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Everything posted by LucyPenniman

  1. Hello!! and welcome! it won't take you that longer to get used of how this works, believe me in any case, you can always pm any of us!! have fun here!
  2. Holaaa! nunca te habia visto x akii! ojala igual tu estes muy bien siempre te veo por los threads y pienso *wooow una mod... wooow * jajaja ok tampoco tanto, pero q gusto tenerte paseando x aki
  3. jajajaja ya seeee!! juro que voy a hacer cualquier cosa pk no lo conozca antes que yooo!! lo que seaa! osea la otra ya esta bien amenazada por mi ehh?? jajajaj pobre, la quiero xD ! (imaginate si no xD) pero pues si hay esperanzas pk va a estar ahi un año nooo! imaginate como estoy yo!! la super envidioooo imaginate no mas! conocer al hombre de mi vida!!
  4. LOOOOOL hahaha I know!! my book is still closed :roftl: I can't get outta hereee!! and I'm very sorry of what I did, I never meant to ruin her for you!! @ Revica: I know! they're adorable together!! <33
  5. Ooooh you mean something like this.. I love how they look together! they're such a stylish couple, they were made for each other (ok I lied, he was made for me ) Did you watch that on E! ? 'cuz they always talk about how brilliant Johnny dresses @ Lissa: then I just ruined how was Vanesa on your mind, 'cuz this is she loool
  6. hello hello!! very good indeed just a bit overbusy with this homework! but it's ok, however I'll always make lil' spaces of time for the mfc lol @ Revica: really!? where did you see him? what was he doing? what was he wearing!? O___O (OK, seriously I need to stop stalking at him lol)
  7. ciao Mar!! hola Pau y Ana!! ANAAA!! COMO ES ESO Q TE VAS A VERLOOO?! como sea tenemos q ir juntas aki en mexicooo una amiga se va un año a londres, eso es 1 año de Mika y yo aki muerta x verlooo
  8. Hiii! well, I guess you can I'm here 'cuz I steak my nose like 10 pages before, but usually this is how it works so welcome!
  9. hola chicaaaaS! me alegro encontrar a alguien x akiii siempre entro bien sola... jaja cri cri.. cri cri y q masss? q m cuentan?
  10. LOOOL ok ok, now my very childish/virgin mind can rest in peace OH yes she works there, and I envy her so much!! where was that Capt. Jack's restaurant? I never saw it!! I saw him giving a mini show right next the attraction, and then I saw him on the Halloween Parade (which, btw, was brilliant ) I'm going to!! and I know I'll have beautiful Mika and Johnny dreams tonight lol, ok maybe just with one of them (...and I didnt study for my ecology test (which is tomorrow mohaha)) so I guess I must go!! Sweet dreams guys! very nice to talk with ya
  11. LOOOOOOOOOOL I totally took that "wrong" at the first sight... or what you wanted to mean? :roftl:
  12. Really?? you were there?? Oh I love DisneyWorld !! (my sister works there .. ok no needed to say lol) haha I almost put the guy in my bag with no permission but the next time I saw him, he was on the parade... I couldn't steal him there
  13. LOL then you're welcome (tho, I started here sticking my nose too, so I guess you're fine ) ooh and those are our favourite men too! only I don't have a husband (if Johnny counts then he is )
  14. Ye, I heard that too, and I must say I totally agree with you Jack's story, new characters maybe. BUT NO WILL, NO ELIZABETH. Ok, maybe then can mention them, and Barbosa can stay too (he's sexay ) btw, look at the Captain Jack Sparrow I found on DisneyWorld he was veeeery sexy I must say, almost like the real Jack (but that's impossible, how can I say that? ) here he is...
  15. LOL I loooove hairy guys in any presentation they can be brown, blue or even violet sky, I'll always love hairy guys Aaahh and don't mention thaaaat! I hated Will in the movie!! so much! he's annoying! but I must be honest too, I HATE ELIZABETH EVEN MORE!! SHE's such a b**ch!! rrrr I wanted to kill her when she kissed Jack on the 2nd movie!! I absolutely hate her and I must say I liked the 3rd movie, but I loved 100more the first one! Or maybe is just because Jack Sparrow's way too sexy
  16. OMG with the nose part!! and when thousands of Jacks started to arrive in the ship!! I was having a heart attack, Oh yes!
  17. hahah no way!! I absolutely adore hair too! and CURLS can always drive me crazyyy (ok, see Mika's always on my mind) but hands, I don't know... I just love biiiig hands and I have this thing for HAIRY men too... those are soooo damn sexy!! one of these must be like Sawyer, in Lost... O.M.G. ... he's ... ok, I'll shut up now oh my! beards ... *drools*
  18. entrar aki http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12696
  19. OMG!! shut upppp hahah I'll get a heart attack! I absolutely love EVERYTHING on Johnny, I love his "wino forever" tattoo it's so Johnny! it seems it's been there since he was born
  20. jajaja si si si re mega tiene q ver con Mika!! de hecho la idea salio x el video de chubby bunny (el de mi siggy ) asi que UNETE!! jajaja no te preocupes x el ingles, igual yo soy malisima pero mira lo q Mika hace, que hay chicas de todas partes y nos re entendemos aparte como somos varias latinas, hablamos mucho en español
  21. I was thinking of THAT pair, but I couldn't find that Mika pic! but I love it and btw, I thing hands are the sexiest body part in men! omg haha I have this thing for hands too, for any men, but with Johnny the feeling is even bigger
  22. muchas gracias xikas!! y ya saben, iwal re bienvenidas al mexicano cuando kieran! aunq casi siempre esta inactivo pk somos pocas PERO AMAMOS A MIKA N IGUAL MAGNITUUUUD ejeje saludos!
  23. OH my!! you're so right, I say we stalk and find more pics of them like these pairs
  24. hola chicas d argentinaaaa !! bueno aki paso a presentarmeee! soy lucy, del thread mexicano (soy mexicana OK supongo k lo adivinaron) y pues como veo k siempre son las argentinas las k se pasan x ahi, pues m parecioo mal educado k NUNCA habia venido x akii! asi q aki estoy, para lo k kieran saluditos a todass! y a las chamakas k ya conozcooo (cinthia... y ya creo ) bueno, besitos a todass!
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