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Posts posted by Statue_of_Liberty

  1. Just found a little review in the Südkurrier.


    Click here




    The part about Mika:


    Zum Finale am Samstagabend hat Mega-Star Mika, der kurzerhand für Duran-Duran einsprang, mit einer großartigen Bühnenshow und seinen großen Hits das Publikum ebenso erobert wie mit aktuellen, noch unveröffentlichten Stücken. Eins, zwei, drei und der Herrenacker war aus dem Häuschen. „Ich bin ganz besonders glücklich, die Sommertour nun ungeplant in Schaffhausen zu beenden“, gestand er seinen Fans, die sich auch von einem kurzen Schauer nicht irritieren ließen. Golden regnete es auf das tanzende Publikum, während Mika seinen gleichnamigen Hit zum Soundtrack eines besonderen Abends werden ließ.


    I'm at work atm so I don't have time to translate it, but let me telml you that it's very positive :thumb_yello:

    And maybe someone else could do a little translation?


    Great find! Thank you! :thumb_yello:


    I'll try:


    "For the final on saturday evening mega star Mika who replaced Duran Duran captured the audience with a great stage show and his big hits as well as with new, unreleased pieces. One, two, three and Herrenacker [the venue there] is stoked. "I'm especially happy to end this summer tour surprisingly in Schaffhausen now", he admitted to his fans who didn't get bothered by short rain showers. It was raining golden on the audience whilst Mika made his homonymous hit a soundtrack of a special evening."


    Not sure about this "homonymous", though. The same name, you know what I mean, I hope :wink2:

  2. After too many detail :naughty: here are the promised pictures (as already mentioned some are blurry as I had to turn off my flash in the middle of the gig and my camera is very sensitve then): http://s745.photobucket.com/albums/xx92/Statue_of_Liberty/Mika%20Das%20Festival%20Schaffhausen%206th%20August%202011/ and some I like:




    The laces and the outfit - I don't know! :naughty:




    I'm kinda proud of that one :teehee: Took me many tries to finally catch him during the jump...




    The toilets weren't nice so I can understand him :mf_rosetinted:




    She's so pretty! :fangurl:




    Especially for Rose!





  3. After a looooong time without proper internet I'm finally able to post my *report*. Most of the basics is already said so I'll just add some details and my pics.


    he interacted with us a few times during the soundcheck... when he sang billy brown, statue and me started waving like during the gig, and that made him laugh. :roftl : (aww, i love his sweet giggle! :wub2 : ). and something else with dancing, but i'll let statue tell that in her report (which she'll probably post tomorrow).


    Thank you for your great report!

    Yeah, I'll add something here :biggrin2: At one point Mika said he wants to give us something to do. Don't ask me why but I started to dance "MIKA" as in "YMCA" :naughty: The first time around he looked at me like :blink: So I did it again and he got it and smiled. :wub2:


    security was nice, but you could tell they weren't used to fans as crazy as us. :naughty : some of them were like OMG :shocked : when we started running like mad as soon as the doors opened, others made fun of us (but i think that wasn't security guys but other staff, from the bars/sales stands). but they tried (and managed) to organize it all in a good way. :thumb_yello :


    I had a funny moment there. Because they told us that food and drinks were forbidden and I don't like rules like that I wanted to sneak some stuff in. So I put those orange juice thingies in my socks (an old trick I got told at previous concerts :naughty:). When running to front row I lost both of them, though. And nobody of the securities cared nor did they check our bags well XD Anyway, when mellody came I forced her to collect my lost juice :roftl:


    about the gig itself, apart from what has already been said, i also remember that at the biotg singing competition this time marie antoinette won, and not the guillotine! dunno if that has been the case at another gig as well, but at least not in liege or compiegne. i was already happy because i was in the guillotine group for the first time, and then our group lost again! arrgh! xD


    Just don't stand next to me, I'm ALWAYS on the side that is losing :aah:

    I also remember that he did a bit of a singing competition during Big Girl which was - of course - won by the other side as well. And iirc he changed the end of Stuck in the Middle. But don't ask for details there I just remember the fact :naughty:


    and a hat (that had been thrown to him before), that flew back into the space between crowd+stage several times, because too many tried to grab it at once. yasmine threw it back in the crowd, but it kept returning like a boomerang. :lmfao :


    The hat-thing was so funny! Yasmine was there to take photos but didn't want to disturb anybody (as if!) and so she tried to hide while throwing the hat on stage earlier. I think Mika noticed her when she was between us and the stage. But iMMa didn't. So she was a bit shocked when there was a hat flying out of nowhere on stage :roftl:


    he talked to nina and allegra first, then statue, (...) gave statue her marker back that he had borrowed for the signing, and talked a few more words with everyone (of course it was "ciao allegra!" again! :teehee : ).


