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Posts posted by Statue_of_Liberty

  1. Just wanted to share a little story with you guys :biggrin2:


    A couple of weeks ago I had to talk about me, my social network, hobbies, family and stuff like that at unversity. At first I avoided to name Mika but I mentioned that I was in a fanclub and did a lot of travelling in order to attend somebody's gigs. After I had finnished my talk, some students were curious and asked who I followed around. Well, then I HAD to mention Mika :naughty: it was quite a funny situation because I never expected to make Mika a topic at university :aah: The student who asked me answered, btw, "oh that guy who sings like Queen" :biggrin2: I found that quite nice, could have been worse :biggrin2:

    Today that story found its second part. My professor told us she would be in Hong Kong during the next three weeks. And, fangurlish as I am, I immediately thought of Mika doing his Asia-tour, had a look in my calendar and saw Mika being in Hong Kong on the 16th. When we had a break I went straight to my professor an asked her if she was still there on the 16th. She answered "I'm leaving one day before, why?" :aah: Well, I told her that "that guy I'm following around is playing Hong Kong then". She was really nice and seemed to be interested in him. She's interested in music in general, I guess. So I suggested her to change her flights in order to go to the gig which she of course doesn't do. But thanks to me she now knows that she's gonna miss something great :biggrin2:

    And then she was interested in his music and I played Grace Kelly on her laptop :roftl: Her words: "he's got a great falsetto" :naughty: I like her. :biggrin2:

  2. they didn't publish the mailaddy though? :blink:


    i also first was a bit worried bout the pushing, though in front row i don't mind, as i can hold on to the barrier... but it was like, the first 5-10 rows were sitting down, and behind them there was a wall of people, looking as if they just waited for us to stand up so they could push forward! :shocked: was a bit scary really... :teehee: but we managed to time it well, standing up one by one so there wouldn't be a huge rush forward. and it really wasn't as bad as i thought, bit of pushing before the show, but during the show, those behind me kept their distance. probably that way they could see better. :naughty:



    They didn't. But I'm experienced with that as well :aah:

    About the pushing: I could imagine it being different on different sides of the stage. At my side there was like a wave of pushing that came from the back, so we all had to get up within a second. Didn't like that. And during Relax it was all pushy everywhere, I could hardly jump or anything :sneaky2:

  3. they published my 2nd comment at least. :teehee: and sabine's, she said about the same like me in my first comment, just in a nicer way, hehe. :naughty: and yours as well. :bleh:


    That's good :thumb_yello:

    :doh: stupid me, why do I always think "nope, they won't publish my name / mailadress" and then be mad because they did?! :aah:


    And yes, it was a great gig. At first (because of all the pushing) I thought "OMG I won't enjoy it". But in the end it was really nice and good and a great atmosphere. It was just strange that we didn't understand the talking bits, at least for me that was new :teehee:

  4. dunno if this has been posted yet, small article in german about the show, with some pictures (also of the crowd, can see some mfcers there... :bleh:). http://www.tageblatt.lu/photos/40789.html the article is horrible, they don't really say anything but got all the facts wrong (did you know TBWKTM was out last spring already? :fisch:) and said mika disappointed his fans because he left without an encore! :shocked::aah: i wrote a comment on their site, but doubt they'll publish it. :teehee:


    I commented it as well :biggrin2: We'll see. I just fangurled a bit about the gig and TBWKTM (that was published in September) and I mentioned Lollipop, played in the second encore as my favourite. But I also liked La Solitude that was played during the first encore :naughty:


    BTW: glad some like my pics :teehee:

  5. 100_9769.jpg

    *faints* :swoon:

    don't say that was while he was talking with me, or i'll die! :swoon: though, that's not possible, i would've died right there and then. :aah: those eyes... :swoon:



    Well, I'm not sure. You stood at my left side and he talked to you for ages. So it could be possible. But on the other hand he couldn't have looked in your eyes because your eyes must have flown one metre above you then :aah::naughty::biggrin2: (considering that HE has to look up). So: I don't know but in order to let you and the DMFC alive I'd go with "no" he must have looked at somebody behind us :biggrin2:

  6. So I finally uploaded my pictures. It took ages again :sneaky2: Anyway, most of them aren't that good, but I like some. I didn't edit any BG/LG-pics in case some want to see them :biggrin2:

    If they are mixed up a bit I'm sorry for that but right now I don't know how to fix that and it's far too late to work on that.


