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Posts posted by Statue_of_Liberty

  1. OH, I don't think so :naughty: I think the fisrt twitt is about him being mentioned in a TV show (Gossip Girl) :thumb_yello:


    Watch THIS http://bit.ly/CVtYp I get a mention on this Monday's episode of GOSSIP GIRL! Huge! And major drama goes down that I'm a part of!

    about 2 hours ago from web



    I thought so, too. But what's the clue he mentioned in it? :blink: Maybe I´m just a bit crazy about expecting a Mika-connection in every tweet by anybody who might know him :biggrin2:

  2. First of all a tortoise isn't supposed to be in water!:shocked:

    Poor little thing, I've had tortoises for many years, they are lovely littel animals!:wub2:


    Bad Mika!:sneaky2:


    Maybe it was a water tortoise. Or I just quoted it the wrong way. He didn´t say "full of water" but "filled with water". So perhaps there was just some water in it, not too much...

  3. A friend of me just told me there was an article about Mika in the German "Neon" which I already bought almost three weeks ago :naughty: I didn´t notice it before :aah: ...Hope, it wasn´t posted before...


    "The stewardess just threw the tortoise into the toilet!"


    "When I was nine years old I moved from Paris to London with my parents and my sibblings. Our furniture was carried by a truck, we went by plane. I had a little tortoise that I smuggled in my trouser pocket into the plane. There I put it into a paper cup filled with water so that it was nicer for it. When I didn´t watch it for a moment the stewardess cleared the table and threw the paper cup away - including my tortoise. We didn´t recover it. Even today I sometimes think of that when I´m in a plane."

  4. I don´t know if this has already been posted before. I didn´t find it...

    It´s an interview from "Siegessäule" which is a little gay magazine in Berlin. Here you can read the original: http://www.siegessaeule.de/kultur/musik/besessen-von-der-buehne-mika.html

    I tried to translate it, so there will probably be some mistakes. But I think, you´ll get an idea of what they talked about. :biggrin2:





    Mika again offers a colourful firework of pop-feelings on his new album „The Boy who Knew too Much“


    Your first single of your new album is called „We Are Golden“, in the meaning of: we are something special! We have a value! Do you quote „Woodstock“, the big hymn of the Hippie time by Joni Mitchell? „We are stardust, we are golden. We are billion year old carbon.“


    Mmmh, no, at least not consciously. Maybe unconsciously, because I´m a huge fan of Joni Mitchell. But apparently there is the same feeling behind it. We have the same value like gold or the stars, if you notice it or not. I was on the way to my studio, when this thought came up: if I was 16 years old now, what would I like to scribble on a wall with graffiti? And it was so simple: „I am not what you think I am“. It´s a story of old: the teenager who feels misunderstood. But then it became a little bit more precise: „I am made of gold“. It is not about money. It is about the self-perception. In my inside I knew I really was something special. Looked from the outside I was completely stamped, excluded by everybody who surrounded me at school. I was completely insecure, but I kept the imagination that I had. I was crazy enough to believe that my imagination would come true one day. At the age of 12 I was on stage for the first time. I did the Richard Strauss opera „Die Frau ohne Schatten“ at the Royal Opera House. For me it was like a box in the middle of London. The reality was excluded, that took place outside. On stage you create an illusion. From that moment on I was almost obsessed with being on stage. The feeling, the smell, the look, everything. There is a name for that kind of addiction, formed by Jean Cocteau. He spoke about the red-gold-syndrome. He said he would have been infected with the red-gold-syndrome during his adolescence. Now it´s a common term in the theatre world. This is part of the „We are Golden“-feeling as well.


    You see your debut as a record about childhood´s innocence, while you wanted to catch the frame of mind of a teeanger with the new album. Will you concentrate on topics of your age afterwards?


    No, never. (laughs) I saw an interview with Kate Bush recently in which she emphasized that she constantly falls back into her adolscence years during writing her songs, because that was a point in her life on which she was especially receptive, especially uncultivated. Everything was new then and because of that she was especially reactive. That´s why she tries to go back to her teenage time in her memories. I liked this thought, I got it right away.


    Is there the danger that you drift off to Neverland, like Michael Jackson? In the world of a child, refusing the growing up...


