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Posts posted by wolfs_cry

  1. "OMG LOOK AT THAT!!!!"


    "hahahahha ur made of potato your such a freak, you tall and lanky b*****"

    *chip hits fish*

    *fish stands up and holds back tears*

    "Im gonna get my cousins sister's brother's mother's dad's cousin's cousin's (twice removied) big sister AND brother on you"

    "Your infor it maaaaan!!, she's sooo gonna Scale you big time!!!"

    "Slash you a new set of gills!!!*

  2. waaait no to deportation...cause fishies will eat them and then we will get fishy neds...


    *fisherman catches fish*

    *fisherman gets stabbed by fish*

    *fish swims off and buys burbary hat,some trackins(trackies for there fins),buys some fags and then drinks buckfast and gets stoned....*

    *fisherman catches another fish*

    *fish goes "Haw big man, what the chicken do you tink your playin at...sooo goona dooo you in with my fish powers!!!,why the chicken was ur hook doing in my terotory.....*

    *fisherman whacks fish cooks it*

    *fisherman eats fish and gets secondhand buckfast and smoke*

    =result....a nutritonal meal turns into a chemical infested ned....basically canibalism...got out the middle man and just EAT neds..


    *raises hand...* im up for canabalism *gets knife and fork*


    if u created

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