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Everything posted by LucyPenniman

  1. That's sooo cool you can ride horses!! I can surf , tho... the beach is at 30 mins from home, and I have a home beach so it's easier .. but actually there are some people who ride their horses in the beach and it's adorableeee!! I wish I can do thaaat
  2. Awww that's nice sweety I saw you like riding horses!! wooow! I've never tryied it!! I wish I can do it
  3. hellooo!! omg lucky uuu!! I went to give this admission test I really have no idea of how I did it, hopefully it'll be ok!! naaaaw I'm pretty worried about it... however I'll be noticed if they accept me 'til april 9 and you, how was your day??
  4. why would you be dead?! anyway I just came to say Hi, 'cuz I need to go!! tomorrow is my admission test for the university, so I need to study really hard!!! wish me luck!! loveyaaaa
  5. heyyyy family!! glad to find you here how are uu?
  6. Hellooo!! I'm giving exams this week and the next!! today I had ... moral I guess? and tomorrow will be antropology don't want to studyyy
  7. hey familyyyy!! I hadn't talk with any of you for so long now where's everyone??
  8. OMGG!!!! I'm speechless!! he's way TOOOOOOOOO HOT!! can't believe it!! I have plenty pics of Johnny, but I've never seen these before! where did you take them off??
  9. oh please! haha what do you dance?? well now that I remember... I can dance some latin dances
  10. *lucy fell down to the floor 'cuz she can't dance* I'm sorry!! I wish I can dance good so I can dance with Mika and you, of course!!
  11. obvi obviii!! los d x aki sabemos como dormir mejor jeje estan divinos tus tenis! de vd los amooo!! algun dia te copiareee jajaja q onda como estan chamakas??
  12. ok ok Mysha however is the first time I've seen him! or heard about him haha I'm not that much into youtube, just for Mika... but please, you SO gotta watch this http://youtube.com/watch?v=m75g_A731q0
  13. Awww I think I'm sick or something, my stomach hurts but it's ok !! and just comming back from school X_X!! how are you?? ANAA!!! hi hi my friend!! i love your converse
  14. OMG!! that mas hilarious! haha and I'd make a fan club for both guys, the one in blue and that Misha
  15. and ye, btw, the first page is refreshed now!! it shows exactly how are we all related here (sorry I kno that was bad english xD) take a look over there!
  16. lucky u!! don't kill me plz, but yesterday I dreamed that Mika died yes I hated it so bad!! I was almost crying when I woke up, I dreamed that we all mfc and chubby bunny family were in England throwing him flowers, etc... it was very sad and it happened yesterday!! OMG!!! you're so luckyyyy!! plz next time tell him that I exist!! and that I adore him!!! how are you my beautiful family??
  17. Nawww don't worry at all sweety, that's why we're here and of course, Mika
  18. Naww!! babyy!! don't be, you're strong enough to deal with this kinda stuff, I'm sure or maybe if you aren't, then it'll make you stronger!! I'm sure is this way and in my opinion (tho, I think Idon't have anything to do with it) running away isn't the best way to go out. This will only affect you more, and will make you vulnerable. In the other way, if you stay and fight, or resist, it'll make you stronger and a better person anyway, if you only wanna talk or be listened, you're always welcome baby! we support you the most and don't be affraid
  19. hey!! welcome you have seen Mika so many times!! you're so lucky!! you'll love it here, enjoy the insanity
  20. Hey!! Welcome Nawww I used Lollipop for a school dance !! I made the coreography and designed the costumes based on lollipop girl's costumes!! and I loved it it is so cool we can use Mika's songs to make our dances . And Queen is basically the half of my life, Mika's the other half lol
  21. anaaa jajaja te super entiendo, no puedo vivir sin mi hamakita y mis barbies tampoco podian y x cierto, RE MEGA AMO TUS CONVERSE!! creo q eres mi idola jajaja algun dia hare algo asii pero cero imaginacion! no no no, estan re poca madreee
  22. OMG!! lucky u!! I wish I can see him at least once next time you see him, tell him that his chubby bunny family in mexico is waiting for him just kidding, how was it??
  23. yep yep!! tho, i like the idea of dressing up like lollipop girls with bunny ears anyway I have a playboy bunny (not that nasty )costume gotta go sis!! ttytomorrow!
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