    I could give him my birthday present. I wonder if he opened it already, wouldn't be surprised :naughty:

    The marker thing was funny as well. He asked me if he could steal it. Like twice. And always said "yes, of course" but in the end I still wanted it back. Stupid fangurl moment!


    it really was a perfect day (apart from the rain and all the driving to get there), and i already miss my mfc girls! :group_hug : and mika too, it'll be a long cold lonely winter without his gigs. but i'm really happy about this perfect ending for this "mini-tour". :-D


    Couldn't have said it better! :thumb_yello: It was a perfect experience :wub2: and I already miss you all and can't wait to plan the next tour.

  4. I can't believe there are still people nagging about EMD being in French :naughty:

    and now that he's done your will, made an English version, there are people nagging again :aah:


    To quote Mika here as not everyone in the crowd was pleased with the English version as well (there were some people whistleing :aah: ): "You can't please everyone, can you?"


    Another short comment: During soundcheck he did EMD in French at first and afterwards just did the first couple of lines in English, quite spontaneously and a capella iirc. The fans watching the soundcheck were cheering a lot afterwards so he asked "What was that? Do you want it in English?" We all screamed "yeeees!" :naughty: and he went "Oh God!" :naughty: (he said that in a funny way).

    Then later they put the English lyrics for him and iMMa on stage. So it's possible that he decided it because of the soundcheck. They hadn't rehearsed it earlier apparently. Yay for MFC-power! :naughty:

    Oh and some tried to get those texts after the gig but one of stage guys got quite unfriendly and threw the texts away.


    Proper report coming later. Maybe tonight or on tuesday. Will upload pics as well. Probably not as many as usual because of the "no flash!" :aah:


    P.s.: sorry for the typos in my tweets. Typing on a touchscreen is still quite new to me plus it was in a var plus I was super tired :aah:

  5. Anyway, quick version.


    Very short woman with seven year old child: Excuse me, you're crushing my son.

    Me: I'm being crushed, I don't have much choice in the matter I'm afraid.

    Very short woman with seven year old child: But your arm is on him.

    Me: I can't move my arm anywhere else, there is literally no room. You shouldn't bring your child to a place this crushed if he can't handle it. It's dangerous.

    Very short woman with seven year old child: *attempts filthy look* Can you apologise?

    Me: I could, but I'm not going to.

    Very short woman with seven year old child: =O Bloody English!

    Me: Bloody French!

    Very short woman with seven year old child: Actually, I'm Australian.

    Me: Bloody criminal!





    :roftl: Glad you made me laugh about that. I was SO furious! And still am. Celine Evano promised an explanation. But I have no idea if that one will ever see the light so I keep bitch slapping her on twitter... :sneaky2:

  6. But the queueing that early in the night, cause lady 2am it's not morning! Or even earlier I suspect, it's not something really necessary I think, even more if someone said that they try to plan the queue from 6am or something and I was there Sephira u said and also the other girl with the red top hat, sorry I don't remember the name, who was playing the guitar in the afternoon.

    I'm trying to be as calm and polite as possible but I just can't stand when things are trying to be covered, I'm more than favorable to send an email or something to Rocksquare explaining the matters and asking for clarification but also the queuing organizers have to take their own responsabilities please!


    You're absolutely right that the early Q-ing is something we can't blame on rocksquare alone. But before we start discussing responsabilities I want to make sure that nobody is blaming French Deb as she had the list in the end and was in charge of the communication with the securities. She wasn't the one who started q-ing at silly o'clock iirc. Just wanted to emphasise that :wink2:


    Oh my, I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking this!


    It's not an anti-foreigners thing (I speak for myself, love having people from other countries here), is more a matter of respect for the usual "rules" of the countries where the gigs take place. :dunno:


    But I don't want to sound bitchy, and get on with this discussion here, just wanted to...agree. :teehee::aah:


    I see a problem there. Of course it would make sense to make sure the "homies" have sort of an advantage or at least aren't disadvanteged (well, nobody should be disadvanteged anyway :aah: ). But then others would start and say "ooooh, but WE were the ones travelling THAT far..." and then there are people who haven't a home gig. What about them? And so on...

