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Posts posted by pica_mica

  1. My Stuck in the middle is ready....No karaoke, no nothing...I'm playing the piano for this one....I'm still deciding whether I should post it here or not...after Love today...I'm not so encouraged about posting anything else!:boxed:

  2. Would you have kissed Mika even if he had a terrible breath?


    Yes!!!! But i'll pinch my nose and block it before I do!!!:naughty:


    Would you get in a relationship with Mika even if he was already married to another woman? (Of course the day he ever gets married...I'm dying...So its a wedding...and a funeral!)

  3. Oh lord...I don't believe I actually posted my song. I bet you all find it terrible!!! I'm soo sorry to everyone who had the misfortune to hear my song!! My deepest, sincerest apologies!!!! Now there's only one more person I'll have to apologise to...and that would be Mika!:boxed:

  4. oh, i managed to go through several pages ...

    how often do you dream a dream ? I only dream once a month i think !! i can't even sleep sometime !!!!


    are you all taking medicine to dream the dreams ??????????


    i think you all mix up imaginations with dreams !!


    Hahahaha..who would be jobless enough to "make up" dreams anyway?

    Of course none of us made up anything..they're all real dreams.

    I happen to dream about Mika every single night, ever since I went to his gig.

    And the dream doesnt even have to be about him...he just happens to be there, like a passer-by on the street or something.

    When you like someone alot, and you think of nothing but that someone, (in my case, Mika), then obviously your subconcious mind continues thinking about him/her as you sleep. And as a result, a dream is formed!

  5. Now this is what i call a weird dream: it was the last dream i had before waking up and those ones you tend to remember the best, anywho, i had a dream that i was attending a mika concert and while he was singing and dancing on stage, everyone kept looking at me and talking between themselves and then looking at me again.....then i woke up.:blink:


    HUH??!! :shocked:


    If that's weird...then what on earth is mine considered?:shocked:

    Yours is pretty weird...but atleast you weren't beheaded along with everyone else on the MFC!:bleh:

  6. I had the strangest dream ever last night...

    The LICM fan CD was completed, and all of us from the MFC met up at one of Mika's 2008 gigs. (Not sure which one exactly).

    So we attended the concert and it was a blast (as usual:blush-anim-cl: ).

    Then we waited outside the venue so that we could meet Mika and give him the CD. He came out about an hour later, his hair kinda wet as he just had a shower. Gosh he looked ADORABLE in the wet curls he had!!!:blush-anim-cl:

    So since it was my dream, I had to give the CD to him, as all of you were too shy.

    So I approached him, introduced myself, and handed over the CD. I explained the whole idea of the CD to him. At first he had a smile on his face, but that smile just kept on fading away from his face, until it turned to a frown, or even a grimace.

    I was shocked, and I asked him what was wrong.

    He wouldn't say anything...he just continued glaring at the CD in my outstreched hand.

    I turned around to look at you all to signal for some help, but all of you were just as scared as I am, with extremely puzzled looks on your faces.:blink:

    Then suddenly...the whole scene kinda dissolved, and then we all re-appeared in a court room, behind bars!

    Mika was sitting next to the judge, testifying against us.

    He was telling the judge about how we commited "music piracy" and how that was illegal and that he wanted to sue us for a million pounds.:boxed:

    Then, all of a sudden, he burst into tears and started blowing his nose very loudly in a hankerchief.

    We were all completely flabbergasted. This was the exact look on all of our faces-:shocked:

    None of us had enough money to pay him the million pounds...so we were all sentenced to death.:blink:

    The scence dissolved away again, and we were somewhere in Paris, standing on a scaffold, waiting in line as we all got beheaded one by one, by Cherrise. (This scene occured due to the fact that I am completely obsessed with Queen Marie Antoinette, who suffered a very similar fate).

    Extremely strange, huh?

    I woke up and...this has been the expression stuck on my face for the past few hours-:shocked:

  7. Just go onto facebook and search for Mika. The problem on myspace, is that you have to be accepted as his friend to send him a message. I applied, but haven't been accepted yet.. But with Facebook, once you open an account and fill in your profile, you can become a '"fan of Mika" which is similar to being his friend. But you can write messages on his wall, instantly.


    Love again from Marilyn


    I already have a facebook account...can you send me the link to his fan account thingy?

  8. I think, if people go ont myspace and facebook, and just send their own messages to Mika. Say what is in their hearts. We don't have to all say the same thing or it would seem contrived. Mika just needs to know we all love him. That will do him the world of good.

    I have written him a Christmas message on Facebook. I told him he's the greatest musician of all time, that I love him, and that I will see him on Feb

    28th in London.

    That message felt right to me, so it's what I wrote.


    Love today and a Happy Christmas to everyone, from Marilyn


    What's his facebook account? I don't know it.:boxed:

  9. We're not trying to MAKE Mika believe he is handsome or anything, we're not trying to CHANGE his own opinion about himself. At least, that's not what I was writing in my letter (i was half asleep when writing that lol)


    I don't quite know how to explain it. I just wanted Mika to know that not everyone thinks he's ugly. I know that a handful of letters cant CHANGE anything but at least it may bring up his self esteem a little...maybe it won't, but it maybe it will make him feel better.


    Leave aside all the Mikgasmic stuff ("wow thats so HOT!" "I think I'm going to die..") Of course we all really respect him. He said he doesn't like people calling him "hot" or anything, and neither do I quite frankly (when said to me) and I don't think anything like that should be said if we DO send him this letter. He'd probably just think that he's viewed as a sexual object, which is definitely not MY intention.


    I wanted a letter to have a real meaning to it, one that he feels is truly genuine and heartfelt. It's all fine reading it on the fanclub, but I think going the extra mile just kinda...I don't know...well, it makes me feel as if we really mean it.


