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Everything posted by LucyPenniman

  1. OMG HE doess!! He's one in a million , those like the wine... the older THE BETTER!
  2. hello sweetie!! that's very gooood hope you feel better soon
  3. You seriously want us to die or what?! I almost have a heart attack while watching all this HOTTNESSSSSSS!! thanks so much!! btw, I love how they look sooo hot in the (almost) same position
  4. loool we're in the same position here! my city is sooo small, you get to know everyone OMG! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! my husban and Christian Bale (amazingly hot) together?! *faints* *wakes up* CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THAT MOVIE!
  5. I'm veeery good indeed! just figured out how smart I am (ok, kidding LOL) I got 100/100 on my *contabilidad* test :D (ok some test, I don't know the name in english loool) and didn't study at all (but don't ask how I did it in antropology, I suck lol) how was your day ?? =)
  6. me me me!! hello darling! how's everything?
  7. omg!! I'm so affraid of that, maybe that's why I've never ride a horse!! that must hurt like hell! anyway someday I'll try *writes it down on the purposes list for 2008*
  8. holaaaa! pues pasate mas x akii veo q eres de Irlandaaa!! no tienes idea de como AMO ese lugar! bueno ok ok, nunca he ido pero muero por iiir! jajaj q padre!! hola holaa! bienvenidaa!! siii pasa las veces q sean necesarias para ti eres super bienvenida!
  9. si se d mikasounds, era mas bn para el thread pero gracias!! y todavia tengo q crear mi myspace... nunca quise... fregado Mika, lo que me hace hacer!! siempre caigo! jajaja
  10. Oooooh... I feel so stupid now loool what's that Iowa State Fair? (sorry I just can't stop watching you gorgeous siggy, I needed to say LOL)
  12. No way!! haha don't think like that!! he'll go someday, be positive well, he certainly had NO reason to come to Merida (is so small and have NOTHING very interesting) and he did come! so hopefully, one day he'll be there!! anyway I bet Mika has been there ..and never in Mexico!
  13. Nawww that's so unfair! I've never heard of something like that here in Mexico lucky you, you can watch every Johnny's films!! Tho, I must say I'm pretty much lucky myself! 'cuz he has been in my city more than 2 times now (you know, Chichén Itzá and that, he loves it!! he has been in Chichen many times!! and my city is the neartest to Chichen!) however I hadn't see him alive, but I'll stalk him the next time he comes lol
  14. Welcomee!! You'll find it very addictive here! and don't worry about your english, we're lots who don't speak english that good
  15. SIIIIIIII!! y yo digo q si no lo entiende con nuestra disimulada presion, entonces seamos directas y ATAQUEMOS todos los medios disponibles de comunicarnos con el sin pudor, sin medida, con exceso y a mucha honrra
  16. Oh my!! haha I know!! tho, I didn't like that movie thaaaat much I just paste that poster 'cuz you can see his face very good And what's that netflix stuff?
  17. WOOOW I have this one in the back of my door
  18. I LOVE how he looks in this pic!! tho, I hadn't watch this movie... how is it'??
  19. you didn't like Jack Sparrow that much!? omg, I adore him as all his characters however I think Burton-Depp's movies are the best ones, Sleepy Hollow is one of my favs., and I adored Sweeney Todd aswell
  20. Yo estoy tmb!!! Y anaa!! siii hay que hacer esooo jejeje aunq yo no tengo myspace, juro q abro uno solo x el!! imaginateee!! TENGO q verloooo pronto
  21. My!!! I adore him in everyone of his presentations he's just too much for my eyes!! and yes, I think Sleepy Hollow makes him look specially adorable!! and not to mention Jack Sparrow... omg...
  22. OMG!!!!!!! THE LAST PIC is just *HOOOOOOOT* omg omg! can't stand how cute is him and your siggy is just adorable!! I love Jim
  23. hey hey im back YES I HATE THE BEACH!!! and I go every weekedn yeeey I wanna ride a horse
  24. Oh it's okkk .. I don't like the beach that much... only if I'm on the boat or surfing, other way I HATE THE BEACH Ok I needed to say it
  25. Sure However I'm not that good but we do waveraces!! and that's sooooooooooo cool I love it =) and you need to teach me to ride horses!!
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