    If you want some pics bigger and / or without my name on them, just pm me :wink2:


    Oh, I almost forgot to post the link :naughty:http://s745.photobucket.com/albums/xx92/Statue_of_Liberty/Mika%20Rockhal%20Luxembourg%208th%20May%202010/

  7. :naughty: should i be quiet too? :angel_not:


    Well, you ignore my fangurling all the time, anyway :naughty: *remembers itself trying to get your attention just before the gig started*



    tell that to mika! :sneaky2: HE was the one who intensly looked+smiled at me again although it wasn't my turn anymore, how can you blame me for forgetting everything else when he does that?! :aah::roftl: and apart from that, you say you haven't read the thread, but i posted before that in amsterdam mika talked to tiibet while he was signing for me, so ha! it's not just me, he does that all the time! :bleh:

    actually i generally think it's a nice thing when he talks with several people at the same time instead of JUST one by one - those sometimes become the best conversations with him, because he stays around the same place for a longer time, and well, it really IS a conversation then, instead of just the 2 sentences that you usually have with him. was like that in milan, when i asked him about the magic numbers, for example. :wink2:


    I can understand that you're losing a sense of reality talking to him, don't want to know how I looked when I got his look deep in my eyes :aah:

  8. Part2:


    The weirdest but best moment was when he thanked the fans in the first row for travelling and following him around :mf_lustslow: I find that so sweet! The bad thing was that I didn't understand it when he said it :aah: Another funny language-thing was that he obviously forgot a word in Luxembourgish and looked in my / our direction with his big puppy-eyes asking for help. But I couldn't help at all, I didn't even know what he was saying before and so nobody in my area did :roftl: Poor guy! :biggrin2: The third thing that I really kept in mind was a situation Nezza will tell you about :roftl:

    The M&G afterwards was really nice. At first the band left (well, I don't know about Imma and Ida, didn't see them) and Martin said "Hi" :wub2: (I was fangurling a lot yesterday :blush-anim-cl: not just about Martin and Mika, be quiet, Mariposa! :blush-anim-cl:). When Mika came I finally knew something I could tell him. Usually I don't know anything intelligent in those situations. But this time I said something like "Thank you for the whole tour!" And he answered "Tank you" and looked me straight in the eyes *cannot find that dying smiley* I'm still sorry for tiibet who couldn't talk to him because of somebody else who occupied that man a bit too long :naughty: again :naughty:

    After he left there was a strange vibe. Everybody was very happy about the gig and everything but we all were kind of sad as well because we now had to say good bye for a while. But we'll see each other again! And Mika of course! I'm looking forward to that from now on!


    Erm, yeah, I'll upload pictures. As soon as possible :wink2:

  9. Here again: without reading anything the try of a report:



    Thanks to Olga, Meggy and Wiki I got to Luxembourg in the best possible way. You rock :thumb_yello:! We arrived at the Rockhal at about 8am, I got number 9 and was quite happy about that. Queueing this time was great. The venue is in a strange industrial area, but nearby there was s shopping centre with free and clean toilets and a bakery with hot chocolate and some food. What more adding the perfect wheather and nice people around can a queueing fan expect? I spent most of the time with tiibet, Droopsy, Katrien, Bienie, Mellody and Bubblespurry. Thank you for the great time! For me it was the first time being in a minority that doesn't speak the local language and isn't able to communicate with the others. English as alternative to my non-existent French was almost impossible and that was strange. At least the security was German so I could speak with them :biggrin2: That we could speak with them was really good, because we all got worried about two things. At first John came out in the morning (well, lunch time, but everybody slept before so it felt like morning :roftl:) and mentioned something about a children's area in either the front :shocked: or the back. The second thing was that (as always...) the security seemed to know nothing about our queueing-system and told us that all doors were opened at seven. So when we finally got in order we all were worried. No John was to be seen 'til then. Anna came at about 6pm. We kind of mobbed her asking questions. She told us to stay calm, the system would work out and she'd ask about the children's area. When she came out again looking for another BG we asked her again and she got her walkie-talkie and asked John whether the MFC would get their prize for being here :biggrin2:. Such a thrilling situation! But when I heard John's deep voice saying "don't worry" it was like a baby's first scream after a long and complicated birth :naughty: When we were let in everybody went well and smoothy in the end.

    This time the DJ-music instead of a support act was a bit annoying. But I was busy having discussions with some girls behind me that wanted me to go a step closer to the barrier. They were with a little boy and said he couldn't breathe properly because I was pushing :blink:. It has to be mentioned that there indeed WAS a children's area at the side but they didn't want to go there. And I didn't push. I had like thirty centimetres to the barrier and wanted to keep that space for me, my jumping and my camera. Is that wrong? Am I bad with children? :boxed: What really scared me before was that we all sat down as usual in the beginning. But then there was like a pushing-wave and we all had to get up within some seconds. I never experienced that before. The audience stayed very pushy during the first songs. And especially during Relax I was worried about me being pushed and therefore not able to enjoy the gig. But after the first slowers songs it became better.

    The gig itself was fantastic. I had a spot a bit more left than the day before. But I liked that because that way I could stalk Martin a bit more :naughty: Mika and the band were fantastic. I didn't notice anything going wrong. The only thing I didn't really like that I didn't understand anything when Mika told some stories because he talked French :aah: It was better for me when he talked Luxembourgish (what is that language actually called in English?:aah:) because it's not that far away from German and I could at least get an idea of what he's saying.

