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Posts posted by Statue_of_Liberty

  1. Jimmy seemed very impressed by the face make up, didn't he?

    Was he videoing or taking loads of pics?


    I thought he was taking pics because he didn't move the camera. But now that Mellody mentioned it, it's right, he didn't use flash.

    It's so embarrassing to see myself screaming "that was me!" when Jimmy said he liked the make-up :aah: On the other hand it was good that he noticed it as everything Mika touched and I was involved with were the last-seconds-parts I did and ended up looking like rubbish (the BG-leg is just one example :aah:). But at least that way I earned this naughty-funny look from Mika I wouldn't know how to provoke otherwise :teehee::naughty:

  2. Thank you so much you lovely Italians :flowers:

    It would have taken me ages to understand it with my weak Italian skills :naughty:


    Now I really like this magazine, it's too kind of them to upload the English original :wub2: Is there a possibility to get it abroad? I mean by ordering via internet or something like that? Maybe that way I could show my appreciation for them :teehee:

  3. After the gig we still had no sign from John so we wanted to find the backstage-entrance. As soon as we had done that there was a van leaving (band?) and another one with the LP / BG's. We literally ran behind them even though we knew where they wanted to go and told the others to wait there and inform John in case Karin and me wouldn't be back then and got to the car getting the present. We just came back when John finally sent us the „go“-message. The participants of the project were allowed to go in this building where the dressing-rooms were. It all got a bit chaotic because we had to prepare the suitcase and everything. At first John wanted us to wait in front of the building but when he saw the suitcase, asked what we were doing know and heard my answer „now we're setting up the stage“ he told Mellody and me to come inside as there was better light and a dry floor. So we started to prepare everything which isn't that easy with shaky hands and not much time :aah: I was really focused on the small details and especially the planets that were all mixed up. But I noticed that John and Mellody were talking about the other fans waiting outside and that Mellody wanted to get them inside. So then she left and I had to unravel those planets which I had only done once before and got even more nervous. Thank god Graciosa and Nessà helped me and tried to calm me down and we managed it somehow (still don't know how...) to fix the important parts by the time Mellody came back. Then we added the props and were ready – waiting for Mika. At first Yasmine stopped by (she didn't really want to but couldn't stick to her way I guess :D) and was so sweet-enthusiastic. Then I saw Cherisse and told her it was her sitting there and she liked it as well. And then Martin came and said that this doll couldn't be him as it would have to much hair lol BTW I'm really proud of me that I got what he said. It was the first time I heard him speaking for more than just a „hello“ and I'm not good with Scottish, I think. Jimmy took pictures of our set and especially of the small Jimmy :D But when Mika appeared we kind of pushed him away saying „you're in the way“ lol And then Mika saw it and I was just :swoon: The talk was to long and to detailed to be written down and you can see most of it in the video anyway. Just two quick notes: 1. I got a naughty look from him because he obviously thought the same of my last-minute-not-so-inflatable-big-girl-leg as I had thought when I saw it ready :roftl: 2. After the video stopped we told him that we hope to see him again soon and he answered „maybe in 1.5 years“. And we all went „oh, that's so long“ and he said „it's so much work“ and then Mellody asked him to keep us uptdated via twitter and he answered that he hated twitter. Then we suggested to blog or vlog instead and he said that he's busy writing a column for an Italian magazine right now. He started to column by telling that he first went to Italy when he was a child and decided to hate that country and grinned because it's exactly what the magazine doesn't want to print... And then John had a look on his watch and we had to hurry up. Before he left we took a really nice group picture


    and Mrs P. had a quick look on the present and seemed to be impressed as well :wub2:

    After he left we all were on cloud nine (well, I'm still there :teehee:) and it took ages to say good-bye. The good thing about it was that we were all to happy to realise that we won't see each other again that soon about which we would have been very sad otherwise.

    And then we started our looong way back to Munich, chatting and gushing all the way and meeting some MFCers at McDonald's :naughty: and then we finally went to bed at half past six or something – being awake for more than 24 hours :aah:


    I loved meeting all of you again and I couldn't be happier about how it all went in the end. A huge thank you to our everytime-hero John :wub2: and everybody else involved to organise all the meetings and great moments we had on this tour. You all rock! Another thank you to Mellody for her organisation-talent and calmness in chaotic situations on the one hand and for the great suitcase-stage-idea on the other hand : flowers:


    I'm sad that this tour for me is over now even though I could sleep for at least a week and my bank account is happy about a tour stop. But I know that Mika needs a break and hope he uses it the way he wants / has to. I hope to see him, the band, the crew-members I know and all you crazy and lovely MFCers again sooner than soon and can't wait to meet new people involved in those adventures, too!


    Thank you for making me so proud and happy to be a part of you, MFC! :wub2:


    Erm, yeah, back to basics: my pictures are here http://s745.photobucket.com/albums/xx92/Statue_of_Liberty/Mika%20Summerdays%20Festival%2028th%20August%202010/ If you want any of the pics without my name and bigger, you can of course pm and I'll post the group pic in the German forum as well.

