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Posts posted by jenni91

  1. Ive got a science exam on that date. Is that what youre doing???


    I suck at the maths coursework. Have you done any of that yet??? (im in year 11 by the way) :bleh:


    No, it's this geography "decision making" thing, it's about airports and it sucks :P


    You have a science exam already?? Are you doing double or triple??


    I haven't done any maths coursework, not looking forward to it though lol! I had to do this "statistics" thing last year instead of maths so my class and 2 others have had to pack all of year 10 and 11 into one year. And i'm really not very good at maths at all, i don't know why i was put in that class :roftl:


    What other subjects did you take for your GCSE's?

  2. Thanks =]

    I tend to worry about stuff so much, but now i can just tell myself to get over it and hope i do ok xD


    Hehe, I'm the complete opposite, i don't really worry enough. Except for now, i'm doing rubbish on all my coursework and everything and I have a GCSE on the 24th of this month.


    SATs also might contribute to your predicted grades for GCSE's i think, not sure though. But they don't reall ymatter, if anything they just put extra pressure on you :thumbdown:

  3. Sorry to randomly burge into this thread xD

    But i'm hoping someone here has done the SAT's in KS3 (Year 9)

    Are they anything to really worry about?

    I have my mocks next week and i've only just been told and i'm stressing out about =/

    Are they important?



    SAT's really aren't too important, it's just to make the shcool look good really, and to decide whcih classes you should be put in next year (if you're school has the whole "top maths class" thing.


    They're not that difficult either really, you'll never need to look at them again when you leave school, not like GCSE's and A-Levels :)

  4. Bradley is the sweetest thing ever. He's like that in real life too, genuinely sweet.


    I almost cried when Tanya fell down the stairs! :tears: I thought she was gonna die :tears:


    Sean's hot. Like, bad boy hot. Bradley's just really cute!


    AWww! Bradley is actually the perfect guy :wub:


    Yum Sean is GORGEOUS.

  5. It's too cute for words!


    I hate Max!!!! Sean's well hotter......


    I felt sorry for tanya!!! "Ive got stretchmarks! Everythings going south!" :naughty:


    *Reminds self its not real*


    The only reason I didn't hate max from the begining is because he's ginger :P And i love bradley :P


    aww, I love Tanya, she's my fave on Eastenders :D

  6. it doesnt say anything about an address here :thumbdown: anyway i entered & got a text back saying congratulations ! your answer is correct & has entitled u to an entry into the draw . GOOD LUCK !


    I didn't get a text saying i'd got the right answer! I just got one saying that if I wanted to be texted details of other competitions I should text back saying somthing :blink:

  7. lol! I get on really well with my mam, but...eh...lol, It would be kind of weird!

    I have cousins who are over 21 so I'd have to drag them along if I won!

    What am I thinking!!

    It's like 1 in a million or more chance!

    I'm not going to get my hopes up at all...:bleh:


    :P Meh, I don't get on very well with her really. She probably wouldn't be able to get time off to come anyway :P


    Lool! i've found myself doing that i've been all like "yay" to my friends, when i know there's no way i'll win. Gosh, oh well, we can dream :P

  8. ha! I don't know much people over 21, besides my parents!!How funny would that be, going with your mam!lol:D

    But really does anyone here know the number to call if your from Ireland??

    I'm a little stuck here...


    hehe, I'm quite lucky, I know quite a few people over 21 that i wouldn't mind coming with me :P


    I wouldn't let my mum come :roftl:

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