactly have a piano version ready but I can play it on the piano and send it to you if you like.:thumb_yello:

  10. I have really flashy coloured skinnies that I know Mika already has!:naughty:

    I have purple skinnies, red ones, turquoise ones, flasky blue ones, green ones, black(although its not exactly a flashy colour, but Mika has it!), white ones...and I also have normal "unskinny" pants that are colourful...

    I have really colourful shirts as well...like...in all colours of the rainbow:bleh:

    with really funny cartoon sketches and all on them...very mikaish...

    I have red converse sneakers that Mika already has, and yellow ones, and white ones with my own art on them..obviously black ones...etc etc...

  11. I'll make another extension just because i know i haven't even been around to promote it right and like Hannah said she's not able to be here right now. It'll be until the Feb 15th. Please, make sure to have everything in by that time so i can have the DVD finished by the time i leave for the UK on the 22/23rd.



    Please send all footage to either sugarplumfairycm@yahoo.com or to my pm box.


    p.s. Please that i may(its not guaranteed) have to break up the footage you send me in order to create the right effect.


    Note: If you send your footage to sugarplumfairycm@hotmail.com then i didn't not receive it as i don't have an e-mail account with them. I'm sorry for any inconvenience that this news may cause but if you can help us out and resend your footage to the above mentioned location I'd appreciate it. :thumb_yello:


    Ohhhh THANK YOU soooooo MUCH!!! you saved me!!!! Now I can fix my video in peace!!!!:biggrin2: :biggrin2:

  12. no,that's pretty much generic...do you have some downloading programs? Emule?Dc++? Torrents? I know it's really idiotic,but upload it on ur share section and it will show ya what file extension it is

    if not,yet another idiotic option of mine

    http://www.media-convert.com ,click the "Browse" button,select it ,and it will tell you what type it is


    Its .wmv

    So....what now? Today's the deadline!!!! OMG....cant they extend this thing any longer????

  13. Ok guys...I'm suffering from a crisis here....

    My video has been successfully uploaded to the computer...but...when I play it (using Windows media player), the whole video is in the wrong colours!!!

    Does anyone know how to fix it and get it to its original quality and colour?

  14. i like your love today version, it's really good. you have a beautiful pronounciation, it sounds a bit like mika's accent, and your voice is cute ;) the only thing i didn't like so much is that you're doing too much effects (with your voice) and because of that you didn't hit some notes.. anyway, the song is not easy to sing and you did it very well.

    :thumb_yello: i'm really curious about your stuck in the middle and i'm looking forward to this :)


    Haww thanks alot! That's the sweetest feedback I have ever gotten!!:biggrin2:

    And yeah..to be honest..it really isn't an easy song to sing and alotta people are avoiding it...and it was pretty stupid of me to try it but..too late..already did! Well...atleast SOMEONE kinda likes it!!!

    You made my day, seriously!!

    My "Stuck in the middle" shall be dedicated to you!:biggrin2::bleh:

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