  4. Mika did a good job in stage. He wasn't as chatty and smiling as usually and we dind't get any eye-contact. He didn't seem that interested in the crowd. At first I thought it was just my impression and wanted to blame it on the second row and my tiredness. I even thought of me having had that many gigs in a short period and therefore not being able to enjoy the gig as much as I enjoyed the first ones. But when I talked to other MFCers later on they shared my impression and we concluded that Mika may have been in a bad mood or just tired (who could blame him being on tour for ages now?) I still think that many in the audience enjoyed his gig. The crowd wasn't as supporting as they have been with other artists but they weren't bad either. There was just one moment in which I got a bit worried. It was during one of the first songs when one person from the left threw something small on stage and hit Mika on his arm. It wasn't that hurting I guess, but it's no nice way to welcome an artist :boxed: All in all it was a nice atmosphere, though. Well, in my area it was. I heard about different impressions from other places, too.

    Some bits I kept in mind about the show itself are that the Billy-flag was in front of the stage due to a low height of the whole construct. He didn't do Over my Shoulder and at first we thought he wouldn't do Kick Ass but he did in the end, for the record: he didn't go shirtless. He changed the setlist a bit and said he just wanted to make the songs he felt like doing and then started Any other World :boxed: I was happy to hear it, though.

    As we wanted to make the audience think of us as freaks :naughty: we did some things during the show as parts of the Kick Ass-choreography from Amsterdam (thanks to Monie who taught us the important parts singing and waving in the mud before :biggrin2:), some bubbles for Happy Ending and some balloons for Lollipop which didn't really have any effect :sneaky2: Mika didn't react to anything of it which was fine as that wasn't our aim and some of the audience in our area were like :blink: when we started our Kick-Ass routine :roftl:

    I got a bit worried when I checked out the band during Relax as I saw some change behind the keyboards. At first I thought I was just seeing badly and David might have gone to the hairstylist. But then I realised that it wasn't David who played the keyboards and became a bit worried / sad. I really like David and would be so sad if he left the band. But thank god we got to know that he was attending his best friend's wedding later on which is the best possible excuse for not being on stage :teehee: Respect for Marcus who did a good job instead of David playing all songs perfectly and also for being able to play Any other World that spontaneously :thumb_yello:

  5. Longest report-novel ever coming – feel free to skip :teehee:


    Without even opening the report thread before I'm writing this in the train (why am I not sleeping? :aah:).


    We started at Karin's place at about 9am which was a lot later than we had planned but we really needed a bit of sleep as we had been busy with the German birthay present for the last couple of days and – more important – nights as well. On our way we picked up Graciosa, Sil and Nessà and were moaning all the time about the wheather, about our tiredness, the not-yet-ready-present and everything else. Blame it on the lack of sleep -.-

    We arrived in Arbon soemthing after noon (1pm? Don't remember...) and while the rain was pouring almost all the way long it stopped as soon as we arrived in Arbon :original: The five of us wanted to go to the stage as quickly as possible and the four girls I was with could go go straight ahead. But my ticket made some problems, I was stuck in the entrance area for at least 15 minutes. I didn't even bother though, guess I was too tired to be annoyed or scared :aah:

    We got a spot at second row on the right side which wasn't that bad. I must admit that I wasn't happy with it, though. Mellody and me then went back to the car in order to finish the most important parts of the present. It took us ages again and we didn't even do everthing we had planned. Anyway, at one point we said „okay, that's it“, stopped working and went back to the festival-area.

    The bands that were on stage before Mika were all okay. I think the mixture was a lot better than in Budapest (only comparison I can make) as there wasn't any kind of „extreme“ or hardcore band. Mika fitted in it quite well, I'd say.

    When the evening came closer we became worried about how he could get the present. We told John and Mika in different places about the present before but didn't see anybody of the crew and of course we didn't want to take the present back to Munich. So we contacted John, I'm sure Mellody will tell you the details :wink2:, who saved our evening – again :wub2: The only bad thing was that we didn't know how and IF Mika would receive the surprise until we finally saw John a while after the show. So we were worried before and during the show but it was okay.

  6. My vids:



    Blue Eyes (with a cute end):


    Touches You:




    OMS (with confetti, talking and glasses):


    Billy Brown (with some talking in the beginning)


    Kick Ass:




    Blame It on the Girls:


    Happy Ending and receiving his birthday cake from his fans:


    Love Today:


    Dr John:



    Sweet Dreams:



    And the last one from M&G is now uploading, I will give a link as soon it is ready.


