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Everything posted by LucyPenniman

  1. omggg!! Ceciii jaja como tienes cabeza para todo estoo?! jajaj ya no se ke esperar de ti! jajaj ntc pero k no se pueden aguantar esos Penniman!??! no pueden?! jajaj weeeeno... yo no me aguantaria tmpc x uno asi jaajjaj
  2. Nawww! congrats Cintia!!! we're so happy for you too!! And Ceci, I love your idea! and maybe we can dress up like bunnies but showing Mika or something related to Mika in some place what do you think?? or maybe dress up like a big girl or maybe a lollipop girl with a pair of chubby bunny ears!
  3. hands down for my sis!!! yeeey!!! I aprove the Chubby Bunny project what's this project all about?
  4. chhhh que nerd!!1 jajaja ntc... yo igual ando x las mismas k tu 9-10 =S jajaja p.s. I love you!! muero x verla! pero ya llegaron x mi jhajajaja t dejo sis! tkk
  5. hahaha lol I know!! maybe that's what shocked me!! but you look bigger than 16 haha really!! and very good thx btw!! hey gotta go! haha my friends're homee!! bye bye lots of loveeee!! (and try to refresh the first page, lots of new family members )
  6. ceciiii!! te extrañamoss (al menos yo) millonesss!!! como esta la fregada eskuelaaa!? jajaja ke ha sido de ti?? aki naaaada nuevooo... weno ahorita en como medio minuto vienen x mi pa ir al cine pero k wneo k t vi antes!!! un bechote siiis!
  7. no m shinguess!!! pareces de como 20ytantoss... jaja ke impacto! no se pk no te imagine asiii para nada!!! pero estas bn bonita iwaaal tus ojos estan re lindos!!!
  8. OMG SIIIIIIIS!!! CANT BELIEVE IT!!!!! dichosos los ojos ke te ven!!! lol waaaa I MISSED YOU TERRIBLE!!! *go and gives her the biggest hug* myy! you should *** out the school I did post pics of myself too, on page 77 if u wanna take a look and btw, my lil nephew you're so gorgeous
  9. ch*nga llegue tarde otra vez jajajajaj weeeeno HOLA! estan super lindos!! ya los robe :333 jejeje No pues te cuento... aki en merida, el narco esta cañonsisisisimo asi nefasto, a lo mejor x el centro del pais se haya oido algo, pero esta bien grueso... el kaso es k hace poco (como 1 mes) el hijo del jefe d la policia atropello a 2 personas y murieron... y pues no le hicieron pruebas de alcohol ni drogas ni nada q x falta d reactivos... horrible! son unos mensos akiii esta horrible, ya miedo da salir... iwal han habido balazos n las plazas, cines, CASAS... horrible =S pero buenooo aki uno intenta sobrevivir las kiero chamakas! me retiro!! jej solo vine a decir hola =P
  10. At last!! I read all the 90 pages again to find the family members who were lost in the thread so here we are!! (btw, I didn't put the members who have no mom yet, I'll when you tell us ) 1. Mika is EVERYONE's that, Ceci's married with Robbie Williams (which makes him the step-father of Ceci's daughters) and I'm married with Johnny Depp (and it makes him the stepdaddy of my daughters ) Ceci's Cintia_Jenny babuccia lovepupbandit hjbsrbab@hbibby.orangehom Lucy's kittie88 Mika-thebestmusician Lolliepop_girl Mika_Freaka=) Mirano Femifrosk luna Big Girlie Clare Now, pleas I know I probably missed someone or changed someone's mom or something like that, so if there's anything wrong in the list just let me know!! and as soon as Ceci's school leaves her to log in for 5 mins or something, she'll put you on the first page Ye, and I was thinking, to have a better control over us (we're a big family ) if you want to send me a PM and tell me your age, where are you from and how do you like to be called! I think that's all! Oh, no!! LOTS OF LOVE FOR UUUU!!!
