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Posts posted by jenni91

  1. Yeah, my friend's mum was really surprised when she had her because she's 48, I don't have any neices/nephews because I'm a only child... :thumbdown:


    awww, well i'm basically an only child because they're only really half brothers and sistesr and they're all like married and have families and stuff so i don't see them that often.


    being an only child suckssssss it's too boring and we never get spoiled, even though that's what everyone thinks :thumbdown::naughty:

  2. Technically you don't, evil librarians desided you should do... :thumbdown:


    There is this one little kid I like though, She's my friends little sister Emma. She's 2 and she's adorable :blush-anim-cl:


    tut :P you should just tell her that the SCHOOL library shouldn't have any unsuitable books :naughty:


    awww, I'm not really around little kids too often, i only see my neices and nephew like once a year if i'm lucky because they all live quite far away. :thumbdown: And none of my friends have like really small brothers/sisters.

  3. On the subject of little kids, my nephew is obsessed with superheroes, spiderman etc. (he's about 2)....

    When my brother called the other night, my nephew was proper crying in the background .....Apparently, he'd just found out that he can't fly and he was actually distraught......... :blink::naughty:


    awww bless him! That's quite cute :P

  4. I hate little kids, Sticky fingered monsters... :blink:

    I know! I have to even show prove at school so I can take out teenage books for homework! :thumbdown:


    lool! yes they are eugh! hehe my friends think i'm insane


    :naughty: do you really? :P that's quite bad. i didn't know you needed ID for books.


    i look older than i am, but only by about 2 years - i still have chubby cheeks! I hope they disappear and i get proper cheekbones... I got sick of the guys tugging at them going 'chubbbbby cheeeeeeekssssss!!!!!'


    I love little kids!! My sister just moved to Oz though with my 2 neices.....

    awww! i have quite chubby cheeks too, but i am in general quite chubby :thumbdown:


    awwww! Well i like my neices and nephew, but they're not baby babies, except one of my neices but she must be like 5/6 now so that's not too bad. Apparently when i was younger i was holding one of them and they dribbled on me and i nearly dropped her on the floor :naughty:

  5. Hehe... I know! I got chucked out a cinema once because they didn't think I was over 12.... I had this horrible 3 year old following me once at this amusment park and ended up running away from him. :naughty:


    Why do little kids like me? :blink:


    gah yeah the other day i went to see a 15 at the cinema, they refused to believe i was 16 so i had to show him my homework planner because it had my form on it :naughty:


    i hate little kids, and little kids hate me :P

  6. Yeah actually, except my mum embarresing me and the waitress giving me a colouring pack thinking I was about 8, but apart from that :roftl:


    This 2 year old came charging up to me and started handing me sweets :blink:


    :naughty: awwwwwww :P


    that always happens to me, once last year, when i was 15, i went to buy click on dvd (which is a 12) and they asked me for ID! i mean :o! :thumbdown:




    lmao aww bless :P i never know what to do around kids, if that happened to me i'd probably run away lmao :roftl:

  7. My dad has said similar things about Mika.


    Also last February when he heard Grace Kelly for the first time he muttered "One hit wonder........."


    And one year later........ the album is still in the top 10 (at least it was when i last looked!)


    But to him, only 50s and 60s music exists!

    My mums awesome though! She'll listen to anything, but she loves Abba the most! :bleh:



    argh i hate it when people say things like that :P and then i tell them about LiCM still being in the top 10 and they just say "well it's not that hard these days, what with everyone downloading stuff illegaly" it actually drives me insane :P


    I force my music on my mum so she has no choice but to try and like it :P


    :bleh: But the best things come in small packages right??? Is that how the saying goes?!? :blink: Im not good at those sayings.


    that is so true :P there's another saying like that too but i can't remember it argh

  8. Yeah I know! It's ridiculous isn't it? And she's still growing :shocked:


    I normally just barge in front of everyone :mf_rosetinted:

