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Ju-Ju Lea

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Everything posted by Ju-Ju Lea

  1. Hey lazy bums, All this chatting, no posting *points to the PPR CHAT Thread* *adds a link just to be sure* PPR CHAT Thread *stops being a bitch* *postick*
  2. Becks, You forgot on the front page bout Me and Reece being engaged...
  3. I'm alright, A bit pissy at my supposed friends, they went to the Harbour Festival (Which is this huge thing here, bigger then the show), they told me they were going at 2... they went at 10:30
  4. *had to read that three times to get some sort of understanding out of it*
  5. I'm not even going to try to quote Teegs' MQ *is lazzzzy* *is also curious to know about officialness*
  6. *laughs* *pats back* *wonders if you went out wearing nothing but a towel* Lazzzzzzzzzzyyyyyyyyyy Yum *loves them toooo* Hypercrite Haha *nodds* Hypercrite... again *likes lime green* *isn't suffering* Your lazy, it's harder than usual to do the part up your posts
  7. Nighty night *doesn't notice the missing chocolate*
  8. How could you not like sultanas!?!? I will never do that! *catches on webcam* *posts onto youtube* That's ok I had no idea why I did it in the first place *understands now* *steals Kelz's handfull of mini-easter eggs* I don't want to know *puts you on the list*
  9. Hi! I love Erase, I was accually thinking of getting the US copy for it! I think Scutty may kill you for that *sings along* *points to her offer a few posts up* Did I meantion the prize was a years supply of an alochol of your choice? I'm a good girl and don't eat red meat on Good Friday *writes you down on the entry forms as well*
  10. *laughs* *writes down the entry forms* *is in awe of the yellow shoelaces in BG* *is still in love with oranges* *has an easter snog with Mika*
  11. Hello everyone! Happy easter! *hands out those Cabury eggs that are nearly the same size as her head!* *also hands out Mikamite exclusive passes into the factory for the annual "eat chocolate till you spew" competition* *and free entrys if wanted
  12. *is annoyed that she hasn't been able to see part 8 for two whole days!* :badmood: :badmood: :badmood:
  13. Give her a diary I'll happily put up with your ranting anyday Nighty night sweetie *huggles*
  14. Yes it did make sense... And sweetie, it'll be ok *gives hug* I can completely understand where your comming from... I get into some nasty spats with my mum sometimes!... I suggest you go and put on GK or something nice and angry, turn it right up and sing along as loud as possible... That way it gets your anger out and then go and talk to your mum after you both have had a good nights sleep and both aren't in such a bad mood and work things out... and keep venting its good for you MFC is ideal for it isn't it *gives another hug and says to come and talk when pissed anytime* *gives you as much chocolate as you can eat and Mika for the night*
  15. Why are you pissed? *eats 5 tonnes of chocolate* *snogs Mika* *feels better now*
  16. *sends her love and huggles to Meeks* *glares mencingly at anyone who thinks its alright to threaten the pop-prince* Or anyone in general really
  17. I'll get thinking!!! Thanks to Mika not touring Australia, I haven't even seen the boy in real life!
  18. It's going good, I found chocolate in my belly button yesterday from a late night snog with Mika *laughs evilly* Meh *awaits evil test eagerly*
  19. Soa! *pats head cause she's bored, then attacks with evil upside down stars*
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