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Posts posted by pica_mica

  1. Ohhh!! Just where I belong!! I'm a mutt as well..but not with soooo many different origins like you guys!!!

    My great grandmother from my mother's side is Albanian, which makes me albanian as well. My grandmother is Italian, she married a Lebanese, got my mom, she married a Lebanese with Portuguese roots, married him..and here I am! :bleh:

  2. I've always been considered a giant and I tower over all my teachers and friends...and over most people in malls!! I guess that's what happens when you're 15 and 5'10". Most people seem to hate my height, since they cant stop making fun of it...and others really admire it. As for me..its pretty much normal..nothing I think about too much. I hope I can still grow till I'm 18 atleast...Ioana is 6 feet tall!!! I really hope I get that tall..that's amazing!!!:punk: Just 3 inches shorter than Mika...wows!! I wonder if she was that tall ever since she hit puberty....:blink:

  3. It's probably gonna be hand made anyway,I just have to figure out what the idea will be


    If its gonna be like..drawings and paintings and all...like his....then I am sooo in! I'm really good in that area! We just have to whip up some ideas!

  4. It's said you don't get taller after you've got your period. :doh:

    But who knows? Maybe I grow a few cm. :naughty:


    That is soooo wrong because believe it or not..I was short before I got my periods and during the first few months...thennnnnn..I just SHOT up like BOOM!! All of a sudden, I became this giraffe (that's what my class mates call me:sneaky2: ) and I'm 15 now and ever since past april, I've grown 4 additional cms...and I'm still growing. I know they say it all ends after you get your period...but..doesnt seem right to me at all...I mean..some people get their period really early..like 9...and they still manage to grow. So cheer up..there's a huge chance that you'll get the height you want!

  5. I'm 170 cm and 14 years old, and I won't get any taller according to my doctor. :thumbdown:

    I'd like to be 175 cm or something, just a little bit taller.


    how come? You're only 14...you should get taller....humans grow till they're 21! but not as fast as before puberty. so....you really should be getting taller! even if just a little bit.

  6. Gosh!!!! If that happened...I'd be the HAPPIEST girl on earth! Along with you all of course!

    If only someone could really convince him...I'd fly to the opposite end of the world if I had to, just to be a part of the amazing video!!


    Hey..I have an idea that could be fun...lets all like..I dunno...imagine a video clip scene in your head...and share it here with the rest of us...your ideal music video with Mika and the rest of the MFC.

  7. Hello fellow MFC'ers!

    I know this is probably considered really stupid...but..I was just wondering....exactly how tall is everyone here? It could be in either feet and inches or cms...doesnt matter.

    I'll go first...I'm 15..and 5'10".

  8. What were you eating before you went to sleep? Lots of CHEESE, probably, and maybe some CHICKEN as well.


    Why was Mika in the girls loo??????


    Love today, from Marilyn


    hehehehehe....nopes the only thing I ate was an apple!

    I really have no idea why Mika was in the girls loo....seriously.:blink:

    Come to think of it...I never even thought about that! haha!

    well...you know dreams....there's certainly no limit as to how extremely bizarre and strange they could get..especially when you have my head.

    He's a naughty, naughty boy! Made me pee in my pants AND got me expelled!!!


    Last night in my dream, I was queen Elizabeth the first and he was that pirate she falls in love with...Walter Rhiley.:blink: And he kept on asking me what my name was...and I totally didnt know my name in the dream! Like..no clue!!! So I kept on laughing soooo hard and running around the dining table in circles and he started chasing me, demanding my name (I was the queen of England, he should've known it!) until he tripped on the hem of my beautiful, classical dress and fell face first into a roasted turkey.:blink:

    No wonder I've been laughing alot today.:boxed:

  9. my favorite "how much do you love me" is the one he did at the Zenith (paris) on Oct. 24th. he is finished singing the song & the fans continue without him, and then he comes back to continue, takes a look at the audience and you can see he is very happy at that moment.




    it's worth 10000 words:blush-anim-cl: :blush-anim-cl:


    wow the ending actually brought tears to my eyes....to see him sooo happy like that...its amazing...

  10. Even all the screaming cant express how much I love him...and I'm sure you guys feel the same as well. I remember when I was at one of his gigs..I was at the very first row...and he was singing How much do you love me...and I was like... ALOT!!!! ALOT!!!! SO MUCH!!!! YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!!!

    and then he just looked at me and flashed me a shy kinda smile...I swear I nearly died...he has no idea what that smile did to me. It really changed my life!!!!!!:blush-anim-cl::wub2:

  11. I had this dream where I was at school..and I suddenly wanted to pee soooo badly...I rushed to the bathroom...and I find Mika..standing there, arms outstretched at his sides, blocking my way to the cubicle.:boxed:

    I begged him to move aside and lemme relieve myself...but he simply refused. He kept on bouncing from side to side, making sure I didnt have any possibly way to the cubicle. Then, I peed on myself and got expelled.:boxed:

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