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Posts posted by wolfs_cry

  1. ahh but how did hook get to Neverland if he was old when he arrived? cause somehow i dont think Peter Pan would give him dust to fly to Neverland.....or maybe they did and hook gave pan dodgey directions thus the hatred between them 2 begun....all cause hook couldnt read a map :P

  2. So peter pan and everyone who lives in Neverland doesnt age riight?


    So howcome Captain Hook and his crew are old men?? this just occured to me there.....surely if no one ages they'd all be kids ooor be running around in dipers.s..


    aww a baby captain hook in dipers :wub2:

  3. lol i was thinking yesterday takin my old work name badge and mikafying it oooo or you coul dhand out blank name badges to people in the que saying you have been Mikafyed!!! and give them a little chicken i think theres a deal on in Scotland where you can get 30 wee chicks for £1 haha hmmm i think ive lost my sanity now...

  4. there should be something available to foreigners who are like visiting the UK for a holiday to help translate what neds/chavs say...like issue them out on the plane or at airports...




    and just have tonnes of translations and information on each variation of the chavs :P


    i remember seeing something like that tho in hmv

  5. lolllll.


    Arrrgh. Another boring school day right. It's horrible! I'll have to wait until like 4pm to speak to you all now!!


    the people who i spoke to last night - you're the nicest people ive spoke to on here in ages!!!! :huglove:


    yeh education sux!!!

    im stuk in college buut i get to "chicken!!" off at 12 yay ^^ can do my work in my room next to my Mika section/shrine part of my room


    sooo chuffed managed to get a poster at the gig ^^

    *hugs opster....* actually...*hugs mika*

  6. what ive always wanted to know is, you know how neds have high pitched voices? is that put on or have they ALWAYS sounded like that? if they always have then i guess it was decided from birth if they were to be ned or not lol might get some closet neds who are too scared to admit there neddyness to others :P

  7. yeh the poor boy is probably too scared to come on this forum but in all fairness my cheeky comments are no where near as freaky as some people's comments :P


    hahah so it is confirmed....duck tape and backstage pass lanyards it is :P

  8. yup that is indeed what ned stands for....smart huh :P


    nah neds here seem to look up to chavs etc :P


    i remember ages ago i was like wats a chav ?? but no i am o sooo smarter :P


    they dont seem to be as abundant down in england as they are up here :P and of course now you have the new type of neddy/chavy emo/goth people that are walking about.....

  9. Scottish neds are the worse..sooo vicious.....its like they have a sixth sense...like i unno they have sight,smel,touch,hear,taste and then they have THE NED!!!


    they most have an xtra chromosome or gene inside there bodies when they are made...you've heard about the fat gene we now have the ned gene!!


    i dont have to be anywhere near them, say im round the corner and BANG i get attacked...its like they can sense me coming...

  10. suuuure i believe you :P


    its ok...i wont tell anyone you have Mika...who has turned himself into a cat...your secret is safe with me :P


    yeh i think i need to send my digi cam back to get repaired since the stupid thing broke for mika......raging!!! spend a month before trying to get it repaired and for the gig it breaks grrrr technology.....i think i mite just buy a new one...

  11. we should have duct tape identification. atleast i do. in school i use my PPRC bag (not that anyone knows who/what the PPRC are) but it says my username on it/ mika fan club etc.



    duct tape? hmm people mite go duct tape crazy...i no i would...id duct tape EVERYTHING hahhaa


    id duct tape myself to Mika :naughty:

  12. Lorna! (see, i used ur real name, lol :wink2: ) u poor dear, how many things went wrong for u!! look at it this way.... the next time, everything HAS to go right, it'll be fantastic!!!

    what is a lanyard?


    yeh it was a really baaad trip....


    lets see....was really ill...really shouldnt have gone...had been bid ridden all that week but draged myself outa bed for mika :P

    plane didnt crash which is abonus i think :P

    got off and walked on the train then my wallet fell down the side of the train onto the tracks (which had all my money, identification and mika tik!!!)

    couldnt find the hotel till 2 in the morning...

    woke up late

    heart thing broke morning of the gig,

    was 60 in the que even tho i qued early

    illness took hold of me on the day of the gig

    idnt get a band

    didnt make it to the front even tho i had qued!!!

    camera died at the gig

    couldnt find my fellow mfc chums...

    didn't meet mika

    my trains were off at the end of the gig

    had trouble gettin home.....

    missed many busses, evetually got on the correct one but got off the wrong stop

    asked someone for directions got pointed the rong way

    asked the tube man where to get off he told me to go up the stairs and i can just walk!!!

    walked into the wrong hotel ¬_¬

    next morning nearly missed my plane...

    plane had major turbulance and nearly got cancelled

    my friends sis couldnt pik us up from the airport in scotland

    and eventaully made it home where i found out my ceiling had been leaking and dripped water all over my sofa...


    really was a bad trip as you can see :P


    and a lanyard my tear is the thing you see VIP people with at gigs to let them access all area's like what bands wear and stuff

  13. wonder what Mika's occupation would be if he never got a record deal or any jingles?


    somehow can't imagine him staking shelves???:S altho mite be funny to see :P he CCOOULD reach up the nice high ones :P


    and if he worked in a store id hunt him down and always ask him to get stuff up the top shelf :P

  14. i think an MFC lanyard sounds like a pretty good idea :P


    giving off the whole impression of we are special and have priority's over other mika fans...which i suppose in a way we do..


    altho the hearts were awsome...the way the flashed and stuff...mind you mine broke when i left the hotel to go to his gig *cries*

  15. omg!!!!!did you just do that yourself there?


    it was only thinking it didnt mean for anyone to try it...


    .....hmmm mind you you oculdve stuk "exploding egg" in google and thats what you got, wonder how many variations of egg explosions there are

  16. what? u designed eggs? so Freddie what made you go for the final round and plain idea ?


    never thought about craching the eggg...i usualy boil it then peel the shell and whites apart and throw out the yolk....


    hmm i hav the weirdest urge to buy a tamogotchi ...mind you i am playing pokemon riiiite inow like i was in the que at brixton :P such a big kid...

  17. i was boiling an egg just for the egg whites tonite for dinner and was thinking....can you boil an egg in the microwave???


    well can you?

    im tempted to try but knowing my luk it would explode allll over me then it would be an....

    eggsaster and id be a big eggscrace....

    hmm i realy think i should find myself a hobby...

    *walks deeper into the Mika forum* :naughty:

  18. yeh the flashing hearts were supposed to be a way for other people to recognise one another buuut didnt really tell you there names :P also accents (as i found out) get in the way of tryin gto tell one another your name :P


    you know i unno whats wrong with me but i have to say i enjoyed meeting the other MFC'ers than rather seein mika perform...mind you i did have a wee cloud of badluk following me and everything that could go wrong DID go wrong....but yeh i enjoyed meeeting everyone of yous, finally puttin g aface to the name


    also thought it was funny how everyone calls each other by there screename on this rather than there real name ;p

  19. soo when i was down at brixton and i think many people can relate noone really new who other MFc'ers were soo heres my idea


    Mika Fan Club name badges ^^ just a wee badge (can mikafy it if you want :P) with your screen name that way everyone will no who you are :P


    what you think? be kind :naughty:

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