    All I want to say is: you can't please everybody. We should aim a fair system, though :thumb_yello:

  7. Really? Usually who comes to take numbers at silly o' clock remains there to sleep like you did...and that's fair. I don't think is fair to take numbers so early and go to sleep then, but I did few gigs and maybe I didnt' see "enough" :dunno:


    I noticed it in London as well as in Cattolica (going to the beach there) but maybe that was because I was focused on one person that did so and that one person was just one bad example :wink2: Hope so!


    Anyway, when we took numbers in Italy or when I did other gigs they told us we can't leave the Q for so long or the name would be deleted. So I guess that's a good way to organize a Q. You take your number, you go away for 1 hour for example and then you come back to show yourself again. Everyone should be free to go to eat, shower, toilets and stuff like that but not go to sleep for hours...


    If it's right what I got translated that did happen. Some French girls told others that they would be allowed to stay away for 15 minutes :aah:

  8. Haha, I'm glad you noticed me :naughty:


    Isn't that more a general problem that some people are coming, get numbers and go back to sleep? It's something I noticed at several gigs, not just in Compiegne. But yes, it was a bit extreme there. We saw it in the morning when there were 60 or 80 people on the list and only about 25 to be seen.


    I think it'd be good to discuss the Queuing in general, as Rose suggested :thumb_yello:

  9. I finally uploaded my pictures :aah: Some of them are blurry but I liked the motives... So if anyone is still interested in them here is the link to my album: http://s745.photobucket.com/albums/xx92/Statue_of_Liberty/Mika%20Palais%20Compiegne%209th%20July%202011/

    Here are some pics:











    If you want to have them without my name on them or bigger / whatever just ask me :wink2:

  10. Ha, that's always my thought too - if you want to stand there like a statue, go to an opera instead. Not a Mika gig. :shun:


    Nothing against statues, please :shun:


    I'm confused...are you saying that people from Rocksquare actually told Mika fans to queue stupidly early???


    At night (we were already there because we didn't have a hotel room) we got told the list would be opened at 8am by them. Some of the others told us later that they heard the list would be opened at 7am. But in reality the fans opened the list way earlier.

  11. Won't really write a proper report as most of what had happened is already said.

    Just a few thoughts:

    - the 'singer' of the last DJ set got actually pulled off stage :naughty: I usually find it unfair if people are booing and shouting them off. But in this case... He was just very... unappealing... So after a while a man came on the right side of the stage and gestured this 'cutting off your head'-thing to the singer and afterwards literally pulled him off. The guy looked really p***** afterwards :aah:

    - no, Mellody, I don't like his hair :bleh:

    - I loved the show, the set, seeing happy Mika and hanging out with you guys

    - The new songs were all great in my ears, but I fell especially for Blame it on the Weather. Have been listening to it constantly since I saw it in Compiegne :wub2:

    - if wanted I'll upload pics tonight (haven't checked them yet, only if there are good ones :wink2: )


    About the organisation:

    Many things have been said already. I heard somewhere that it was the first time Rocksquare organised such a big event. But imo that's no excuse. They made many stupid mistakes. I know that our numbers system is always a bit risky and it always depends on the security working there. There was hardly a gig that made me feel safer about the system working, though. Rose told me in the morning that they had already spoken with some of the girls of team Mika who already knew about the system. We talked to one of the girls later on again. I explained it again. They showed us that they understood. Then I saw French Deb talking to one of the security guys who asked his boss to come. He came, she explained, he understood. Then I saw how he explained it to every single(!) other security guard. I saw him showing his hand for where the numbers would be and which entrance we are standing at. So I'm very sure everybody knew about it. But it was chaotic. I don't know if they were responsible for the late soundcheck as well but I wouldn't be surprised. Apart from the missing barriers and garbages I saw them building up the scanners for the ticket barcode only at the time we already should have been inside. I wonder why :blink: They stood around during the soundcheck and did nothing :aah: The plan was to make us go through several checks. They wanted to control our numbers (not in order), they wanted to check if our identities on the ticket would match with those on our passports, they wanted to check the barcodes and our bags and ourselves :aah: That are five steps! I can't imagine that working out even with very organised and patient fans :aah: In the end the only thing that got checked was my passport btw :aah:

    So all in all it was a mess. Just wanted to sum up observations. And I tweeted to Celine Evano about it. I think they don't really care about what the fans think. But maybe there is a little bit of hope that team Mika give them an honest feedback as well, maybe even including our thoughts.


