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Ju-Ju Lea

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Everything posted by Ju-Ju Lea

  1. Click on the number of relpies on your subscribed threads page next to the Aussie thread
  2. I know, What sort doesn't have MSN! With us two it definently has to be a shared title!
  3. I feel so bad Arts, I didn't mean any of the stuff I said in a mean, discriminating way, And sure it was very imature, But seriously, I am bisexual too and I am christian as well so I understand where you are comming from
  4. *joins in on trying to convert M to lesbianism*
  5. You're not the only one with the dark, hairy, half-lebanese types.... blonde girls don't really do it for me though.... I prefer them dark as well though....
  6. *doesn't need medication cause she'sTHPETHIAL* I guessed
  7. *wonders exactly what the orange is going to to Exactly, it fits in!
  8. This is mine, it was the last one, I posted ages after you...
  9. *give one to you for a present* *thinks vaguely this would be an awesome PPR uniform* I did *points to the nodding smilie in her preveous post*
  10. A lorange, I likey I can understand the gay issue
  11. *vaguely meantions that it covers mostly everything as it is a SUPER MEGA ORANGE*
  12. *cough*somebodypostpleaseIwasthelasttodosoIthink*cough*
  13. MFC is back-ack MFC is back-ack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. It gets worse the team colours are green and red Christmas colours!
  15. I have often wondered myself what he smells like, and it looks to me that he has the smell, I really, really like...
  16. JJL looked at Reece significatly, then grabbed his hand. Reece nodded his head but stayed quiet "I think we need to get into the inner circle of the govenment... find out what's going on" said JJL, with a slightly shakey voice "How can we do that? They know what all of us look like, from that picture we took at your place" said Artsy "Well, you see Reece he can change what he looks like, he looks normal most of the time, but he can do it" said JJL "Can you?" said various members of the PPR with wide eyes Yes, I can" said Reece standing up and he morphed into the complete opposite of himself, short, bald and sad looking "I feel so sorry for my future kids" muttered JJL...
  17. I'm showing my team pride *points to personal message on MSN*
  18. Hello Ya'll, How are we all today? I will be in green until tomorrow, cause it is Cross Country at school tomorrow ( <--- green smilie) and we get extra points if we wear green, and I'm trying to beat a friend in the opposite house (red) I think my filling has come out =S
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