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Ju-Ju Lea

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Everything posted by Ju-Ju Lea

  1. *strolls into thread* *sees name* *hides key to the factory* *wonders if she can join in*
  2. *Takes the syrup* You gave me the key! 'Tis mine Mwhahaha! *waves hi to mika*
  3. I think I'll tell him to try chocolate mud cake and mild salsa together if he likes weird food combinations cause that one is my favorite! ZOMG!!!!!!!!!11111!!!!!!!!!!! *makes note to get chips and nutella tomorrow* Night Teegs
  4. *bursts into loud and dramatic tears* *stops* *goes and snogs Mika for the now brain busted Kelz*
  5. Mine is a wee bit like that... But my accent tends to change along with others as well... I have a bit of an english accent going at the moment...I too have picked up a bit of Mika's laugh... Mum is really weird about that...
  6. I'm just special like that And when you come to Australia you're going to dye my hair green with pink streaks *goes to a private school* They didn't notice it today so I'm lucky *is going to have bright finger nails until they notice* *is also going to dye her hair a different colour for every week*
  7. *starts folding up fluro clothes and putting in bag* Gald you likey my nail painting job (I accually have pink with black dots at the moment even if it is against school dress code)
  8. Surrrrreeee you are *is bored* *paints Arts nails pink with black spots* *is bored again*
  9. Sorry, it's short but I've had this in my head for days... and then writers block hit hard
  10. "So now what?" asked JJL "I have no idea" replied Reece "Helpful much?" was the slightly sarcastic reply that came back "Meh, I'm as lost as you" "Well I'm going to talk to M she needs some support at the moment" said JJL standing up "Who's coming with me?" "I'll come" said Mika standing up "Anyone else?" No one else stood up "Pffft boo to you all, c'mon you" JJL and Mika ran into M in the hallway "C'mon M you can come talk to us, you look very preoccupied" said JJL "You aren't going to yell or scream at me for apparentally betraying Arts are you guys?" asked M "No of course not, just talk to us explain your side of it all" "Alright, well.........
  11. Don't you'll make Reece jealous *points to latest post* *whispers* meet me in the factory
  12. JJL and Reece were in the courtyard blissfully unaware of what had happened with the rest of the PPR's. "You know, if I ever got married this would be the place to do it-" said JJL in one of her more romantic voices "Married!" Reece spluttered "-Oh and its so beautiful, especially at night" JJL stood up "C'mon, dance with me" She held out her hand to Reece. "Dancing, marriage? Are you okay sweetie?" But, took her hand neverless and began to dance with her. "I'm fine, but what the hell was that ment to mean?" "It's just you swore off dancing back when you graduated from high school, and you said marriage was overrated" "Well I didn't think you would come 'round did I, and back in graduation I only knew one decent dancer that didn't think dancing was an easy way to get into my bed and funnily enough that was you" "Ah, but I did get into your bed didn't I" JJL snorted "Arts nearly killed you for that" "It's funny that they bet on our love life" "Why?" "I may have put a little bet on whatever is going on between her and Cal" with a rather cheeky expression "Oh god, how much?" "Not much, just a pole dancing lesson or three" "JJL, what are you on?" "Such accuations!" "Oh yes, horrible aren't I" "Good thing I am too, otherwise this would never work" "But, by the sounds of it you want it to be even more" "Possibly, I would be lying if I said that getting married to you is something I don't want to happen in the near future" "Then why don't we" JJL suddenly stopped dancing "Are you accually proposing?" she said in complete shock "Maybe" Said Reece holding up a ring with a bit of a sparkle in his eyes "You know if I was one of those weird faint hearted girls I'd probably faint and then once waken up, jump up and down like a fool. However I am not so lets skip right to the jumping up and down like a fool huh?" "So that's a yes?" "No, it's a no. Of course it's a yes fool, now put that ring on my finger so we can go tell everyone" Reece put the ring on her finger and they walked inside to find....
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