  11. OMG!!! YOU GIRLS WRITE LIKE WAY TOO MUCH!!! love u! lol ok soo... answering some of u... Mika is your dad, Johnny is my husband, that makes him your step-dad ;D yay!! welcome daughter Ceci'll add you to the list as soon as she can that's exactly my classroom, ALL day long, every single day... teachers hates us pretty much =P welcome welcome!! new members to our big big family!! and of course you can, and you can choose between Ceci or me to be your mommas it is!! =D do u wanna join?? choose a mom !! Ceci or me Ceci & me =D and I'll try to post the list of my daughters and Ceci's too
  12. hola chamakas!! igual solo vine a saludar q ya me tengo k irrr !! no podia no decirles hola las kiero chikas!! un besote
  13. :shocked: :shocked: entonces soy la persona mas debil jajajaja AMO dormir es mi actividad favorita pero no en las noches, hoy no se q me pasa q me kieor ir a dormir ya (como sea, ya me fui otra vez jajajaj byebye!)
  14. eww no veas las pelis!! las pelis d harry potter SUCKS! jajaj mucho!! los libros mejor (bueno, ya me fui saluditos!)
  15. jajajaja suele pasar pero con cancion nueva traumante, me la pasas igual ok?? wenole susan! ahora si me voyy pk tengo hambre y sueño y etc etc etc... jajaj nos vemos, y desaburrete oyendo Mika... o the Killers... o haciendo siggys lindas pa lucy como te gusten :3 jajajjaj ntc bye byeee!
  16. no puedo estar más de acuerdo COMPLETA Y ASKEROSA mierda en fiiiin... me gusta Mr Brightside recomiendame otraaaa yo estoy traumada con .. en general todo el soundtrack de Across the Universe jajaja
  17. NOOOOOOOOOOO no no nooo!! no pongas harry potter y los demas q dijiste en una misma lineaa!! no no noooo y no es lo unico q leoo me gusta muchisisimo leer d filosofia, o de filosofos ultimamente lei uno q se llama el secreto, y en contra de todo pronostico lo odié y siii! me gusta Shakespeare! gran gran gran escritor SUSAN, comparto contigo el ****ing aburrimiento... aunque soy NEFASTA para el photoshop
  18. OMG!! ME NEITHER!! loool my friends really like him!! but one of them is actually in love with him, not as much as me!! but she is but my moooom... gooooooooshh.. she liked his music and everything, she used to hear it while driving the car, but as soon as she knew he wasn't that straight, she started to say like... "I don't know why are you listening that GAY music" but it's ok... she doesn't understand LOL
  19. jajajaja yo AMOOO LEER! asi como ves soy bn ñoñaaa aaaa te menti! pero si me encanta leeer y harry potter me eeencanta aunque rompe con el hermoso cuadro de libros filosoficos y muy muy muy fregones k tengo ahi arriba en mi cuarto pero AMO harry potter ajajajaj weno supongo q ya entendiste k amo harry potter jajaja pero me harté.. mañana sigo .. . ni tengo q hacer tarea, no tengo nada q hacer y estoy MEGA aburrida
  20. ni lo digas paso x aki y nadieeee... las extraño! de verdad a ver cuando se arma la buena otra veeeez!!! aunq he de admitir k me he conektado solo a esta hora pk estoy releyendo harry potter 7 ahora en español, y x mas j*dido ke suene lo lei y entendi mas rapido en ingles q ahora... llevo ya casi 1 f*cking semana y NO TERMINOOO en fin chamakasss! las kiero un besote!!
  21. one time? hahah I dreamed that too much times now hello!! yes you're officially my daughter, problem is that Ceci manages this thread and she can't log in as long as she wishes too 'cuz school and stuff like that, but soon you'll be add , same is happening with the newest members, as you see, Mirano my other 'new' daughter isn't on the list either! but don't worry about it!! I know, I'm late as always and can't talk to you... and Ok, I admit this time is my fault LOL I'm re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in spanish, and can't leave it noooow haha so I must go again to read it!! bye bye, lots of love
  22. nawww! then I'll be waiting for it hey gotta go my lil nephew! 'cuz I have like tons and tons of homework to do, and study for 2 lessons, etc, etc... so I really need to do it see u tomorrow anyway!! bye bye
  23. nawwwwwwwwww thx so much!! yee mine are most like veeery dark brown, that's it! you hadn't post a pic of you, riiiight? or am I missing it?!
  24. are they?? mine are ... brown... black... sometimes brown, sometimes black I posted a pic of myself in page... 77 or so!
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