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Posts posted by jenni91

  1. lol.


    yeeah.. well not granny granny.. like she was a young granny.. but still.. she got asked for ID cos the check out lady thought she was under 21.. i wonder what cream she uses *rubs chin and thinks hard*




    That's crazy! but i suppose it's better safe than sorry :P You can get sued for selling alcohol to underage people can't you??

  2. ok, i shall put it on my list of films to watch :bleh:


    whats the other one you've seen then?



    ooh.. lucky thing :naughty: i wish i had that talent :sad:


    Spiderman 3 :P


    Actually, i did see POTC, i lied, i've seen 3! :P


    hehe, it's not very usefull all the time, when i'm 18 i'll have to get an ID card or something lol.

  3. I want to see that!!


    I'm short but I can't buy childrens tickets!


    :P i have quite a child like face i think, i don't look my age at all, i look about 12!!!

    It's ot good though because it's very difficult to get dvds, i went to woolworths in january, and i wanted to buy click on dvd, which is a 12, and they asked me for ID. I was 15 :thumbdown:



  4. yeah i get ya :thumb_yello: lol


    aw really!? actually.. i think i've only been twice as well now that i think about it.. but i might go this weekend to watch Enchannted.. or St Trinians not sure yet


    yeah i used to too.. but they're getting really expensive :sneaky2:


    ST TRINIAN'S! you HAVE to see that, that's one of the two films i've seen this year :P


    It's REALLY good :)


    I know! But because i look so young i can always get away wiht buying children's tickets so it isn't as expensive for me :P I love being short :D

  5. oh right, cool :D


    it's good to be.. oldly young :bleh:


    well we weren't really the oldest ones there because their were parents there and stuff, but we were like the oldest "children" there :)


    Hehe, I really want to go to the cinema again i've only been liek twice this year! i used to go every other weekend. :P

  6. oh i hate dark choco lol.. but hey u got it all sorted out :)

    what made u wanna become one in the first place?


    Mmm i LOVE dark chocolate :P


    Well i've been vegetarian for nearly 4 years, and then i read stuff about how dairy cows are kept and stuff and my vegan friends told me about it and stuff, and i felt bad :(


    I'm quite big on the whole animal rights thing :)

  7. aw, that was a good idea, how'd u come up with the name?



    really? lol.. i never watched it at the cinema :sad: .. i watched it back in august on the plane when i was going to america.. twas so good :wub2:


    I found it on a website :P It must have been the only name that he didn't actually suggest! lol


    Me and my friend were the oldest ones there when we went to see it :P and we were the only ones laughing in some parts :P

  8. wow that's so hard :blink: giving up chocolate.. i managed for lent.. and managed not to eat it for like 43 days.. then i was craving it sooo bad :roftl:


    wow u got nerves girl, good on ya :biggrin2:


    Well it's not too bad, because i can have dark chocolate, most dark chocolate uses soya milk i think rather than cows milk. And you can get vegan milk chocolate now =]. You can get vegan everything really, plus some of my friends are vegan so they can help me keep on track hehe :P

  9. aw nice name :wub2:


    aw bless! they aren't very nice.. well at least they're not painful.. but they're still annoying.


    Yeah i watched it then too.. then my dad recorded it so i watched it again today :naughty:


    thanks :) My friend spent ages looking at random websites trying to find a nice name, he came up with LOADS then i decided to name her something completely different hehe


    :D I remember going to see that film in the cinema, I really need to get it on DVD or something :P

  10. aw cute :wub2: what's your kitty's name?


    that sucks.. but hey u found the MFC! so it's gonna change your world around :biggrin2: lol


    errm.. i went to get an eye test (and they said I don't need wear glasses! yipee! ) and errm.. yeah that was the highlight of my day :naughty: oh then watched Finding Nemo.. and now I'm back here.. in my second home :wub2::naughty:


    She's called Kali :)


    hehe yay!


    I hate eye tests, I've only had one but i remember i was trying to answer the letters really quickly and I said the wrong letter and because i was only little i was petrified that they were going to shout at me for making it up or something hehe


    I love finding nemo :) I watched it yestereday or the day before when it was on tv

  11. I'm good thanks! Did you have a good christmas?


    Good :) It was alright thanks, didn't really do much though hehe, you?


    i'm good thanks


    how's your day been?


    It's bee okay :) took my kitten to the vet for a checkup, that was the most exciting thing that happened :P I never do anything in the holidays :( yours?

  12. You saw a latvian language too? It's hard- latviešu valoda nav to tām vieglākajām..:biggrin2: lol


    lol no, i'm not very good at languages so even if i did i doubt i'd remember it. I'm even rubbish at English! :bleh:

  13. Really?:roftl: It was interesting?


    Yeah, we got to choose which country we studied, it was very interesting, i like geography and learning about other countries, it's what i find most interesting :)

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