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Posts posted by wolfs_cry

  1. That is So cute!!!! I WANT ONE! :roftl:



    got qite a wee collection now "rufus" is the original but now he has some offspring hahaah i could make you one if you want? like if you told me what colors you wanted im sure i could send a chicken to you if you wanted....up 2 u tho

  2. Haha, I think there's many Mika fans who dress up just like him. :naughty:

    I've red trousers aswell.


    who wouldnt wanna dress like him or be him...there should be more mini mika's!!!!

    maybe i could steal one of my own OR...could get a mini mika and put him in place of the real mika nad steal the real deal for me self :P and of course fellow MFC'rs

  3. soo im looking for some wise words of wisdom here..


    went into a shop called New Look and saw an awsome pair of flared red trousers and i thought HEY!!! they would look ace when i see mika in brixy!!! now there 20 odd pound...soo i unno if i should get them or not..


    here are my thinkings..

    - i look like a tube in red flares

    - il never wear them again

    - i freak mika out by looking like his twin (even tho im a chick :P) :naughty:


    hmmm what you think?

    This might be a classic case of only Mika can pull off red trousers....:wub2:

    hahaha "pull off" red trousers :naughty: amn't i funny

  4. soo for the brixy gig im planning to be near the front if not at the barrier (yes im quing at some ridiculous hour...*sigh* sad i know :P but i dont care!!)

    but was wondering if it is possible to eventaully get out of the hall and outside to meet mika or will i have missed him?


    how quikly does he usually leave venues anyways? cause i no some artists leave b4 the crowd ventures outside

  5. im like planing on queing from dead early in the morning so i can be at the barrier at the gig, so after the gig il b crammed at the front and waiting to get out but do you tink i could get out and still meet mika? or does he fly out straight after the gig or is there a delay?

  6. i like Mika`s colour...

    Pink looks like Perez!! :roftl:

    and Green it would be like Hulk :blink:

    Blonde to much like Britney... hell no!


    hmm a blonde mika....then we can all say "aww look at his wee golden curls" aww and he could eat a wowiepop hahah that would be some picture :P


    nah mika is best off being mika





  7. Now thats cool.

    He should so do that.


    Looks like Candy Floss.:cheerful_h4h:




    thank you was waiting for someone to photoshop/paint it hahah mika and his technicolor hair....could make it into a museeecal :P


    mind you i loove my blonde with black underneath even if my hair is fallin gout in clumps.....hmmm looking at some pics of mika looks like he has a wee reseeding hairline apearing :P maybe balding is in the not to distant future :S


    now i wonder if he will be like elton john and get a hair transplant on his noggin :shocked:

  8. Its funny really

    for a whole 2 weeks i felt really really sick and just everytime i moved about my room felt worse but it wasn't like sik sik it was more like nervous stomach syndrome like first day of school or when you set eyes on your crush...

    sad truth was is i stuck pictures of mika up in my room those weeks..and ever since then i felt sicky with the flutterbyes in my stomach ¬_¬


    ahh an adult and still gettin the "high school crush" syndrome...well who wouldnt look at him!!!!:wub2:

  9. In my case that isn't true. I'm 17 and about 5'8 or 5'9, and feel small. haha I'm definitely not superior, depends upon your personality.


    tis true..VERY True...mind you i feel inferior when talking to someone taller than me...i unno im small and scrawny tho :blink:


    what height is mika anyways? im guessing he's not actualy THAT tall and its all camera work? lol betcha he's 5'2 or 5'3 biig enough to fit in your pocket :naughty:

  10. soo got sooo bored today and saw this wee pom pom kit in oine of the shops soo saw this and with all the colors thought of mika then thought DISCO CHICKEN!!!!

    soo here is my creation!!




    like iv said before TOO MUCH SPARE TIME!!!!

    aww note the pretty pik of mika in the background :wub2:


    Rufus is going to be present at brixy on the 28th and will be wiling to sign autographs and take photo's

  11. hmm the taller people are the more superior they come across in my eyes, like if your oober tall your talking down to someone...not like id no how that feels since im a wee ickle 5'3...but hey i overcoe that problem by buying biiiig shoes :P

    hmm you can sneak into places when your small, like umm i unno the back door of mika's tour bus :naughty:

    aparently people from scotland (my home country) are teeny because its something in the water, well thats what someone said to me when i was down in england last year saying greenday, me and my mate were the smallest in the que....yup the front barrier is always a problem, you know actually seeing over it :roftl:

  12. soo was walking down the road thinking about dying my hair (as you do :P ) and then mika came to my mind (again as he always does :P) and then i thought heeyy!! mika loves bright bright colors he should sooooo dye his hiar like brite red or something hahaha ooo or pink!!!


    sad i no....im currently making pom poms at the moment...


    Insane? I THEEEEENK SOOO:roftl:

  13. im surprised how everyone has managed to avoid the obvious dirty one :P and how everyone is keeping it PG ....the kiddies will be loving you


    umm where would i be if i was a body part....well....:naughty:


    P.G version would have to be his eyes since they are sooo full of knowledge and purdeeeee...the boy has eyes you can just get lost in!!damn those eyes..they WILL be the death of me..;


    i unno il be crossing a road or something see those eyes and then get hit by a car...can see it happening ...watch this space :P

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