    However, it was a great gig and I'll try to keep that in mind instead of the stupid things around that fabulous time!

  12. Of course I respect your opinion, these are just 2 different points of view.

    But one thing I don´t agree at all - He's free to do whatever he wants and as an artist he himself should be the only person who influences / decides about his work.

    No artist decides about his promotion, release dates, shows, anything. If he wanted to decide, he´d have to do everything all alone, but as he needs to be produced by someone who can push him to the top, he needs to sign really rough contracts. So belive me, all you can blame him for is the melody and the lyrics, maybe arrangement.


    Oh, there was a misunderstanding then! When I said he should be free... I meant musically :wink2: I know about those contracts and everything and I don't blame him for the bad promo :wink2: I just meant his musical work by saying 'work', assuming that we all have in mind that there are many other people and companies pushing him and everything :teehee:

  13. I don´t know why you dislike the song :dunno:

    I think French people deserve him more than British ones, sometimes.. He grown there, he lived there, he loves France, I think, why should he continue in that British production when he´s not even nominated for Brit awards this year? I think he deserves more attention from UK. But that´s only my opinion. Anyway, Elle me dit is only bonus track for his next-coming album, so don´t worry, French will appear only few times. And I love that he´s not always the same, he tries to change a little but he keeps the basic of his music


    First of all: I don't think that anybody 'deserves' anything from him or him as person. He's free to do whatever he wants and as an artist he himself should be the only person who influences / decides about his work. Apart from that I don't share your opinion that France or the UK are more / less important for him. Every experience and time of his life made him the person he is now. And whoever decides who gets a Brit Award isn't responsible for making an artist feel more comfortable in a country or something like that. Does he need more attention? Yes, of course. And not only in the UK. In most European countries. As I'm German I could talk ages about what goes wrong in my country. But that's not 'the country's fault' but the consequence of how his music label(s) work(s). It all depends on the promotion they do / don't. How on earth can he be successfull when there isn't a single advert about a gig / cd / whatever? And so on. I'm not happy with the promotion in some countries at all but we won't change that...


    What I don't like about the song is basically that it's French and that I don't get a word. I never liked French music as I don't like the language. That's a personal thing. I read the translation but it's still not the same. I won't be able to sing along. I don't understand him when he sings it, etc. As I already said: that's a personal thing. Plus I have the feeling that he is very focused on France these days. Nothing wrong with that. I just wish he would be doing promo all over the world :wink2: In other words: I feel a bit left out even though I know that I'm lucky enough to be able to travel to gigs this year.


    About changes: I don't like them too much in general but I can bear a musician to change :wink2: I know that it's a bonus song this time. I'm just a bit worried about the future.

  14. :tears: I'm really sad now. I want to like the song. It has a nice meoldy and everything. But I just don't. :emot-sad: It's French. I don't like French. Nor do I understand it or can sing along. I hope he doesn't turn into a French singer. It's bad enough (for me) that he speaks French at gigs in France and in all the countries where people could understand French and that he recorded two of his two DVDs in France where he spoke French. But if he really does more songs in French I fear to feel misplaced like I feel now in more situations. :sad: And I start to get more worried about the 'Frenchness' of his Compiegne-gig as well. It is in France and of course it's French due to that anyway :aah: but what I mean is more my feeling to 'be part of it' or not.:huh:


    It's great for all the French and French-speaking fans he has. And it's just my personal opinion. :wink2:

  15. Ok, there's no more columns for a few months. There's a note in this month's edition with a drawing (unfortunately I don't have a scanner) explaining why. Here's my translation:


    "Unfortunately I have to say goodbye for a bit. I have to take a break from my column for a few months and concentrate on the most intense phase of recording my new album. We spoke about everything, from finding love online to coffee, from student protests to Saint Anna Nicole (she's a saint to me) and I enjoyed every minute of it. I'll be back soon, to make myself feel stronger, more cheeky and a bit off topic.


    All my love to the readers of XL and also to the editorial staff of XL.


    See you in 2012!"


    Thank you for the translation, Nezza! :wub2:

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