    I hope you don't mind me adding the link of the last video :blush-anim-cl: I think many (including me) have been waiting for it :wub2: Here it is:


  7. Who's the guy? :roftl:




    We don't know! :roftl:

    He came from the side and got the wig from a fan in front row. Then he came to the centre and pretended to be dead when the band got shot. And then he jumped right in front of the stage after Mika asked us to jump. Mika (of course!) saw him and laughed. Then that guy disappeared again :roftl: I don't know what that was about but it was hilarious. Maybe it was some insider :naughty:

  8. I'm not at home, but I left my videos uploading, if someone wants to check my youtube chanel? I can't do it myself. Sorry I couldn't name them, and I don't have a connection for that at the moment. I have no idea what they are like, but they were large files so give them some time if the quality is not good, especially in last ones (I'm also a bit worried about the sound because bubbles made my camera all wet in Tallinn, but hope it didn't ruin it, lol...).


    I have also a vid of Mika eating his cake at M&G, I will upload that one tomorrow, filmed it using another camera. Will also read the whole thread tomorrow, thanks everyone for reports!


    I keep checking your channel, I didn't watch all of your videos completely because I don't have time right now and I'm waiting for the birthday video :teehee:. But I can tell you that everything I got to see so far is brilliant as always :thumb_yello::wub2:

  9. I love your report, Mellody!


    Okay, you want me to add things, I'll do the best I can. :biggrin2:


    My Mika-moment was kind of funny as I'd bought one those stuffed flowers that play the melody of happy birthday when you push the leave. When I gave it to him I pushed it and he was listening to the music and ignoring what I was saying meanwhile :roftl: When the flower was finished Mellody told him that the flower-thing was my idea and I explained that I had it sitting in a tram and then suddenly thought "Flowers!". My original idea was to give a flower to everybody in the crowd but as we failed in finding a sponsor and don't have a garden with somethousands flowers in it in the region of Cattolica (neither at home :naughty:) we got a bit more than 300 flowers in the end. So I added "...well, we tried". Mika was so sweet when he answered that you really could see it and that he likes it when everybody else in the crowd thinks "wtf is going on here?!" :biggrin2: So even if it wasn't necessary I felt comforted by him which I found really sweet :wub2: We then told him that we contacted the Media as well and that there was a radio station talking about the surprise (we asked them to tell their listeners to bring a flower if they come to the gig).

    When he received Mellody's necklace he said that he would wear it and then wore it saying something like "but the moose goes with my shirt". After one second he realised that the tree trunk was just as brown as the moose and his shirt-stripes so he added "oh, the tree as well".

    When we talked about Arbon and its right pronunciation he complained that nobody knew how to pronounce it correctly. I'm not sure what he said after that. It was either "there are only two and a half million people living in Switzerland" or (that's what I got and it's a lot funnier) "there are only two and a half people living in Switzerland" :roftl: But now wikipedia told me that there live 7.8 million people in Switzerland so he might have said something completely different :teehee:


    I think that was it. End of the record :naughty: Maybe I find some more data tomorrow when it's not almost three...


    As everthing else is said I just want to add that this M&G has been my best Mika-experience I've had so far :mf_lustslow:

    Thank you to everybody involved in that perfect evening, starting from all the lovely MFCers (I'm so proud to be a part of us - we (now officially) rock!) and ending with Mika and his team who are just the best. I'm so thankful to be a Mika-fan and not a fan of somebody who doesn't care that much about his fans. That's really something special :wub2: And last but not least we should thank our three heroes. John (again!!!!) who helped us organising all the surprises and let us backstage, David who played Happy Birthday and had obvisously a lot of fun kicking the boss from his throne :naughty: and Fortuné who saved us from eating styrofoam :roftl:

  10. here it is :biggrin2::


    M: -"here is the truth: I wanted to fin a "Witch name"

    Someone says: - "Alice"

    M: - "No, Alice is not really a Witch name!!!

    Someone: - "Salem"

    M: - "exactely! I wanted something like this!! Then I choose an Arabic name, it's Melachi, M-E-L-A-C-H-I, which means "queen". But it's Melachi the witch!"


    Aww, thank you!

    I've already been confused because of course I googled the Arabic translation for "witch" and it wasn't something like Melachi :roftl: But "Queen" makes sense. Google told me that the Arabic word for "Queen" is "maleka", so there is a bit of a similarity. Let's blame the rest on some grammar I don't know and Mika's wish to use certain letters :fisch::naughty:

  11. Hey girls, I've got a question.

    What you say about the m&g is like this in all his gigs?? and who "deserves" to enter there?? just the people who has got a number??


    I wanted to wait for him outside the venue because i thougth that it was the way he always do. Just 10 minuts to sign something and say hello.


    I'm still in colmar, I'll try to upload my best photos (i've got great photos) when i arrive home. :)


    Usually he does come out to sign something. There is never a guarantee for that, it always depends on how tired he is and so on.

    That he invites fans to come inside didn't happen that often. I think it was only once (?) before and is very special. If I got it right about yesterday he wanted those with numbers to come inside which didn't really work out.


    I'm really happy for everybody who was allowed to come in :wub2: and soooo sorry for those with number who didn't get a wristband :tears::huglove:

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