  10. Without reading anything I'll try a report:


    When I arrived at the venue at about 6am (just because my bus was that early...) I thought I'd be number 1. Was a bit proud of that. But then Leator came, told me about the night before and I became number 3. Am still sorry for him and Sasje and their car. The next few hours went by quite quickly because there were so many MFCers in funny costumes arriving. It was great to meet so many new people and to see well-known faces again :wub2: Queueing from lunch time on was awful. It was all rainy, cold and windy. And because the wheather was that disgusting time went by really slowly. I missed the free coffee / chocolate, because I had some journey-issue and was on my way to three different stations then (felt like 700 though). After that long time of waiting it was a blast to be let in. Everthing worked out well, but Leator, Sasje and tiibet had some ticket problems. That's why I was the really first who entered the venue. That was so exciting! I was completely lost, just ran and I got confused because I didn't know the way and couldn't see the stage. Thank God there were some people who told me where the stage was in the end. I got the perfect spot in front row, centered. A bit strange that there were already four people when I came in. We had a weird time waiting 'til the gig started because of a girl that was let in earlier. But I won't bother you with details (report is getting too long anyway :teehee:). I liked that we didn't see a support act. I don't know why but this way we didn't look at the time that often and it didn't seem to be that long 'til the master came on.

    Then finally Jimmy entered the stage. I didn't watch videos of the new show before (well, couldn't resist Ida and the shooting-scene :biggrin2:) so I was busy getting the whole thing and wasn't concentrated on details. I love the show, I love Mika and I love the band. I was a bit worried that it would be too much of show and too less of a concert, but it was good. I'm glad I got to see the North American intro :naughty: even though I prefer the other one. The little poem in the beginning of the other intro just gets you into the Mikaworld. This intro now is just amazing without that little addition :biggrin2: Mika was in a good mood, he sang very well and I loved that he messed up the lyrics of Lollipop and Love Today :roftl: But he wasn't as chatty as usual. He spoke a bit of Dutch but just the necessary stuff, nothing new or spontaneous (as far as I can judge that :fisch:). The band was on fire. As a Martin-fan I could have died laughing about him when he sneaked off during the shooting-scene :roftl: BGs and LGs (and the boys!) did a good job. As always I took many pictures and tried to get as many fans as possible on stage. I will upload everything asap :wink2:. Then Kick-Ass was played and the flashmob took place (thanks to Monie and Ingie!). I guess it wasn't that clear that we had kind of a choreography because almost everybody had their hands in the air in the first rows, though :sad: After Kick-Ass Cherisse came and gave me one of her drumsticks :mf_lustslow: That was like the cherry on top of a great gig-cake!

    During the M&G and I let the stick sign by Mika. But because it was raining the signature disappeared within two minutes :sad: Anyway, I loved the gig, I loved Ida singing opera (even though I don't like operas in general), I loved the stage invasion with Freddie and Ingie, I loved meeting the MFCers again, the band, the M&G. I loved it all!

  11. Thanks Deb.

    Well, that really sucks :shocked:. If they are going to let some people in first, they need to make sure that they follow up by not letting the queue mix up like that :blink:. It seems pretty nervewracking and unfair to me.


    It is indeed nervewracking. I was in the same situation in Hamburg. I was number five and got checked after somebody with a very big bag. So when I finally was let in the best place I could get was in front row, but quite at the left side :boxed: In the first moment I was a bit upset but when I realized how small the stage was it became alright.

    I hope the whole checking-stuff didn't ruin anybody's gig and won't ruin any gig in the future.

  12. by mariposa via twitter:

    Met Mika.John said Mika couldn't talk because of some voice problems.But he talked anyway.Only ca 25 ppl.


    aww, poor mika, he was already so tired in nice, and now even voice problems... :sad:


    edit: and more by mariposa:

    Great moment of the gig:All of the 10.000 ppl singing Happy b'day for his sis Zuleika :-) She wasn't there though.



    First one: no, not again :aah: Poor boy :tears:

    Second one: :wub2::wub2::wub2: That's so sweet. Happy Birthday, Zuleika! (I know, it's probably too late, anyway :naughty:)

  13. Am I allowed to say you're crazy?! :naughty:


    I read the whole thread and left for a couple of hours. Now that I came back you've written 82 pages about a picture that doesn't say anything :biggrin2: And, even worse: I have no idea what it is about right now :aah: The last things I remember are funny pics with Jimmy in Baywatch-clothes, Mika looking "very masculine" and Jimmy who was told to have kissed Mika in a quote (btw: earlier it was Martin :teehee: I'm still waiting for the vid :mf_rosetinted:).


    MFC, I love you! :roftl:


    Another btw: Am I allowed to stay here even if I have less than 500 posts? I can explain all three codes (chicken, golden area and anybody home?), though :teehee:

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