    Hehe... or use this boy as a human shield for me to barge through crowds :naughty:


    haha :naughty: that could work, but when you're like at concerts or whatever then you can't really barge because everyone get's annoyed and refuses to let you through lmao :P

  9. Uhh, I used to do biking after school, racing and stuff. I was the best for ages!

    Then I got a new bike and haven't been the same since :boxed:

    I've already given up, :naughty: My best friend's 5ft and another girl is like... 6ft 2? She's only 12... Grah... :blink:


    thats crazy! are you serious?? 6ft and she's 12??


    i wish i was that that tall i hate being the shortest you can never see over people's heads at anything :thumbdown:

  10. I hate gymnastics... :boxed:


    Well... I can't even reach my toes! I've got short arms with huge hands, and long legs with tiny feet!


    And after all that, I'm still only 4ft 7!

    Gah... I give up... :roftl:


    i used to love gymnastics when i was little, i did it for like 10 years after school, i was alway rubbish though :P


    I'm short tooo :( it sucks i'm 4ft 11.5 which is annoying, i've given up hope of ever reaching 5ft :P

  11. See, I hopefully won't have that problem, I'm pretty much sure I'll end up doing art, Lincoln Art College :punk:


    My dad went there :naughty:


    i LOVE art, i'm rubbish though, you must be amazing to do it at college!


    I have to go and pick up my exam paper on monday and the exam is like, next month. I'm going to fail :naughty:

  12. :naughty: That is actually a point that they might not have spaces left - but it's a large college im going to, its not a 6th form in school. So they might have plenty of spaces left.


    I hope they do - psych. and business are so popular apparently. :boxed:


    ah i see, i want to go to a college but i don't really know any around here and i never went to any of the open evenings because i'm a fool loool!


    yeah i know soo many people who put down psychology in my school, and my friends in other schools all want to do it aswell.

  13. I know! I literally cant fail them, or else i cant get into college!


    I havent chosen for definate yet, but im thinking of doing Business Studies, French, Psychology and English Lit (or Law.)


    same! and in my school anything below a B means your terrible and you have to get above a B in everything to be able to get into the 6th form. Gah i hate my school lol


    Ohh i'd love to do business studies and psychology but I didn't have any gaps left :P

  14. I loved playing 40/40 it!!!! I used to play that at primary school.

    So,we have a 29th March, and a 1st,11th and 21st of November. Cool!:wink2:


    :P tehre was another game too, like 40/40 but it had 52 in the name and i forget what the rules were, i remember it was like pretty much the same but there was one tiny difference that everyone used to argue about :naughty:


    we used to play polo in school, there was nowhere to hide in the playground to play 40/40 :P

  15. jenni91 i love your avatar!!!! where is mika there? sorry guys this is off-topic, but i seriously love it!


    hehe thanks :D erm it's from this interview




    then my friend just edited it on photoshop for me :D



    Hehe, like me then

    Well... Mostly...


    That's why I terrify my friends from where I used to live when I turn up at there house in all black... everyone's terrifyed I'm going goth


    lool i prefered hide and seek or 40/40 :P


    i haven't seen my friends from around there for years, it's such a shame i LOVED my childhood :D

  16. Oh no, our school does this new thing called 21st century science. It sucks! I didnt take Triple because im not that good at it, but they scrapped double in favour for that.


    I do French (rubbish at), Music, Geography (rubbish at), Religion (surprisingly good at - i think im going to become a vicar... :naughty: ), and all the other compulsary ones.


    I got to drop Graphics though. I was failing, predicted an F, so they just let me drop it!


    Oh my old school is doing that i think! Is that like, where you don't actually do science and just write about moral issues or something? :P My friends may have exagerated on the "not doing science" bit :P


    Ooh I do french and Geography, rubbish at french, i can just about say "my name is jenni" and that stuff :P

    We have to do R.S but i'm quite good at it, i managed to get an A in my mocks without talking about religion at all :P


    I'm thinking about dropping french, i need an extra few lessons a week to do my art, which i am also failing :rotfl:

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