    Neverland is escaption. I´m not interested in reality escaption. I´m interested in picking up realtiy and combining it with naivety or with the perspective of a child. But without ignoring violence and bloodthirstiness. I love children´s songs and children´s rhymes not because of their naive Lalala-lala, because they´re colourful and sweet. I just wonder: „What does that mean?“ That means absolutely nothing to me. My song „Lollipop“ is a children´s song. But in the lyrics it´s about sex. It´s abput that your heart has been broken. And about, that you´re becoming a whore without even noticing it. That´s the topic of „Lollipop“. The facinating thing about children´s songs is that they are so violent. That just became clear to me when I was doing my second album. You are sung to sleep by a song about a dying baby. It´s about threatening dangers all the time. That´s why this naive perspective is just interesting if it is dealing with the dark side, the bloodthirstiness, the violence and the dangers. That´s what is fascinating. Neverland stands for rocking horses and fibre glass in my eyes. If they are chipped after a while, they are just poor and shabby.


    On your new album there are many songs about boys. That´s not how you could avoid questions about your sexual orientation.


    (laughing) So what?


    And then there is the topic youth, the awakening of sexuality...


    Of course, everything comes to that. When you´re a teenager you come into contact with so many things for the first time. Am I busy with these topics? Everytime when I write a song! I did this on my first album and I did it even more on my second one as well. But do I walk around and are talking about my private life? Do I reveal anything about my private life? No, because I don´t have the feeling to be forced to do so. At the same time the concept of sexuality and gender is a foundation pillars of my work.


    You write about it but prefer not to talk about it?


    No, I don´t have anything against talking about sexuality. But I don´t like labels. And I would never label myself. I was stamped all time, I had to bear that my whole life. In the meantime I have the feeling that I can do what I want.


    Do you have a boyfriend right now?


    No, I don´t.


    Not even a toy-friend?


    How do you mean that? Do you mean an inflatable toy-friend from the store just round the corner? That´s heavy, thanks. (laughs)


    No, a toy boy like in your song „Toy Boy“.


    Ah, a little toy doll. Then I think that the answer has to be yes.


    In your song the mum is worried that the boy keeps sleeping with his toy boy while growing-up. In the adult´s world he should take a barbie girl. What was your mum´s reaction?


    Oh no, this part is no part of the truth. I´m not to ge that easy, I´m not stupid. (laughs)

  5. I already asked in another thread for help, but I try it again..

    I´d like to buy two tickets for Berlin via mikasounds.com But I just ahve a debit card. Therefore I need a security number which I don´t have on my card. I don´t own a credit card. Is there anything I can do? I mean there MUST be a way because of course I really want to go there.


    Any idea? :bow:

  6. Ok, I don´t know if this is the right thread, but actually I need help.

    I plan to go to the gig in Berlin. So I tried to order tickets. I don´t have a credit card, just an debit-card. But I don´t have this security number behind the card number. What can I do know? I think I understood right, that I can order exclusively via Mikasounds.com, right?


    Aah, please help anyone. I have no idea what to do. Thank you :wink2:

  7. Perez should get Mika to model the new clothes, hmmmm wonders about the tee shirt.........


    And hey Mika is wearing blue pants and at the Stella thing was wearing the black pants.


    Now I am wondering who came first the blue or the black?


    Well, I would say he first joined the party with Stella McCartney and then met Perez. It´s just because of his stubbles... I know that people from countries that are in the South have got a fast hair-growing. But that fast? :bleh:

  8. Do you mean the video?

    He doesn´t say anything about a flu :blink:

    Or is that another source?

    I love the video and the picture of both. So now we know that Perez loves Mika´s mom and all of her children - "and she got many" :roftl:

    And I was happy seeing Mika´s hair again, and it was not that short I expected it :bleh:

  9. I really really prefer him with longer hair. I was like :shocked: when I saw the pic at perezhilton.com But on the other hand I was happy that there were some news there. I search for news on that page every day and it´s been a long time since there was the article about the Brits...

    But, of course, I voted for the longer hair and I read all the comments. Well, most of them are ... but for me it´s very interesting to see what other people (especially non-mika-fans :naughty: ) think about our boy.

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