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Posts posted by pica_mica

  1. He looks so sweet when he's asleep :wub2:




    I would love to see him sleeping sometime. For real :blush-anim-cl:


    If I woke up to see THAT first thing in the morning....I'd...well....have a heart attack...woops! I mean a "Mika attack" and well...I'd...DIE:wub2:

    Imagine you wake up not only to find him like that next to you, but actually curled up around you like a baby and snoozing and looking so comfortable..

    wouldn't that be enough to kill? Like...seriously...it'd KILL me...I know it..:wub2:

  2. Oh yes...that big girl....is she LUCKY or what? No and, the silliest part is, after he kissed her (lip to lip!!), she actually wiped her mouth!!!:shocked:

    I mean, I would frikking LICK my lips if he kisses me so that I could have some Mika DNA in me and then...I'd never wash my lips again!:wub2:

  3. I kissed his face. :blush-anim-cl:


    *runs quickly away*



    Just one?:naughty:

    If it were me..I'd never stop...trust me. One of the left cheek, then on the right, then on his forehead, then on his chin (I love his chin:bleh: ) then back to his left cheek, the right, forehead, then I'd kiss his hands, then back all over again:wub2:

    I've left out the lips. Don't wanna scare him now, do I? (As if all that kissing wouldn't be enough to freak him out:bleh: )

    But if it were in my hands, I'd go straight for the lips! No joke! (Just an innocent peck though...no frenchness:bleh: )

  4. Thats what i thought!

    everyone does. then all of MFC would go walking down the street hoping and singing some Mika tunes.



    That way, we could get to Mika gigs soooooo easily! We'll just take one big looongggg step over the audience all the way to the front row..or...the stage itself!


    Lol..I have the scene in my head...its a normal day, rush hour in the morning, and all of a sudden, you hear a blast of various Mika songs and then, you see hundreds of colourful, bright creatures will LOOOOOOOOONG legs, flying over the city. Next day, a huge picutre of the scene on the front page of all newspapers. The creatures will be identified as "MFCers".:mf_rosetinted:

    Mika would be so proud:blush-anim-cl: :naughty:

  5. mika2849.jpg

    Someone probably has this without the watermark :bleh:




    Oh wow...in the last one, it looks like he's gonna jump right into the audience!!

    If I was there, I'd die!

    No wait..I'd kill him first, from all the hugging and squeezing and smooching that I'm gonna torment him with,THEN I'll die..:wub2:

  6. Something's reeeeally wrong with me.I've been staring at his nipples for half an hour:hypo: :hypo:


    Now how am I supposed to look him in the eye if (when) we meet?:roftl:


    I dont blame you...I mean....how can you NOT look?:hypo: :hypo:

    (I really hope he doesn't ever come across this thread:naughty: )

    Interviewer- So Mika, everyone knows that you read the MFC forums. What do the MFCers do most of the time?


    Mika- Stare at my nipples.:mf_rosetinted:

  7. IT MATTERS A WHOLE lot to those of us here in the states that would LOVE to hear him on a regular basis..... with all of the CRAP they do play...it is an outrage they WILL NOT play Mika! It matters ALOT!

    Massive Radio play = exposure


    I didn't mean it doesn't matter to the fans..I meant it wont harm his career. Of course you guys would want nothing more than Mika on the radio! Don't we all? To make you feel better, Mika's barely on the radio in Dubai as well:thumbdown:

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