    But hey, if you don't want to get involved that's fine, we're not gonna force you lol and everyone's opinion is respected.


    As for reading all of his messages, he clearly doesn't. I've sent a few and he's read none of them. I look in my sentbox and the status is always "sent", never "read". Just to clear things up.


    When you say you sent him messages, do you mean on his personal myspace or his fan one??:blink:

  10. I Respect Mika (I.R.M.)

    #1. Finkster

    #2. BonjourMika1990

    #3. AKatieisaKate

    #4. Lucy

    #5. Soon-to-bemrs.penniman

    #6. Hannah

    #7. Ghostintheradio

    #8. sara101

    #9. ohwowitsnicka

    #10. purplegrape

    #11. backflip_76

    #12. findingmywords

    #13. LittleTechieShelina

    #14. DS Nightly

    #15. elanorelle

    #16. mikaluvr

    #17. Cynthia Mulat

    #18. vanessa

    #19. Kates

    #20. Petra

    #21. femifrosk

    #22. sesil17aa

    #23. sonjalovestoday

    #24. mikas_gal07

    #25. crina

    #26. lollipopski

    #27. lindemfc

    #28. Ssnakey

    #29. HollyD

    #30. veroMica

    #31. Mika_Special

    #32. CaroLollipop

    #33. Mika_USA_Fan

    #34. cath85

    #35. ella

    #36. Posterofagirl

    #37. buttnugget040

    #38. xlindee

    #39. mercurygirl

    #40. sheik

    #41. Lollipop- kid

    #42. phunkygal


    #44. orangepag

    #45. Mika_forever

    #46. 1kiwiabroad

    #47. Kachinga!

    #48. CazGirl

    #49. Jolanta_Rozanska

    #50. LoveLoveMIKA

    #51. Sariflor

    #52. luna

    #53. -Amanda-

    #54. kk448

    #55. Mikamyloveexx

    #56. ciaodollfacex

    #57. Kavi

    #58. my_rainbow_radio

    #59. sunshine931


    #61. Cassiopée

    #62. born4mika

    #63. lollipopgirl83

    #64. IngievV

    #65. Dewi

    #66. Cranberries

    #67. Marianne84

    #68. Milou

    #69. anto

    #70. Mika is my hero

    #71. libbylovesMika

    #72. SoFi_89

    #73. Princess Sara

    #74. Cattie Gurl

    #75. haru

    #76. [katrina.]

    #77. heineken22

    #78. mel_tinydancer

    #79. Shezzy12

    #80. Lolliepop_girl

    #81. BVS

    #82. Mika4Life13

    #83. mac1718

    #84. tamitami

    #85. Kriszti

    #86. calicojasmine

    #87. Space

    #88. Savage Beauty

    #89. violetsky

    #90. Dangerous Kat

    #91. Leila

    #92. nikoulini

    #93. Slighlty Mad

    #94. canderson

    #95. lindor_love_today

    #96. Miledy

    #97. I've Been 'Mikafied!'

    #98. OhMyMika!!

    #99. Grace Ally

    #100. mika_is_so_sxc

    #101. englishrose

    #102. Me-Mi-Ka

    #103. greta

    #104. JoPerrin

    #105. cmc1112

    #106. Kelzy

    #107. im_stuck_in_the_middle

    #108. mikasbestfriend

    #109. Clare

    #110. Carol_Queen


    #112. Sarah_Lollipop

    #113. MikaaFan

    #114. nikoulini

    #115. rosetta

    #116. AnGie_SizzlerSister

    #117. Debster

    #118. Marleen

    #119. inbyfly

    #120. Mikadmirer

    #121. michellebrazil

    #122. bonzaboy


    Finkster, you have got to add me to this list. I for one, respect Mika completely...100%...and I too hate the fact that some girls yell things like "Take your clothes off!" and such! He is a wonderful person and he truly deserves the utmost respect from all of us.

  11. Dear Mika,


    Everyone on the MFC was burderned and truly touched by the interview that you gave (*name of article goes here*). We all knew about your childhood during your school years, but this really opened our eyes a bit more.


    The majority of people here at the cosy home of the MFC have been bullied at some point or another, and for small different reasons, but we had one big reason that was the same for all of us: We were all different.


    This is why we love you so much; not just for your music, not just for your infectious personality, but because of how HUMANE you are and because we can relate to you - it makes us feel a little bit closer to the man who has made our lives so much happier.


    We all know that there's no true way of beating the bullies; we have all been affected terribly by the disgusting behaviour of children and it still lives with us all today, likewise with you.


    We just want you to know that even when you feel most alone, you are not alone. Without trying to sound stalkerish, I mean.


    All these bitchy and nasty comments affects our confidence and self esteem, likewise with you, and like you say, "not even fame can change that"...but all of us here want you to know that:

    - we DEFINITELY think that you are NOT ugly. You are in fact the most idealistic man any one of us could have dreamed of *not sure about that last sentence lol, sounds too "fan" if you get me...like, crazed fan. I mean, I know we ARE pretty crazy fans, but we wont him to know that we respect him too and I think that sentence is a bit too OTT XD*. You don't have an odd face, you're beautiful. You may not believe us, you don't HAVE to believe, but we just want you to know what we think. We are speaking the most honest truth in saying that you are exquisitely wonderful inside and out. Please don't listen to all those negative comments - you deserve much better and you are much better than them anyway.

    - we also think you are very considerate and thoughtful, e.g when you thought your school could do with a christmas tree. Everyone's heart melted reading about how it was dealt with and...well...it was just really cute. There's no other word to describe it...



    my brain's mushed. i cant think of anything else.

    I LOVE it...

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