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Everything posted by wolfs_cry

  1. check out the baloons!!!! geeez im suuuch a big kid hahah
  2. who exactly is this Jodie Marr person?
  3. as for me drinking on the wrong day L.A does it matter?? when ur drunk the days just blur together anyways
  4. do you really have to be irish to enjoy this day god this college work today is EEEVILL!!!! wish i could get an 'It's ok' hug from Mika... *dreams* sooo then who wants a drink....lemme guess? Guinness anyone??
  5. i wanted to get a cheap flight to ireland buuuut my bank said ehnno hmm gonna disapear for a bit.....should really pay attention to this lecture
  6. hey guys....seems to be always us in here haha arn't we the alcamaholics... hows tricks with the both of you then?
  7. i was super ill (skived my hospital appointments to be kept in to go to him)and depressed that day and in a really foul mood soo i didnt enjoy it atall cryed half way thru the gig due to how i was feeling.... the whole wrist band idea made me feel sooo much worse... just wasnt a good day haha but didnt stop me buying a ticket for Amsterdam Hopefully il feel a little better and enjoy it, but he did stick on an amazing show
  8. reeealy random question...ya ready... can u buy like a reaaaly cheap acoustic guitar somewhere in amsterdam? like reeealy cheap? cause i plan on being rock n roll n smashing it up when the gig starts....
  9. wooow *waves frantically back* all the way from the US never new i could see waves that far away hows u?
  10. London is maaaasive!! i went there for mika and just was like wooow...my town is like only 5000 people and i was just shocked at how big that place is
  11. y do they not want u 2 study near your home and you have to travel?
  12. hmmm to go to college 2moro or sit in the house on mikagasmic hmmm decisions decisions....well nothing reealy to decide we all no what one is the winner.... its annoying i can do the stupid college **** at home...just trailing into college for nothing.... *Slaps self* must go.....maybe i should take a mini pik of mika on my journey soo i dont get mika cravings.....mind u he is my mp3 wallpaper, my phone message tone,screensaver and wallpaper lol no wonder my mum thinks im obsessed
  13. his perfection really is something...even in real life he seems perfect...he must have some flaws.... no one can be that perfect..
  14. wat is this mika clone?? can i see the clone? wer can i get a mika clone....
  15. so wat cologne does he wear? id like my room to smell of mika.... im not sad :s
  16. im lost watswith the clone thing?
  17. yeh im a tard cant even post a silly pic... *goes off in a corner and crys*
  18. IMG]http://images2.image-data.com/images/1/lowres/24209/24209407.jpg[/img] Martin, that shirt is sooooo last season
  19. you - He's soooo dreeeemeeee hows tricks tonite then taurus???
  20. wowww!!! i have a scar over my left eye from when i passed out and smaked my head off my wooden floors..i thought i was the only one hhaa soo ugly nice to no someone pretty like him has one starting to think i was Scar from the lion king
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