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Posts posted by wolfs_cry

  1. weird tho out of all the bands i have seen and the people i have met (im a wee rock chick soo mika stands out!!) i have never gotten that tingly feeling when he came on stage, felt like my breath got taken away and never ever cryed after a performance....its almost been a week...


    we should get mika patches for PMD (legendary name!!) like nicotine patches, to give us a fix till the next mika gig :P

    *ties album to arm*

  2. soo i went outside for a smoke and stuck mika on (first time since brixton...i no i need to be shot!!!)

    and next minite i no i just started crying....:s

    whats wrong with me? im listening to him rite now and still crying....


    i just want to relive that brixton day soo much again its unreal, and want to see him live again sooooo much...started looking at the few pictures i took at the gig before my camera died and started gettin tearful...


    He really IS amazing......

  3. :bleh:


    The one thing i got into when i was across the pond was baseball. And Hull has an ice hockey team - but they're pants.


    They're well into their rugby here. Hull has 2 league teams.


    Some Cipriani and Abendanon action here if anyone wants it:


    I think Cip is the 2nd Try in.




    what the "HULL!!!" ( o yes my sense of humour is awful :P) you guys have an ice hockey team!!! unfair!! i looove ice hockey play it all the time over winter but we dont have any teams here, and the 1 team we do have dont let me play cause im a chick...SEXIST I SAY....SEXIST!!!!


    well deep down its cause the dudes no i will kick there boootay :P

  4. our neds have there own gang called the LYT!!!!


    thats all u see in our paper..LYT strikes again

    some guy got stabbed just round from my house (*sigh* yes i live in the scheme....bang in the middle of nedsville!!) just cause he wouldnt give the guy a lighter.....

    i think that nature documentary guy should do a documentary on them...


    "We are now approaching the deadly NED, NEDS often roam in packs, picking off the weak and drinking there buckfast....they communicate to each other using high pitched screached usually in the tone of HAW YOU!!! or HAW MAN COME HERE...or the warning call that they use when about to attack the victim..HAW YOU BIG MAN!!! SOOO GONNA DOOO YOU IN........then the pack pounce on the victim leaving the fleshy skin but stealing anything they find useful that they can sell on ebay such as fones, wallets, money or fags....the female species can be green since there jewellery is soo cheap that it turns there skin to a green color"


    What you think? think im onto a good documentary show there ? lol go out filming them in night hahaha

  5. haha there is ALWAYS time to moan about NEDS what pisses me off is alcaholics who have a drinking problem get a drinking allowance ontop of there benefits just cause they have a drinking problem...THAT is unfair...stupid taxes going to pay for there stupid problems....

    fling them on an island and blow it up!!!

    yeh i have to design websites thru actual programmin not free webs :P

    also have a website assesment due

    to create and design a working CD ROM game

    create graphics, alter photos (guess what photos im using :P) and all that joy.....urgh never ending!!!

    i actually had to leave my job to keep up with course work!!!

  6. wonder if there is anyone out ther who actually likes doing coursework :S


    ahhhh i keep gettin attacked by the dreaded confetti at the mika gig, it is litrally following me everywhere!!!


    as soon as i pull something out of a bag or a pocket you just get confetti!!!

  7. lol well if you saw me i stand out :P no one back home believes me that i went to go see mika....

    i told people and they were like yeh rite, ur suuuch a joker...seriously why were u in london!!!


    im imagining a wee yellow chicken with a punk green mohawk and tonnes of piercings hahahah

    *begins creating*

  8. I love him in Lost Boys too, but I've never seen 24 before.


    watch the first series then stop.....yeh Keifer/David is sooooo hot :P


    I swear it was that film that made my the wee punky chiken i am today :P hmm was thiking abou tthat film last night when my friend was eating noodles also have the urge now to buy a dirtbike....


    *looks on ebay :P*

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